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HSC 29 Top Most Common Paragraph For 2020

Dowry means property or money brought by a bride to her husband when they marry. Usually in our society female children are considered inferior to male children. They are thought to be of no use to the family. So; during marriage ceremony a section of greedy people claim much wealth or money from the guardians of the brides. The poor and illiterate girls mainly become the victims of dowry. If the guardians fail to fulfil the demand of their bridegroom, they misbehave with their wives and sometimes torture them seriously. As a result many of them get divorced or commit suicide or are killed by their husbands. This system has affected our whole society. At present a father cannot think of the marriage of his daughter without giving dowry to the bridegroom. I am dead against this evil system of the society. This evil system should be uprooted from the society immediately. This social curse can be eliminated by changing the outlook of the people especially the male members of the society and by taking strict legal measures against the persons who take dowry.
2.Eve Teasing
Eve teasing in recent days has become a great problem for the common people. Most of the time school and college going girls fall a victim to Eve-teasing. Three or four teenager boys or even more grown up boys are seen standing at the corner of the road. They wear strange fashionable dress and long hair. Some of them smoke. When they see any young girl or woman passing by, they pass comments towards them. At this the girls or women feel very embarrassed and dishonoured. Eve teasers even do not hesitate to tease the mother of a girl. As a result, situation has become very difficult for girls. If anyone protests Eve-teasing, the teasers become violent and threaten the person who protests. They even threaten the girls to death or physical torture. In this regard, it is very difficult to tolerate the situation. Girls are afraid of going out. They even feel insecured to go to schools and colleges. Government has become quite aware of stopping this malpractice. Government has already empowered mobile courts to stop eve-teasing. Anyone, convicted of harassment of stalking of women will face a year in jail or a fine about 70 dollars or both. The mobile court has given authority to give punishment to the eve-teasers at once. Education Ministry has also initiated with the declaration that 13 June as the Eve-Teasing Protection Day which is encouraged to protect this social evil.
3. Etiquette and Manner
Man is a social animal. So following social code of behaviour is important for living in the society. These are called social behaviour. We have two terms to- describe our social behaviour - etiquette and manners. Etiquette is a French word. It is a set of rules dealing with exterior form. Manners are an expression of inner character. Rules of etiquette are the guiding codes that enable us to practice manners. Manner is considered to be polite in a particular society or culture. Manners can be good or bad. For example, it is a bad manner to speak with food in one’s mouth. No one likes a bad- mannered person. Etiquette and manners vary from culture to culture and from society to society. ‘The best place to learn manners and etiquettes is the home where the child spends most of its time. Besides home, we also learn etiquette and manners from various institutions, such as hoo1s, colleges or professional bodies. Again, there are rules of behaviour for all kinds of social occasions and it is important to learn them and practise them in everyday life. The manners that .are correct in a wedding reception will not do in a debating club. Therefore, ‘we have to be careful about etiquette and’ manners. A few polite expressions such as ‘pardon me,’‘excuse me’, ‘may I,’ can make our day smooth and pleasant. Although they do not cost anything, they bring us valuable gains. They enhance the pleasure of life. One can win over even the enemy if he presents good manners. Good manners and etiquettes are the key to success.
4. Adolescence
Human beings have to pass through many stages in their life since infancy. Adolescence is very important among these stages. It starts with puberty and extends slightly beyond it. It is called the transition period of human life. Its span is considerably short. It is characterized by fast -paced growth and change which are -second only to those at infancy. At the stage human beings start developing the ability to reproduce. Again, this stage enables them developing their individual identity. However, its major characteristics may vary across time, cultures, and socio-economic condition. Even these are changed as time passes. Now puberty for example, comes earlier than before, people marry late, and their sexual attitudes and behaviours are different from their grandparents, or even parents. Education, urbanization and spread of global communication are responsible for the change. In fact, adolescence is a period of preparation for adulthood. It paves human beings the way for moving toward social and economic independence acquisition of skills needed to carry out adult relationship and roles and the capacity for abstract reasoning. It is also a time of considerable risks for exercising powerful influences. In a nutshell, we can conclude that adolescence is the period which shapes the future of girls’ and boys’ lives.’
5. Folk Song
Folk song is a type of song sung in the traditional style of a country or community. Folk song includes the lifestyle of the rural people, with all their hopes: expectations, sorrows and dreams. The major folk songs of our country are Baul, Bhatiyali, Murshidi, Marfati, Janigan, Jatragan, Sharigan, Kabigan, Gambhira etc. Folk songs are sung by professional or amateur singers. They may be sung individually or in chorus. The traditional musical instruments of our country are Tabla, Dhol, Madal, Ektara, Bansi, Sitar, Kartal, Mandira, Dotara, Sarad, Sarinda etc. At present the young generations shows less interest An folk song. In general, band and pop music are the becoming more and more popular among the .young generation. Since folk song symbolizes our own culture and tradition we should keep ourselves attached with folk song.
                                                                                      6. Earthquake
Earthquake is a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, caused by the sudden breaking and movement of tectonic plates of the earth’s rocky outermost crust. The edges .of the tectonic plates are marked by faults. Most earthquakes occur along the fault lines when the plates slide past each other or collide against each other. It causes great damage to life and property. Buildings and other man-made structures collapse, power and gas are disrupted, tsunami and volcanic eruption occur. Earthquake is common in volcanic and mountainous regions. Bangladesh lies in the active earthquake zone. She has already experienced several mild earthquakes -during the recent decades and it becomes frequent in Bangladesh. Most of the people of our country know well what will happen if a major earthquake hits Bangladesh. The experts cannot give straight answer’ to what extent of damage Bangladesh will face in the event of a major earthquake. However, experts believe that earthquake is a major threat for Bangladesh because of her location and the recurrence of several mild earthquakes. For this, they are giving more attention to the issue of earthquake. So steps have to be taken immediately as precautions to minimize the losses. Increase of awareness development of earthquake resistant buildings and many her steps must be implemented as safety measures against earthquake. In this regard an active role of different media is also expected.
                                                                                      7. A Day Labourer
A day labourer is he who does heavy manual labour in various fields. He is quite known to all. He is to be healthy, strong and stout. He lives with his family in a slum. He gets up early in the morning and goes out in search of work. He works hard from dawn to dusk for his employer and gets his wages at evening. Then he goes to market, buys his daily necessaries and returns to his slum. He is always dependant on his employer. When he gets more work, he earns more and then he and the members of his family eat with their heart's content. Sometimes he and his family go without food if he can not manage work. However he is in great demand in harvesting season. The life of a day labourer is full of sorrows and sufferings. He can hardly enjoy peace and happiness. In all weathers-good and bad he works hard all day long and earns his livelihood by the sweat of his brow. He does not know what is rest. Though the service of a day labourer is of great importance, he is very much neglected. He is ill paid and can hardly make both ends. He is not hold in due respect. So we should have soft feeling for him so that he can lead a decent life with dignity.

                                                                                           8. Mobile Phone
Mobile phone is one of the wonderful wonders of science. It has added a new dimension to our life and to communication system. It is a telephone system that works without any wire. It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place. Through mobile phone, we can send messages to distant places, play games and sports, know about time, solve the work of calculation, be aware of different kinds of news and views. At present the popularity of the mobile phone is increasing. Many companies are also being set up for selling mobile phone. The price of mobile phone is also decreasing in comparison with the past. People are being encouraged to buy a mobile-phone set at a cheaper rate. However with the touch of science and technology, the whole world seems to be a global village. In a very single moment, we can communicate with the people living in a very distant place. With all its advantages, the mobile phone has still some drawbacks in disguise. Though the price of it is decreasing, per minute bill is not decreasing. So everybody cannot possess it. Scientists have recently discovered that mobile phone can cause cancer to the users. Besides, it has become a fashion with the young people. Last but not the least terrorists are using it to spread out terrorism all around the world. But in spite of all these disadvantages, it can be finalised here that the necessity of a mobile phone in exchanging messages can not be denied in the true sense of the term in our practical life.
                                                                                           9. DIGITIAL BANGLADESH
Digital Bangladesh is widely(IqvBWwj-e¨vcKfv‡e) spoken term in Bangladesh. We are trying to make our country digital in every sphere of life. Our government is also working tirelessly to implement(Bgwcwj‡g›U) this. Digital Bangladesh must guarantee(‡Mivw›Uª) efficient(Bwdm›U) and effective(B‡dKwUf) use of ICT. To make Digital Bangladesh we have to establish(GmUvewj¯U) technology(‡UK‡bvjwR) driven(WªvB‡fb) systems(wmm‡Ug) like e – governance, e- commerce, e- production, e- agriculture, e-health etc. To make Bangladesh digitally(wWwRU¨vwj) strong ICT infrastructure(Bbd«vKUviPvi) is a pre-requisite(wcwi-wiKzwqRxU). We should ensure electricity. Without solving electricity(B‡jKwUªwmwU) problem we will not be able to implement(Bg‡cwj‡g›U) our dream. English literacy rate in Bangladesh is less than one percent. We should learn English as there is a strong correlation(Kwi‡jkb) between English literacy(wjUv‡iwQ) and ICT development(‡Wfjc‡g›U). In the arena of ICT English has become the lingua(wjs¸qv franca. In effort to established Bangladesh as a Digital country, our government must make the use of computer and internet available(G‡fjA¨vfj-mPviPi) for all. Also the knowledge(bwjR) of computer should be made compulsory(Kgcyjmwi) for the students of primary level. Every school should be connected(Kv‡bK‡UW) under the web(I‡qe) of internet to teach the students about the necessity(‡b‡QwQwU) of technology to keep pace with the modern world. In a word, these steps must be met with success to build Digital Bangladesh.

10. Climate Change
Climate change has become(weKvg-nIqv) an alarming(A¨vjviwgs) term(Uvg©) in modern days. Due to environment(Bbfvqib‡g›U-cwi‡ek) pollution(cy‡jkb) climate of the whole world is going through(‡_ªv) an alarming change. Poor and developing(‡Wfjwcs) countries are now blaming(‡e‡jwgs) industrially developed countries(KvbwUwim) for destroying the harmony(nvigwb) of climate. Increase of burning of fossil fuel has been responsible(‡imcbwmej) for the rice of temperature(‡Ugcv‡iPvi). As the temperature(‡Ugcv‡iPvi) of the world is rising and the Ozone(IRb) layer is decaying(wW‡Ks), our world is becoming a gas chamber(‡Pgevi). Ice capes(K¨vcm) of polar regions(wiRbm) are melting. Sea level, consequently is rising. Hence, coastal(‡KvmUvj) areas are going under water. The alarming news for Bangladesh is that the southern(mvD`vb©) part of the country will one day go under the sea. It has already been seen that our southern part is losing its fertility(dviUvwjwU). Cultivable(KvjwUf¨vej) land is becoming salty and earth is becoming barren. Many species have already been extinct and some are on the verge of extinction(GKvªmwUskb).Ecological(B‡Kv‡jvwRK¨vj) balance is now facing catastrophe(K¨vUvmUªc). Natural(b¨vPvivj) calamities are visiting us frequently. To tackle(‡U‡Kj) this adverse(A¨vWfvim) situation we have to plant more trees and find out alternative(A¨vjUvi‡bwUf-weKí) source of fuel. In this regard, rich countries must come forward. Otherwise(Av`viIqvBm-Ab¨_vq) our planet will face doomsday(WygR‡WB-‡kl wePv‡ii w`b)  very soon.
11. Internet
Internet is the latest discovery of science and the greatest advancement(A¨vwPf‡g›U) in the field of communication. It is the computerized(KgwcDUvivBRW) process with telephone set. To get internet connection, it requires a modern telephone line and a different sort of software for using the network system. Like telephone number internet is maintained by its own number. There are two types of internet. They are on line internet and off line internet. One can get internet connection from three networking systems. They are LAN(Local Area network), MAN(Metropoliton Area Network) and WAN(World Wide Area Network).Now a days an internet is of great use to us. It has made the world smaller and brought the world within our reach. We can get information on every matter within a very short time. It has widened our knowledge and made us more thirsty for the unknown. It is a miracle. It works like Aladin’s magic.
12. Deforestation
Deforestation(wWd‡im‡Umb) means cutting down trees recklessly(‡iK‡jmwj) and destroying the forests. Deforestation is happening(n¨v‡cbBs) in many parts of the world including our country. Man’s ignorance is the main reason(wiRb) of it. Most people are not aware of the importance of trees. Ninety percent people of our country live in the villages. They are cutting down trees at random(i¨vbWg) for domestic purposes. Deforestation may turn a region into a desert. If there are no trees left in the forest, the weather will be extreme one. There will be less rainfall. This will cause great harm to our cultivation. Deforestation is a threat to our existence on earth. The temperature(‡Ugcv‡iPvi) of the world will increase because of deforestation. We can save the country from it only by planting more trees. The government should put a ban on cutting trees at least for some years. We must raise public awareness to control deforestation. The media can play a vital role in this respect. Every year the government launches tree plantation programme to make people aware of it. Our forests must be preserved(wcwiRvifW) at any cost. We should plant two trees before cutting one    
13. Price Hike
Price hike is a much-talked word now-a days. Price hike means rise of the prices of the essential(B‡mbmj) to such an extreme that it pinches the consumers and they feel that they are paying more than the usual price. There are multifarious(gvwëwdwiqvm) reasons behind it. Most prominent(‡cÖvwg‡b›U) of them is the cruel hand of the syndicate(wmbwW‡KU) regulating(‡i¸‡jwUs) the price. Hoarding(‡nviwWs) is also another important cause. Besides these, price spiral in the world market, natural(b¨vPvivj) calamities, less production(‡cÖvWvKmb) in comparison(Kgc¨vwimb) to the total consumers are mentionable(‡gbkbGej). Some money – minded, miser and greedy, selfish people are responsible(‡imcbwmej) for this. The common people have to suffer a lot for this. Being compelled(Kg‡cøW), they have started cutting off their daily list of consumptions. This problem should be solved at an early date. But the remedies are not easy ones to address. Still we have to make it. The govt. and law enforcing(Bb‡dviwms) bodies should strictly control and break down the syndicate regulating the prices of the essential. Hoarding must be prevented. Above all, our united effort can only play a vital role in addressing the problem.
The computer is a fairly recent invention. It refers to a special kind of electric machine that can perform mathematical calculations and process large masses of information at a great speed. The modern computer was invented by the American Scientist Howard Akin in 1937. A computer performs various functions. It can perform complex mathematical calculation in a few minutes. It handles millions of problems in a few seconds. It can run a business, play chess or even compose music. It provides information on the best way to prevent traffic jam. It can diagnose disease accurately. It can not work itself. It works on the basis of the command given by a human operator. It works on the clicking of its mouse. Computer has a great contribution on the activities of modern world. It has become an essential part of modern life. It has greatly benefited us. Nowadays it is used in offices, factories and banks. Worldwide money transfer and transaction of business has now become a matter of the clicking the mouse of a computer. It can send information to the other parts of the world through it in an instant. Modern world will come to a stand still without the use of computer.
15. Drug Addiction
Drug addiction means strong attraction for any harmful thing. It means taking heroine, opium, marijuana, morphin, cocaine, phensidyl etc. Persons who are addicted to these drugs cannot stop taking them. Drug addiction has now become one of the dangerous problems of our society. Drug addiction is not only a national but also a global problem. The drug addiction has grasped the younger generation of our country. Frustation is the cause of this addiction. When there is no hope left for the young people, they addict to drugs. Unemployment is another cause of it. The jobless youths get disappointed. Then they take drugs to forget the misery of life. Keeping bad company is also responsible(‡imcbwmej-`vqx) for it. Many youngster are falling victims of this deadly curse. Once they take it, they are caught in the death trap. Drugs have a terrible effect on human body. People feel drowsy and lose appetite. It may damage the brain and all internal function of the body. The addicts feel intense pain in his body. It may lead to death. So we feel that we have a moral obligation to fight against this dangerous enemy of our social life. The medias can make the people conscious of its dangerous effect. The govt. has taken measures to stop it. Drug business is punishable and the highest punishment is death sentence. Besides, the parents should be careful of their children. They should treat their children affectionately. We should also teach them religious values.
16. Female Education
Female education means education for girls or women. A country cannot expect all round development without education for all. About half of the total population of our country is women. We can not think of the prosperity of our country keeping this large part of population in the dark. So women education is a must. Women need education for many reasons. Firstly, women have to do some special tasks and duties. They need education to perform these duties properly. Secondly, every woman is a potential mother. The life of a child greatly depends on its mother. Being educated they can bring up and educate their children. the future of the nation properly. So Napoleon rightly says, "Give an educated mother and I will give you an educated nation." Thirdly, educated women can share social responsibilities with men and can play an important role in nation building. An educated wife can surely help her husband in different Ways. Finally, we cannot deny the fact that educated women become conscious of their rights. duties and responsibilities. Now it is clear that women are as important as men. So women should be properly educated and employed. They should be empowered in all possible fields so that they can make contribution in national development. It is a good sing that our government has taken some positive steps to encourage female education. However, something more should be done to make all the girls or women educated and empowered.
17. Diaspora
The term ‘diaspora’ denotes the movement of people from their ancestral homeland to live and work in other country. Its origin is traced in thousands years back. In the Bible there is reference of diaspora. In the history of human civilization, we find a number of events of it. In the history of mankind, Jews people were the first mover. Their ancestor Abraham was forced to leave Iraq and took shelter in Egypt. In Egypt he was a mover also. Then his offspring Jews were forced to leave Egypt and settled themselves in Palestine. In Palestine the Jews were the exoduses. Later many of them were forced to leave Palestine during Islamic era. These Jews people shifted themselves in Europe and then America. Recently scholars have distinguished between different kinds of exoduses based on its causes such as imperialism, trade or labour migrations or by the kind of social coherence. The Aryans also left their central Europe thousands of years ago and settled in Indian continent. Globalization has facilitated people to people connection. Diaspora,in one country helps to bridge gaps between nations, hence it strengthens globalization. So, globalization has great influence on diaspora.
18. Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh
Rohingya, they've been described as the "world's most persecuted minority". The Rohingya are a majority-Muslim ethnic group who have lived in the Buddhist nation of Myanmar for centuries. They have faced persecution at the hands of Myanmar's military since the country's independence in the late 1940s. Buddhists in Myanmar believe that Rohingya are Bengali who migrated to Myanmar illegally during the British rule in the subcontinent. Recently, a military crackdown held in August 2017 which creates a new mass exodus of Rohingyas towards Bangladesh and many other countries. Most Rohingya have sought refuge in and around Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh. There they spend their days and nights in an inhuman condition. Bangladesh govt and foreign organizations try their utmost to handle this situation. But it is getting worse day by day.UNO, Turkey and many other Muslim and non-muslim countries are trying to stop this heinous work of Myanmar govt. Though their state councilor ONG SAN SUKI declared that she will give all the rights of Rohingya
                                                                           19. Food Adulteration
Food adulteration means mixing low quality and unhygienic materials with food. That is a heinous deed. It is considered to be one of the major problems in our country. There are many reasons for this problem. Mainly, greed for more profit and dishonest businessmen are responsible for food adulteration. There is hardly any food that is not adulterated in one way or another. There are many bad impacts of adulterated food. They are generally harmful to the health and cause serious health problems like digest problem, diarrhea, dysentery, and cancer. It reduces the quality of the food and this weakens our health. Various hotels and restaurants are also serving poisonous and unhealthy menus. Now the problem is going out of control. The situation cannot go on. The government should come forward to solve the problem. An effective law should be enforced against the culprits. They must be punished. We should try to avoid adulterated foods. We should realize the bad consequence of food adulteration. Mass media can play an important role creating public awareness. We can surely remove this problem through our sincere and united steps.
                                                                        20. Gender Discrimination
Gender discrimination is the difference between male and female in respect of enjoying rights. It is a great social problem in Bangladesh. Female children are the worst sufferers of this and it is very much shocking that it beings at birth. There are many causes behind it. Social prejudices and customs tend our male dominated society to degraded women’s position. Religious misinterpretation and social structures also contribute to it. Besides, the parents think that the male can contribute more to the family. So, from the very early stage, parents take more care in all respect for the male children. The consequences of gender discrimination is very harmful. The female develop a mental complexity of being inferior. They can not think that they are perfect human beings. On the other hand, female education is greatly hamper and the female population fall a serious victim to our evil dowry system. However, this problem cannot be solved overnight. For this our outlook towards the girls should be changed. It should be well established that women are equal partners to men. Proper education should be ensured for both male and female child. Above all, we will be able to come out of this social curse only when we will realize the fact properly that women are not merely women, rather they are human beings.
21. Environment Pollution
Nature, land, air, water and all other things around us in which we live are called environment . .Environment pollution means a remarkable(wigvK©Gej) change in chemical(‡Kwg‡Kj), physical(wdwRK¨vj) and biological(ev‡qvjwRK¨vj) characteristics(K¨v‡iKUviwUKm) of environment .It has become a serious problem in our country. In our cities the air is constantly(KbGmUv›Uwj) being polluted by smoke from factories and for vehicles(‡fBKj). The ground we walk on in both urban and rural areas, is polluted by uncollected(AvbKv‡jK‡UW) garbage. Water is polluted particularly(cviwUKzjviwj) as a result of untreated(AvbwUª‡UU) sewage. Industrial(BbWvmwUªqvj) waste and insecticides(Bb‡mKwUmvBW) alarmingly pollute water. The another form of pollution is sound pollution. We have noise from motor vehicles, mills and factories, aeroplanes, domestic(W‡gmwUK) appliance, radio, cassette player and so on. The air we breath, the water we drink , the food we take are not always absolutely(A¨vemy‡jUwj) pure for health. Environment pollution leads us to the way of death. And for this, effective(B‡dKwUf) steps should be taken immediately(BwgwWA¨vUwj).
Nowadays a book fair has become very popular. It has created a sense of interest for books amongst the general mass. In a book fair hundreds of pavillions are set up. All sorts of books-fictions, text books, dramas, children books, reference books etc are displayed. There are also food and drink stalls. A book fair becomes crowdy specially in the evening Both male and female customers gather a book fair. The writers also visit the fair regularly. Seminars and cultural programmes are also held. A book fair reminds us that books are our best companions. They are always at our side when we are in danger. They change our outlook on life and widen our domain of knowledge. It is books which help us to forget jealousy, malice and superstition. Again we get these best friends at a cheaper rate from a book fair.
Load-shedding means the discontinuation of supply of electricity. Load-shedding occurs when generation of power is less than the demand and also for unplanned distribution of electricity. It creates problems of far reaching consequences in the socio-economic development of a country. Houses, mills, factories, industries, shop, hospitals all fall a victim to it. The running mills, factories and Industries come to a standstill. Failure of electricity hampers productivity. Domestic life becomes painful. The housewives grope in the darkness in the kitchen. The sufferings of the students due to load shedding beggar description. The patients also suffer terribly for load shedding. Operations are stopped. The food kept in the refrigerators get rotten. The commodities preserved in cold storages get spoiled. In fact, load shedding causes great sufferings to the people and an irreparable loss to the country. The entire life-domestic and industrial-comes to a standstill. An all out effort should be made to stop load-shedding.                                                                                                                                                                    
                                                                                  24. TRAFFIC JAM
Traffic jam is a long line of vehicles that cannot move or that can only move very slowly because there is so much traffic on the road. Traffic jam is a common affair in the big cities and towns. It is one of the major problems of modern time. The causes of traffic jam are many. In proportion to our population roads have not increased. The roads are all the same. There are many unlicenced vehicles which should be brought under control. The drivers are not willing to obey the traffic rules. They want to drive at their sweet will. Overtaking tendency also causes traffic jam. The number of traffic police is insufficient. At office time traffic jam is intolerable. Sometimes traffic jam is so heavy that it blocks half a kilometre. It kills our valuable time and our work is hampered. It causes great sufferings to the ambulance carrying dying patients and the fire brigade vehicles. However, this problem can be solved by adopting some measures. Well planned spacious roads should be constructed. One way movement of vehicles should be introduced. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly so that the drivers are bound to obey them. Sufficient traffic police should be posted on important points. Unlicenced vehicles should be removed. After doing all these things we can hope to have a good traffic system for our easy and comfortable movement.
                                                                  25. Natural Calamities In Bangladesh
Natural calamity means natural disaster caused by nature. Bangladesh is a land of natural calamities. These calamities are flood, cyclone, earthquake, tidal bores, excessive rainfall, drought, river erosion, and earthquake. Almost all of these natural calamities visit Bangladesh every year, and we count a heavy loss every year owing to these natural calamities. There are some causes behind these natural calamities. Environmental pollution, climate change, global warming, greenhouse effect, deforestation lack of plans etc. are responsible for these natural calamities. The effects of natural calamities are dangerous. They cause a great loss to our life and properties. Many people suffer untold sufferings. They become homeless and helpless. Houses are destroyed, cattle are washed away, crops are greatly damaged and trees are uprooted. The prices of all essentials go up. Famine breaks out. Thousands of people and animals die for want of food. Many dangerous diseases like cholera, typhoid, diarrhea and dysentery break out in an epidemic form. The educational institutions are closed down for a long time. In a word the whole nation undergoes extreme sufferings and socio-economic pressure. Though we cannot prevent natural disasters as we have no hand in nature, we can reduce the damage caused by natural calamities. The government as well as the conscious citizens should come forward to raise public awareness to reduce the losses caused by natural calamities.
                                                                               26. The Importance of Learning English
English is an international language. It is used to communicate with the people of all over the world. Wherever we go or study, we can communicate with each other via this language. We know that knowledge is power and the knowledge bank is in the books and in the online. All most all the books of different countries and writers are available in English language. If we do not have a good order over this language, we will deprive of gathering knowledge. Also in our higher education level, all the books are in English. So to have a gorgeous degree and to be an educated person, learning English is very important. Online is now the most important part of modern life. Without it, we cannot pass a single day; the language of Online is in English. If we search anything and want to get a better result, it should be in English. Most of the official papers all over the world are prepared in English. Most of the organizations want those personnel who have a better knowledge over English. This age of free market era, all the organizations need to communicate with other countries. That is why English is must to have a good job. Besides them, there many more importance is in learning English.
                                                                                           27. Nuclear Family
A nuclear family means a small- family consisting of only husband, wife and their children. It has some advantages. A nuclear family is calm. and quiet because there are only a few family members. So, one can enjoy peace and happiness in a nuclear family. One need not think of others. So, one enjoys -much time to do a lot of work. In a nuclear family, one has got less duties and responsibilities than in an extended family. So, one can remain free from anxiety. He can have much free time to move. In a nuclear family, specially a student enjoys much free time. So, he can study more and more. Again, a nuclear family is free from noise and disturbance. So, one feels very happy there. But there is no unmixed blessing in the world. Nuclear, family’ is not without its disadvantages. One often feel’s very lonely and bored. If any member faces any problem, there is none to come forward to extend his help to him or her. In a nuclear’ family it becomes very difficult to take any important decision because his/her decision may ‘not be wise always.
                                                                                           28. Acid throwing
Acid throwing is one of the most heinous crimes. Now-a-days it is very rampant in our country. Almost every day we find the news of acid throwing in all the newspapers of our country. However frustrated lovers are involved in this evil activity. Where they fail to win the heart of their beloved, they try to have revenge. Finding no other way of taking revenge, they throw acid on them. The effect of acid throwing is very destructive. In most cases the victims succum to injuries. And those who survive drag a very miserable life. Either they are crippled or paralysed. The victims also look ugly because their appearance and body become deformed. Acid throwing is an inhuman and barbarous act. It turns a man into beast. So stern steps should be taken to stop acid throwing and the criminals should be dealt with examplary punishment.
29. Leisure/ Pastime
Leisure is the time when a man is free from routine work and can do whatever he like best. In a word, it is a temporary relief from the monotonous routine task of our daily life. Village people spend their leisure by flying kites, fishing, playing swimming and gardening. City people spend their leisure by shopping, reading books, watching television, using computer, going park and zoo. The common sports are football, cricket, ha du du, chess etc. and the common pastimes are gossiping listening radio, watching television, reading books and newspapers etc. In late winter, the nature looks very beautiful and the sky remains very clear. Different kinds of flowers are bloomed everywhere. People enjoy it very much. In the late winter, many people travel from one place to another and enjoy the natural beauty. Besides, people enjoy then various kinds of games like badminton, volleyball, dariabandha and ha-du-du etc. Travelling is a good leisure. It refreshes our mind and broadens our outlook. Nevertheless, it is true that travelling is an expensive pastime. As I am a student, I do not get much time for leisure. I spend my leisure by playing cricket and reading novels on holiday, watching television and visiting many nice places. However, leisure should be significant for everyone.

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