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Most Important Report Writing For HSC Students

Report Writing
1. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
Miseries of Rohingya People
Staff Reporter. The Daily Star. 15 December 2019: More than half a million Rohingya people have crossed the border into Bangladesh since the start of the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar’s Rakhine state.
They took shelter in different points of Cox’s Bazar district such as Tekhnaf, Ukhiya, Balukhali, Kutupalong, etc. Their miseries are beyond description. Most of the people live under the tents and under the open sky. Many organizations and individuals operate relief among them but they are not enough. Many injured people are not getting treatment due to the shortage of medical team even they cannot take relief due to the injury. Bangladesh government and the international organizations are providing medical treatment by setting up temporary medical camp. Crisis of pure drinking water is a great reason of the refugees’ being affected by different kinds of waterborne diseases. Sanitation facilities are not enough and now it has turned to be a great problem for health and environment. The worst sufferers are the orphans whose parents were killed by the army of Myanmar or missing at the time of fleeing. Every refugee camp is overcrowded. Recently, many leaders of developed countries, ambassadors and heads of the international organizations have visited the border area to see the miseries of Rohingya people. Bangladesh and Myanmar authority are discussing to take them back to their own land.
2. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
Massive Fire Accident Occurring In Ha-Mim Garment
Khairul. Savpr: 14 December 2019: A devastating fire has recently gutted Ha-Mim Garment at Ashulia, Savar leaving a total of 31 people dead. The cause of the fire in the factory is still unknown. Smoke engulfed the whole building as a result of which the people inside the building could not come out 01 the building in spite of their best efforts. The Fire Brigade and Civil Defence rushed to the spot immediately to extinguish fire. The Bangladesh Army and the Bangladesh Air Force also sent their personnel and helicopters to rescue the affected people. Even the people from all walks of life joined the rescue operation spontaneously. After working hard for nearly 8 hours, the Fire Brigade and Civil Defence in collaboration with the other agencies succeeded in extinguishing fire. The fire took 31 lives and many others got severely wounded. The wounded persons were admitted to different hospitals and clinics of the city. The govt. has formed a 3- member inquiry committee to ascertain the cause of the fire.
3. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
Devastating Floods in the Northern Regions of the Country
The Daily Sun. Dhaka. December 08. 2019 : Sudden flood caused by continuous showers and currents rushing in from upper riparian regions has inundated the northern regions of the country and submerged a large number of houses and huge hectares of cornfields or cultivable lands. People have been rendered homeless and they have taken shelter in educational institutions and office buildings. Livestock and poultry are in most miserable conditions. Five elderly men, two women and four children have been reported to have died and a large number of cattle and other animals have been seen floating in the vast expanse of water. Many trees have been uprooted and standing crops are utterly damaged. Marooned people are in dire need of food, clothes, drinking water and medicine. The worst affected districts of the northern region include Kurigram, Gaibandha, Rangpur, Lalmonirhat, Bogra, Sirajganj and Nilphamari. The sufferings of the people of these districts beggar belief.
The effects of the floods on the socio-economic life of people residing in these areas know no bounds. Short-term or long-term rehabilitation programes should be taken to minimize the loss. The Government authorities and the NGOs are distributing relief materials among the flood- stricken people. But the relief materials are inadequate compared to the need of the affected people. The top level support of the government is a crying need. More organizations should come forward to relieve the untold miseries of the distressed people.
4. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
Indiscriminate Use of Life-threatening Chemicals in Food and Fruits
Staff Reporter The Daily Star 10 December 2017: Now food adulteration has become a serious problem in our country. Even the villages are not free from this curse. By eating adulterated foods people are suffering from many diseases of heart, liver; lung, kidney etc. Recently mobile courts have launched campaigns in the main cities of the country.
The mobile courts have found that food adulteration is occurring on a large scale across the country. The mobile courts have also found unsafe levels of pesticides especially formalin in various food items. They have discovered that fishes vegetables, fruits etc. are serious adulterated with formalin. They have also found unsafe amounts of pesticides in milk, mil products and some items of manufactured food. We know formalin is used for preserving the dead body. But to our great horror, this poisonous element is being used on a large scale to preserve food items. Consequently, people are suffering greatly. In fact, by eating these adulterated foods, people irrespective of age are meeting with an immature death. Hopefully, the government is going to take strict measures against the culprits who are involved in adulterating food items by mixing formalin and other poisonous things with foods. In this respect, people from all walks of life must come forward and help the government to make this campaign a grand success.
5. Writing a report on situation/event/Incident
The Impact of Facebook on Young Generation
Staff Reporter. The Daily Star: 17 December 2019: Nowadays, Facebook is a great attraction to the people of almost all ages. But according to the present survey, specially the young people have an alarming inclination to Facebook. The young people of all ages whether they are school-going, college-going or university-going, are addicted to using Facebook. Some of them accept the good things from Facebook. Many boys and girls use Facebook to develop and maintain friendship. Through this medium, they exchange ideas. And they learn many things. But most of them are browsing various websites with the aid of Facebook. They mainly like to browse the nude websites. As a result, they are being degraded morally. Being influenced by Facebook, some of them are involved in immoral activities. Most of the school-going students waste their valuable time in using Facebook.
Since they cannot use Facebook in front of their parents, they use their Facebook at night being awake closing the door of their bedroom in the name of reading books. Some parents do not give high-resolution mobile sets to their school-going children but they cannot help giving high- definition mobile-set to their college-going and university-going sons or daughters.
Consequently, the impact of Facebook on young generation does not stop. Fahima Khatun, a resident of Khilgaon, tells the reporter that Niloy being their only son had got golden A+ in the JSC Examination but he was not able to get GPA—4 in the SSC Examination owing to the culprit, Facebook let alone GPA—5. Thus, many guardians are being disappointed thinking the future career of their children. Who will save/protect the young generation from the clutch of Facebook? Nobody can answer this question.
6. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
Devastating Consequences of Drug Addiction in the Context of Bangladesh
Sumona Afroje. Dhaka. 24 December 2017 : Drug addiction has become a great danger in Bangladesh. A large number of people especially the young generation are addicted to drugs or opium-based products including morphine, heroin, marijuana, cocaine, LSD, yaba etc. Nowadays, drug addicts are found everywhere in the streets, in the parks and even in the educational institutions. The number of drug addicts is increasing gradually. Most of them are addicted at their teenage. When they realize the consequences of drug addiction, it is too late. They want to shirk off the habit, but they cannot.
When the drug addicts do not get money to buy drugs, they become ferocious. They misbehave towards their parents. Even they become terrorists, By kidnapping, hijacking or committing robbery, They manage money to buy drugs. The final consequence of drug is very devastating. It causes death through severe affliction and suffering. The parents, the government and the authority concerned should come forward to take initiatives with a view to putting an end to this
7. Writing a report on situation/event/Incident
Nazrul’s Birth Anniversary Celebrated
Sumona, Naopon. 26 May 2019. The ‘X’ College at Khaniarpara celebrated Nazrui Joyanti marking the birth anniversary of our national poet, Kazi Nazrul Islam.
The college auditorium was decorated beautifully on this occasion. The students and the teachers of this college and some Invited literary figures attended the celebration programme. The function began with the recitation from the holy Quran at 9:00 in the morning. Then a few students, teachers and the invited literary persons delivered their valuable speeches. They discussed the life and works of Nazrul Islam.
After that, some students of the college sang a few songs composed by Nazrul Islam. Then a recitation competition was held. In this competition, students recited poems written by Nazrui. At last, prizes were given away among the competitors, and thus the function came to an end.
8. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
Month-long Book Fair or Ekushey Boi Mela Sujon. Staff Reporter, The Daily Star, Dhalca: 2 March 2019 : Ekushey Boi Mela is organized by Bangla Academy. The fair was held on the Bangla Academy premises. This year, the fair”was visited by all the people irrespective of caste creed and colour. There were a huge number of books on various subjects in many stalls of different publishers. The main thing about a book fair was not sale but the display of books on different subjects by different writers. Many novice writers wish to start their career from a book fair. The book lovers purchased books of their choice. There was a chance of comparing books of different writers published by different publishers.
However, there were some mismanagements too. Some stalls were also found selling snacks and thus polluting the environment of the entire area. And they were badly managed as well. These stalls were polluting the environment of the fair and as a result, some people visiting the fair felt embarrassed to see the nasty environment of the fair. Undoubtedly, a book fair is very important for the enlightened section of the people.
9. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
Annual Sports Held in Pabna Cadet College
Rajan. Pabna. December 29. 2019 : The annual sports were held in Pabna Cadet College yesterday. The college authority arranged this enthusiastic event as a part of co-curricular activities in the current academic session. The annual sports were held on the college ground in a befitting atmosphere. The college ground was decorated with colourful flags and paper designs. A beautiful artistic gate was erected at the entrance of the college compound. Sitting arrangements for the guests and spectators were made under a large canopy. The sports started at 8 a.m. when the Principal hoisted the national flag with the band of national anthem. There were 25 events in which students took part according to their own choice. Spectators enjoyed the excellent performances of the students in all the events. At the end of the programme, the winners were awarded different attractive prizes. Mr. Rafiqul Islam, Deputy Commissioner, Pabna who was the chief guest, distributed the prizes. All other students, teachers and guardians enjoyed the sports meet.
10. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
The Increasing Prices of Essential Commodities
jakir. Dhaka: 2 December 2019 : More than ever the prices of essential commodities are going up by leaps and bounds. All previous records of high prices have been broken. Rice, fish, meat, chicken, kerosene oil, edible oils and vegetables are being sold at exceedingly high prices. The price-hike hits the poor people. However, the prices of rice and vegetables have gone down recently owing to seasons new rice and vegetables. But one kilo of soyabean oil, sold at taka 100.00 one month back, is now being sold at Tk. 120.00. Similarly the price of kerosene oil now brings sufferings to the villagers. The hoarders are responsible for this. Strict measures should be taken by the government to curb the hoarder’s ill-motive which creates artificial crisis of essential commodities. Govt. has already made open sale arrangement of rice to check the price-hike and as such it is now under control. But the prices of sugar, washing soap, onion, garlic and other spices are beyond the purchasing capacity of common men. As a result, the consumers have to undergo sufferings due to price hike. The authority concerned is being requested to look into the matter and to take strict measures so that the prices of essential commodities remain within the reach of common people.
11. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
Students’ Failure in English - Its Causes
Staff Correspondent, The Daily Star. 30 December 2019 : Why a huge number of students fail in English is really shocking. English is a compulsory subject at all levers of our education. Yet many fail in the public examinations. Certainly there are many causes of student’s failure in English in our country.
Most of the students of our country are not interested in learning English. They just want to pass the examinations. Then they only memorise some answers and hope to get them common in the exams. This method does not help them pass the exams. Next, many students consider English as problem and they even do not try to overcome this problem. They cannot remove the fear of English and they fail in the exams. Again, we have not been able to invent the right approach to learn in English for our students. Moreover, the textbooks are not devised and designed or written well. The texts are not suitable for our students and do not facilitate proper learning. Our teachers are not trained enough to set questions properly. The present pattern of setting questions discourages our students to learn English. Rather they memorise the answers.
Now, it is time to think deeply about this problem. For this, we have to design our syllabus suitably. We have to introduce an appropriate way of learning English which will help our students to learn English and overcome the disgrace of failure in English.

12. Writing a report on situation/event/Incident
Corruption in Bangladesh
Adrian. Dhaka, 02 July 2019 : Corruption is a burning question nowadays. Almost all the government sectors are now afflicted with a widespread corruption. It has broken the record of the past. But there is none to raise his voice against this social cancer. Political corruption is unlimited. The corrupt politicians do not try to realize that by adopting corruption they harm not only the society but also their own families. The corrupt officials are sucking up the blood of the state’s economy and are retarding the socio-economic progress of the country. Without taking bribe no person in authority is doing anything.
It is high time the authority concerned brought the corrupt politicians and officials to book and gave an exemplary punishment. The Anti Corruption Commission along with other concerning institutions should come forward to take stern actions against the corrupt persons/ organizations boldly and impartially. The mass media also can play a significant role in this regard.
13. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
Cultural Programme Held in Govt. Bangla College
Mariam. Dhaka: 24 December 2019: The Cultural Programme of Govt. I3angla College, Dhaka was held in the college premises in a befitting manner yesterday.
Presided over by the Principal of the college the function was attended by the local MP as the chief guest while the DC of Dhaka was present as the special guest. Distinguished guests and guardians also attended the inaugural function. The events of the daylong programme included music, recitation, dance, story telling, extempore speech, pantomime and chorus. The function was followed by distribution of prizes. The chief guest delivered a valuable speech. In his speech he attached much importance to the need for such a programme in the college. He encouraged the students for their laudable performances.
A senior assistant professor conducted the programme that was concluded by staging a one-act play ‘Kabar’ wiitten by Munier Chowdhury.
14. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
The Problem of Traffic Jana in Dhaka City
Staff Reporter, The Daily Star, Dhaka. 7 December 2019 : The problem of traffic jam is acute in Dhaka city. It becomes intolerable especially during the time of the beginning of schools, colleges and universities. It happens when different vehicles especially rickshaws want to move ahead 01 each other. The narrow street conditions and violating the traffic rules are other reasons for traffic jam in the city.
People especially the students and the emergency services feel much helpless and frustrated when they get stuck in a traffic jam. Many people fail to attend their office in time. The worst victims are the emergency patients carried in the ambulances to the hospitals and clinics. Rickshaw-pullers also suffer a lot because they lose their valuable time moving very slowly towards their destination. This jam can be removed if some measures can be taken sternly. Widening the roads, reducing the number of rickshaws and above all growing public awareness are necessary for solving the problem of traffic jam.
The dwellers of Dhaka city expect that the government and other authorities concerned would come forward immediately to salve the problem.
15. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
Miserable Conditions of Slum Dwellers
Staff reporter, The News Today: 10 December 2019: More than five lakh people lead inhuman life in different slums around the capital. The numbers of slum-dwellers are increasing day by day. While answering Kuddus Mia, a slum-dweller from Khilgaon, said that they suffer from a series of problems. They have no facility of pure drinking water, gas, electricity, sewerage system. They pass their days amidst scorching heat, biting said and heavy rainfall. They live from hand to mouth. Zarina Begum, a slum-dweller at Mirpur said that she and some of her neighbours are the victims of sexual exploitation. The local miscreants and the notorious criminals torture them. They use the slums for taking drugs, selling drugs and doing other anti-social activities. Most of the slum-dwellers are rickshaw-pullers, day-labourers, hawkers etc. They are deprived of basic needs. Their children cannot go to schools as there are no primary schools in most of the slum areas. They do not get proper medicine and treatment. So the ways of living of the slum-dwellers are very deplorable. The law enforcing agencies must be aware of these problems and take stern pragmatic actions against the criminals. Proper steps should be taken by the government in this regard to minimize their sufferings.

16. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
Outbreak of Untimely Rainfall in Dhaka City
Staff Correspondent. The Daily Star. Dhaka. December 18, 2019: Heavy rainfall occurred continuously in and around Dhaka city for the last two days. The outbreak of untimely rainfall detained the Dhaka city dwellers from moving from one place to another. Torrential rains made the lifestyle of the city dwellers stagnant.
Rainfall overflowed the roads and the streets of the lower areas of Dhaka city. People have to walk through knee-deep water. Water clogging in different parts of Dhaka city has become very acute. It has taken a serious turn. Transport system in and around Dhaka city has become a dead lock. The sewerage system has already collapsed by prolonged and untimely rainfall. The sufferings of Dhaka city dwellers beggar description.
The government, the city corporation and the authority concerned should come forward to take steps to minimize the crisis. Proper drainage and sewerage system, recovery of canals, development of infrastructure and short-term and long-term schemes should be implemented. Experts say that if the aforesaid initiatives were taken, Dhaka city dwellers could get rid of the problems.
17. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
The Deteriorating Law and Order Situation of Our Country
Staff Correspondent, Khulna: December 10. 2019: The overall law and order situation has deteriorated to an alarming extent all over the country. Very often we read the events of dacoity, snatching, kidnapping, killing, rape etc. on the pages of newspaper. Women are frequently seen to be raped and killed in different districts of the country. In the capital city also these events are found to occur every now and then. The most dreadful thing is that the criminals are committing these crimes without being hindered. Committing these crimes most of the criminals remain out of the touch of the police. Many of the victims of these cruel activities are being deprived of justice as they cannot open their mouth in the fear of these terrorists. Girls are being teased on their way to schools or colleges on regular basis by the perverted criminals.
The overall situation has deteriorated to such an extent that many girls are compelled to have recourse to committing suicide. This is very pathetic reflecting a dark aspect of the country. These helpless girls finding no way of getting rid of these criminals kill themselves. This situation should not be allowed to go on. It is not possible for government alone to stop these criminal activities People from all walks of life have to come forward to help the government to get rid of this naked situation.
18. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
Water logging in Dhaka City
Special Correspondent. Dhaka. 3 November 2019 : Water logging in different parts of the city of Dhaka is very acute. At present, it has taken a serious turn. The sufferings of the city dwellers beggar description. They have been pursuing the government repeatedly to put a stop to the problem. May be, to solve this problem is rather difficult. But steps may be taken to reduce the problem. Buildings have been constructed in an unplanned way blocking the sewerage line ignoring the rules prescribed by the RAJUK. The rainwater of Dhaka city falls to the Buriganga through some canals. These canals have already been filled in and numerous buildings have been constructed there making the problem more acute.
During the rainy day, people have to walk through knee-deep water. The vehicles stop running. The concerned authority has been requested several times to solve the water logging problem. It has become a very crucial problem for the city dwellers. In this connection, attempts should be made to reclaim the occupied canals so that the water of Dhaka city can flow unhindered. If this can be done, the problem of water logging of Dhaka city will be solved to some extent. The earlier it is done, the better it will be.
19. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
Deforestation and Its Devastating Consequences
Staff Correspondent, The Daily Star, Jessore, 3 December 2017: Deforestation has been appearing as a great danger to world’s climate. It disturbs our ecological balance and leads to soil erosion and deprives us of fruit and timber and causes economic loss. Trees are our best friend. They help us in various ways as they provide us with wood and other products, give us shade and help to prevent drought and floods. But unscrupulous men are cutting down trees in a large number and are strengthening deforestation. As a result of deforestation, carbon dioxide is increasing worldwide making the world warmer. It also causes the rise of the sea level and thereby floods coastal areas and farmland. In our country the number of trees is decreasing at an alarming rate. If this continues, one day our country will be reduced to a desert. Scientific study says that every country should have 25% forest of its main land but we have only 16% which is already in a threat. Therefore, it is high time we took initiatives to make people abstain from cutting down trees for the welfare of the nation and the world.
20. Writing a report on situation/event/incident
Road Accident in Rajshahi
Rajan Rajshahi 10 June 2019 : A terrible road accident took place near the Rajshahi bus stand last night. Seven people were killed including the driver of the bus and about twenty people including three women and two children were severely injured in the accident. The injured were rushed to the hospital by the police.
A passenger bus carrying forty people was going to Dhaka from Rajshahi. The bus was overtaking a rickshaw. A stone loaded truck was coming from the opposite direction and they had a head-on collision. The bus was overturned and five people including a woman were killed on the spot while many were fatally injured. One more woman and a child were killed while being taken to hospital. The air of the nearby area was filled with the crying and groaning of the victims. The people around came forward to rescue the people trapped inside the bus. The police of the local thana reached the spot within fifteen minutes. They helped take the injured people to the Rajshahi Sadar Hospital.
Ten men were released after giving preliminary treatment while others were struggling for life. A case was filed with the Sitakund thana by the police.
21. Suppose, you are a reporter of a national daily. You are assigned to cover a book fair at Bangla Academy Premises. Now write a report on It.
Ekushey Boi Mela Mninul, Dhaka,10th February 2019:
The Ekushey book fair has started from 1St February. The Bangla Academy has organized the fair in its premises. This year about 50 stalls have been set up by different publishers. There are a huge number of books on various subjects. The main thing about a book fair is not sale but display of books on different subjects by different writers. Specially the new writers want to start their career from a book fair. The fair remains open from 10 am. People of all ages come to visit the fair. Usually the fair becomes crowded in the evening and it becomes flooded on Friday. The writers also visit book fair. The youngstars rushed to the book fair where they can see their favourite writer. They relentlesly persue the writer to give autograph. The writers presence inerease the sale of the book. In a book fair there are also some food stalls and tea stalls. The visitors can take rest for a while in the food stalls and can take snacks and tea. But sometimes these pollute the environment because of mismanagement. In the evening, Bangla Academy arranges some cultural programmes which give extra attraction to the fair. Seminars and symposiums are also held in a book fair. Famous writers and eminent persons of our country participate in those seminars. Thus a book fair plays a vital role to enlighten a nation.
22. Suppose, you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on the celebration of the ‘Independence Day’ in your hometown. [C. B. 20171
Nazrul Islam, Rangpur, 27 March 2014
Independence Day was observed with due respect and solemnity in Rangpur. A fair, marking the Independence and National Day, began on March 24. The three-day fair also included discussions, poetry recitation session, staging of dramas and cultural functions performed by the artists of Zila Shilpakala Academy, Udichi Shilpi Goshthi, Uddipon Sangski-itik Sangha, Aronnyak Shilpi Sangstha among others. Speakers at the discussion urged the presence at the cultural programmes to teach the next generation the zeal of patriotism and to be enlightened with the teaching of Liberation War. Over 25 book stalls, including two from Dhaka, were set up at the fair, organised by Rangpur district administration under the patronization of Jatiya Grantha Kendra as part of Independence Day celebrations.
On 26 March, a competition was organized by Zila Shishu Academy at the auditorium of the academy where over 50 students of different classes from different schools took part in three categories.

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