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Poem of parts of speech

Parts of Speech –cvU©m& Ae ¯úxP&

‡Kvb wKQzi bvg‡K e‡j Noun
‡hgb XvKv Town|
Pronoun-Gi e¨envi nq
ïay GKUv k‡Z©
Noun-Gi cwie‡Z©|
qLb Zywg GUv †mUv
Ki‡Z wKQz cvi‡e
co‡e †mUv Verb-G|
Noun/Pronoun –Gi †`vl ¸Y
Ae¯’v, msL¨v, cwigvY
mewKQz wg‡j iÿv K‡i
Adjective-Gi gvb|
Adjective mv‡ne hLb  ly ‡K wb‡q
Verb-Gi wc‡Q wc‡Q P‡j
Grammarian-MY ‡mB kã‡K
Adverb e‡j|
m¤úK© iÿvi †ÿ‡Î †gviv
Preposition awi
Conjunction Qvov wKfv‡e e‡jv
‡hvM –we‡qvM Kwi?
Kf’ hw` Lyu‡R cvB †gviv
myL -`y:L Avi Djøv‡mi AwZkvqb
‡m_vq G‡m Ry‡o e‡m
‡eUv Interjection|

Every name is called a noun,
As field and fountain, street and town.
In place of noun the pronoun stands,
As he and she can clap their hands.
The adjective describes a thing,
As magic wand or bridal ring.
Most verbs mean action, something done,
To read and write, to jump and run.
How things are done the adverbs tell
As quickly, slowly, badly, well.
The preposition shows relation,
As in the street or at the station.
Conjunctions join, in many ways,
Sentences, words, or phrase and phrase.
The interjection cries out, “Heed!
An exclamation point must
follow me!”

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