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01. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences
(a) It looks like a forest.
(b) Sheetal is capable of doing the job.
(C) Nafi was in Japan.
(d) We eat to live.
(e) They old man died of cancer.
(f) The woman looks dull.
(g) He came home yesterday.
(a) How does it look like?
(b) Who is capable of doing the job?
(c) Where was Nafi?
(d) Why do we eat?
(e) How did the old man die?
(f) How does the woman look?
(g) When did he come home?
02. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences :-
(a) I would like to drink tea.
(b) I have been waiting for 3 hours.
(c) The plane arrived at night.
(d) He came here to take part in a meeting.
(e) I am getting off at the next station.
(f) It is fifteen minutes past ten now.
(g) The boys were playing in the field.
(a) What would you like to take?
(b) How long have you been waiting?
(c) When did the plane arrive?
(d) Why did he come here?
(e) Where are you getting off?
(f) What time is it now?
(g) Where were the boys playing?
03. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences :-
(a) My father gave me a pen.
(b) The shirt cost me Tk. 500.
(c) It is half past eleven.
(d) The accident happened at night.
(e) The guest knocked at the door.
(f) This book was published in Dhaka.
(g) They arrived in Dhaka yesterday.
(a) What did your father give you?
(b) How much did the shirt cost you?
(c) What is the time now?
(d) When did the accident happen?
(e) Who knocked at the door?
(f) Where was this book published?
(g) When did they arrive in Dhaka?
04. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences
(a) I have been waiting here for two hours.
(b) He went to Dhaka last week?
(c) Milton wrote Paradise Lost.
(d) Dinajpur is famous for rice.
(e) We dislike him for his laziness.
(f) Shakespeare was born in 1564.
(g), I will go to Natore by bus.
(a) How long have you been waiting here?
(b) When did he go to Dhaka?
(c) Which book did milton write?
(d) What is Dinajpur famous for?
(e) Why do you dislike him?
(f) When was Shakespeare born?
(g) How will you go to Natore?
05. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences :-
(a) The seminar was held in Faridpur.
(b) lmran went to London last year.
(c) I have sent flowers to my mother.
(d) South Africa won the match.
(e) She hates all this useless arguing.
(f) Jem’s car is outside.
(g) My doctor has advised me to lose weight.
(a) Where was the seminar held?
(b) When did lmran go to London?
(c) To whom have you sent flowers?
(d) Who won the match?
(e) What does she hate?
(f) Whose car is outside?
(g) What has your doctor advised?
06. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences :-
(a) The parcel is from Rajshahi.
(b) He became rich by means of industry.
(c) His conducts are really shocking.
(d) They perform their jobs very sincerely.
(e) She was talking with her mother at night.
(f) My father is a school teacher.
(g) I borrowed my friend’s umbrella.
(a) Where is the parcel from?
(b) How did he become rich?
(c) How are his conducts?
(d) How do they perform their jobs?
(e) When was she talking with her mother?
(f) What is your father?
(g) Whose umbrella did you borrow?
07. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences :-
(a) I went to the village to see my ailing mother.
(b) I met him at his residence.
(c) He always takes bread for dinar.
(d) He prospered in life for his hard labour.
(e) A ship came to rescue the sailor.
(f) I was talking to my friend.
(g) He helped the poor boy.
(a) Why did you go to the village?
(b) Where did you meet him?
(c) Why does he always take bread?
(d) How did he prosper in life?
(e) Why did a ship come?
(f) Whom were you talking to?
(g) Whom did he help?
08. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences :-
(a) No one can depend on an unreliable man.
(b) It is the duty of the student to study regularly.
(c) The thief ran away to avoid arrest.
(d) Rumi comes to house once a week.
(e) The load weighs fifty pound.
(f) We must avoid fat to lose weight.
(g) His silence proves that he is guilty.
(a) Who can depend on an unreliable man?
(b) What is the duty of the student?
(c) Why did the thief run away?
(d) How many times does Rumi come to house in a week?
(e) How much does the load weight?
(f) Why must you avoid fat?
(g) What proves that he is guilty?
09. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences :-
(a) The book belongs to me.
(b) Dhaka is situated on the Buriganga.
(c) Flowers smell sweet.
(d) It cost me Taka 500.
(e) No one was present there.
(f) I can speak Bangla, English and French.
(g) I feel fresh and free now.
(a) Whom does the book belong to?
(b) Where is Dhaka situated?
(c) How do flowers smell?
(d) How much did it cost you?
(e) Who was present there?
(f) Which languages can you speak?
(g) How do you feel now?
10. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences
(a) His father is a doctor.
(b) This is Karims.
(c) Shila was talking to Rupa.
(d) He died three days ago.
(e) It will take you 10 minutes to reach there.
(f) He failed because he did not read attentively.
(g) Orwell was educated at Eton.
(a) What is his father?
(b) Whose is this?
(c) Whom was Shila talking to?
(d) When did he die?
(e) How much time will it take you to reach there?
(f) Why did he fail?
(g) Where was Orwell educated?
11. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences :-
(a) An stranger knocked at the door.
(b) This happened last week.
(c) Something will happen next. -
(d) He is very handsome.
(e) He lives in Bangla Bazar.
(f) He went home to see his mother.
(g) He bought several books.
(a) Who knocked at the door?
(b) When did this happen?
(c) What will happen next?
(d) How is he?
(e) Where does he live?
(f) Why did he go home?
(g) What did he buy?
12. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences :-
(a) The train leaves early in the morning.
(b) She could not visit her friends for want of time.
(c) It took us two hours to reach the hospital.
(d) She can speak three languages.
(e) He broke the glass door with a hammer.
(f) The boat capsized in a storm.
(g) I was absent from the college because of illness.
(a) When does the train leave?
(b) Why could she not visit her friends?
(c) How long did it take you to reach the hospital?
(d) How many languages can she speak?
(e) What did he break with a hammer?
(f) Why did the boat capsize?
(g) Why were you absent from the college?
13. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences:-
(a) I would like to drink coffee.
(b) Tim went to London last winter.
(c) My doctor has advised me to lose weight.
(d) Peter is capable of doing the job.
(e) Chris was in Japan when the earthquake struck.
(f) A good dictionary lists the meaning of verbs.
(g) The seminar was held in Chittagong.
(a) What would you like to drink?
(b) When did Tim go to London?
(c) What has your doctor advised you to do?
(d) Who is capable of doing the job?
(e) Where was Chris when the earthquake struck?
 (f) What does a good dictionary do?
 (g) Where was the seminar held?
14. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences :-
(a) There are five books on the table.
(b) The bank closes at 4 p.m.
(c) Dinajpur is famous for fine rice.
(d) My son’s success made me happy.
(e) Everybody wishes to be happy.
(f) ‘It is quarter to eleven now.
(g) By the side of a lank the park stands.
(a) How many books are there on the table?
(b) When does the bank close?
(c) What is Dinajur famous for?
(d) What made you happy?
(e) Who does not wish to be happy?
(f) What is the time now?
(g) Where does the park stand?

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