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HSC Rearrange Ctg.B 2019 English First Paper

7. The following sentences are jumbled. Re-arrange them in a proper sequence: — [Ctg. B.2019]
(i) Still challenge remained with the immortal one.
(ii) Strangely enough, whenever Hercules knocked off a head of Hydra, two new ones erupted in its place.
(iii) Hercules, a Greek mythical hero, was the son of Jupiter and Alemena.
(iv) These huge tasks in Greek myths are called ‘The Twelve Labours of Hercules’.
(v) It had nine heads of which the middle one was said to be immortal.
(vi) One of the tasks was to slay a monster called Hydra that was ravaging the country Argos.
(vii) His cousin Eurestheus, the king of Mycenae, made him undergo some difficult tasks.
(viii) Eventually, with the help of lolaus, his devoted servant, Hercules succeeded in burniri, all the heads except the ninth.
(ix) However, with much effort, he buried the immoral head under a huge rock ac completed the task successfully.
(x) Initially Hercules started striking off its heads with his club.
Answer: Hercules, a Greek mythical hero, was the son of Jupiter and Alemena. His cousin Euresthéus, the king of Mycenae, made him undergo some difficult tasks. These huge tasks in Greek myths are called The Twelve Labours of Hercules. One of the tasks was to slay a monster called Hydra that was ravaging the country of Argos. It had nine heads of which the middle one was said to be immortal. Initially Hercules started striking off its heads with his club. Strangely enough, whenever Hercules knocked off
a head of Hydra, two new ones erupted in its place. Eventually, with the help of lolaus, his devoted servant, Hercules succeeded in burning all the heads except the ninth. Still challenge remained with the immortal one. However, with much effort, he buried the immoral head under a huge rock and completed the task successfully.

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