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HSC Rearrange J.B 2019 English First Paper

4. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order:— [J. B. 2019]
(a) The king was fond of knowing his future from the astrologer.
(b) The king called him to the palace.
(c) At this the king got furious and condemned him to death.
(d) A good astrologer visited the capital of the king.
(e) Once there was a king.
(f) With ready wit he said, “The stars declare that I’ll die only a week before your death’.
(g) But another thought crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for execution.
(h) The king then asked, “How long would you like to live?’
(i) The astrologer told something very unpleasant.
(j) He then thought for a while some ways of escape.
Answer: Once there was a king. The king was fond of knowing his future from the astrologer. A good astrologer visited the capital of the king. The king called him to the palace. The astrologer told something very unpleasant. At this the king got furious and condemned him to death. But another thought crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for execution. The king then asked, ‘How long would you like to live? He then thought for a while some ways of escape. With ready wit he said, ‘The stars declare that I’ll die only a week before your death’.

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