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                                                      DIGITIAL BANGLADESH
Digital Bangladesh is widely(IqvBWwj-e¨vcKfv‡e) spoken term in Bangladesh. We are trying to make our country digital in every sphere of life. Our government is also working tirelessly to implement(Bgwcwj‡g›U) this. Digital Bangladesh must guarantee(‡Mivw›Uª) efficient(Bwdm›U) and effective(B‡dKwUf) use of ICT. To make Digital Bangladesh we have to establish(GmUvewj¯U) technology(‡UK‡bvjwR) driven(WªvB‡fb) systems(wmm‡Ug) like e – governance, e- commerce, e- production, e- agriculture, e-health etc. To make Bangladesh digitally(wWwRU¨vwj) strong ICT infrastructure(Bbd«vKUviPvi) is a pre-requisite(wcwi-wiKzwqRxU). We should ensure electricity. Without solving electricity(B‡jKwUªwmwU) problem we will not be able to implement(Bg‡cwj‡g›U) our dream. English literacy rate in Bangladesh is less than one percent. We should learn English as there is a strong correlation(Kwi‡jkb) between English literacy(wjUv‡iwQ) and ICT development(‡Wfjc‡g›U). In the arena of ICT English has become the lingua(wjs¸qv franca. In effort to established Bangladesh as a Digital country, our government must make the use of computer and internet available(G‡fjA¨vfj-mPviPi) for all. Also the knowledge(bwjR) of computer should be made compulsory(Kgcyjmwi) for the students of primary level. Every school should be connected(Kv‡bK‡UW) under the web(I‡qe) of internet to teach the students about the necessity(‡b‡QwQwU) of technology to keep pace with the modern world. In a word, these steps must be met with success to build Digital Bangladesh.

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