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H.S.C and S.S.C paragraph MOBILE PHONE

Mobile phone is a recent(wi‡m›U-m¤úªwZ) invention(Bb‡fbmb) of modern(gWv©b-AvaywbK) science. It has added a new dimension(Wvq‡gbmb) to our life and to our communication(KwgDwb‡Kmb-‡hvMv‡hvM)) system. It is a telephone system(wm‡÷g-c×wZ) that works without any wire. It can be moved and quickly from place to place. We can send message at any time. We can also communicate with others at any place. It is easily portable Through mobile phone we can send message to distant places, play games and sports, know about time, solve the work of calculation, be aware of different kinds of news and views. At present the popularity of mobile phone is increasing. People are being encouraged(BbKv‡iRW) to buy a mobile set at a cheaper rate. Mobile phone has some drawbacks. Scientist have become discovered(wWmKfviW) that mobile phone can cause cancer to the users. Besides, it has become a fashion with the young people to keep a mobile phone. The terrorists(‡U‡ivwi÷m-mšÍvªmxiv) are also using it to spread(BmwcÖW-we¯Ívi Kiv) out terrorism(‡U‡ivwiRg-mš¿vmev`) all around the world. The government should have an official restriction(‡imwUKkb-mxgve×Zv) on using mobile phone by children and pregnant(‡cÖM‡b›U-Mf©eZx) women.

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