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YOUR SCHOOL LIBRARY (BDi ¯‹zj jvB‡eªwi)   
A school library is a store house of knowledge(bwjR-Ávb). A library plays an important(Bgci‡U›U-¸iæZ¡c~b©) role in the realm(wig) of knowledge. A library is a part and parcel(cvi‡mj) of a school. Our school has a big library. It is housed in a separate(‡mcv‡iU-c„_K) two storyed building. The library has a good collection(Kv‡jKmb msMÖn). There are many almirahs. The books are arranged(A¨v‡ib&R-mvRv‡bv) in different(wWdv‡i›U-wewfbœ) shelves(‡mj‡fR) according(A¨vKiwWs-Abymv‡i) to subjects. The reading room and the office room of the librarian(jvB‡ªewiqvb) are separate. The librarian has some assistants(A¨vwmmU¨›U). There is a big reading room. When we take the help of a catalogue(K¨vUvjM), the assistants at once find the book and help us. We are issued(BmyW) library cards. We can borrow(‡ev‡iv-avi Kiv) books from the library. We are to return(wiUvb©) the borrowed books after two weeks.  In the reading room we can read as many books as we like. Silence(mvB‡jÝ-wbieZv) is must here. Nobody is allowed(A¨v‡jvW-AbygwZ) to make noise. I am proud of my school library.

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