S.S.C and H.S.C Completing Story A HOUSE ON FIRE
Sunday I went to bad at 9 pm and slept a sound sleep. Suddenly I woke up at
about I am. When I heard a hue and cry at a little distance, I got up from bed
and ran to the spot. I saw that a cottage was burning. People were rushing
towards it. The old woman and the poor little girl who lived in it could not
come out. They were crying for help inside the cottage. Everybody was throwing
water on the burning cottage but nobody dared to enter the room. At last I
requested a brave young man to rescue the old woman and the poor little girl.
My eyes were full of tears then. He looked at my face once again and suddenly
rushed into the cottage. He came out with the little girl by his arm and the
old lady on his back. I thanked god and felt very happy for the noble deed the
young man did. It will be a treasure in my memory for a long time.
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