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S.S.C and H.S.C Completing Story THE LION AND THE MOUSE

Once a lion was sleeping in a cave. A mouse was playing nearby. Suddenly the mouse jumped on the lion’s nose. For this it broke through the lion’s sleep. The lion became very angry.
He caught hold of the mouse and said, “How dare! You have broken my sleep I will kill you” The mouse began to tremble in fear. The mouse begged for its life. He said, “My Lord, I am a small creature. Save my life for this time. One day I may help you.” “The lion laughed and said, “You will help me! Out of pity the lion set the mouse go. Some days after the lion was caught in a hunter net’s. The lion tried hard but could not get out of the net. He began to roar. The mouse heard the roaring of the lion. He came to the lion and said “Let down in the trap. I will cut the net into pieces.” At once it came to the net and cut the net into pieces with its teeth and set the lion free. The lion said, “Dear little friend, you have saved my life. Now I understood that even a little creature should not be neglected. It might come to help to a mighty animal.
From the above story we can say that help may come even from the smallest of your friends.
Moral: Help may come even from the smallest of your friends.

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