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S.S.C and H.S.C Completing Story THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN

A long time ago, the town of Hamelin(‡nwgwjb-GKwU kni) in Germany(Rvgv©wb) was faced with a great problem. It became full of(cwic~Y©) rats. The rats were so big and fierce that they fought(dU-hy× KiZ) the dogs, killed(wKjW-nZ¨v Kiv) the cats and bit the babies in the cradles(µv‡Wjm-‡`vjbv). They ate up different(wWdvi›U-wfbÅ“) types of foods and cut the papers and valuable(‡fjyGej-g~j¨evb) documents(WKz‡g›Um) into pieces. People had to face a big crisis. One day the city mayor and the administrative(A¨vWwg‡bmwUªwUf-cÖkvmwbK) officers called a meeting to solve the problem. They offered(AdviW- cÖ`vb K‡iwQj) a prize for the person who would save them from disturbing(wWmUviwes) rats. At that time, a pied piper agreed to take the proposal. Playing a melodious(‡g‡jvwWqvm) tune on his pipe the piper began to walk and all the rats followed him. At last, the piper reached a hill near a sea and the rats one after another jumped into the sea. Thus, the city was saved from the rats. Then the piper demanded(wWgv‡Ã›W-`vwe Kiv) his prize but the mayor did not want to pay him fully. Saying nothing the piper went away. Now he played another tune on his pipe. The tune made all the nice babies of the city follow the piper and they never came back.

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