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HSC English First Paper Cloze Test Without Clues

H.S.C English First Paper
Cloze Test Without Clues
1.Fill in the gaps using suitable words :- (D. B. 2019)
We all know what a dream is. Generally we dream during our sleep. Some dreams are sweet or (a) -------. When we dream something extremely bad, we call it a (b) ---- Dreams have no (c) ----- They are soft and (d) ----. The dream we have during the day time is called (e) ------, Dreams have fascinated philosophers for thousands of years, but none could (f) ----- specifically what dream actually is. Dreams can be extraordinarily (g) -----or very vague. While many theories have been proposed no consensus has emerged. It is important to consider that science is still (h) ---- the exact purpose and function of sleep itself. Some researchers suggest that dreams have no (i) ----- purpose, while others believe that (j) ------- is essential to mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Answer: (a) romantic/pleasant (b) nightmare (c) colour (d) silvery (e) day-dream (f) define/say (g) vivid (h) unraveling (i) real (j) dreaming

2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word in each gap:  [C. B. 2019]
In recent years there have been many alarming reports that world's climate is undergoing a significant change. All these reports provide (a) -----evidence (b) ----- world's temperatures are increasing day by day. This increase in global (c) ----- is caused (d) ------- increased amounts of carbon dioxide (e) -------the earth. Most climatologists (f) --- -- that greenhouse effect is the likely (g) ----- of this global warming. It may harm human (h) ----- seriously. This could catastrophically (i) ------ mankind's (j) -------  to grow food.
Answer: (a) strong (b) that (c) warming (d) by (e) around (f) believe/predict (g) cause (h) beings (i) reduce (j) ability

3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words in each gap : (R. B. 2019)
The persona of a traffic policeman has always been a (a) ---- one. It has often found (b) -- ----- space and close treatment in literature and other (c) -----. Besides the many poems about this (d) -------- character, there is at least one (e) ----- where the central character is a traffic policeman. In 1963, Greek film maker Filippos Fylaktas made this film (f) ---- My Brother, the Traffic policeman. It featured a slightly (g) ----- traffic police, Antonis Pikrocholos who is utterly (h) ----- to service and duty and applies the traffic (i) ----with unyielding (j) -------
Answer: (a) curious (b) important (c) arts (d) fascinating (e) movie (f) named (g) manic (h) devoted (i) code (j) severity

4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word in each gap :- (J. B. 2019)
There goes a proverb that child is (a) --- of the man. Today's child is the (b) ---of a nation. He will (c)---the country. The whole (d) ---depends on their proper (e) ---. It is our fundamental (f) --  to rouse their (g) ---talent. A sound environment is (h) -----both in the family and the society so that a child (i) --up physically, mentally and spiritually. Only then it will be (j) --- to build up a beautiful and developed country.
Answer: (a) father (b) future (c) lead (d) country (e) development (f) duty/resonsibi1ity (g) hidden/latent (h) required (i) grow (j) possible

5. Fill in the blank with appropriate word in each gap :- [S. B. 2019]
We know that all species are (a) ---for maintaining ecological balance. If one is (b) ----, the whole natural environment (c) ---. In order to (d)--- the environment from being spoilt, we should therefore protect (e) ---- wildlife. The good news is that many countries are now (f) ----action to protect their (g) ---wildlife. We should (h) --- the earth's wild (i) --- to save ourselves. To be (j) --- to animals is to be kind to mankind.
Answer: (a) important (b) gone (c) suffers (d) protect (e) our/the (f) taking (g) vulnerable (h) protect/save (i) lives/ creatures/animals (j) kind
6. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word in each gap (B. B. 2019)
In Britain road and transport rules are (a) --- followed by the drivers. Consequently it has the best road (b) ---- record in Europe. All transports must strictly (c) --- by the rules (d) ---by the government. Coaches and minibuses (e) ---- carry children under 16 must be (f) --- with seatbelts. There the law (g) -----------agencies are (h) ----- . So, the buses and coaches have become the (i) ---- form of road (j) --------
Answer: (a) strictly/duly (b) safety (c) abide (d) prescribed/set (e) that (I) equipped/furnished (g) enforcing (h) strict (i) symbolic (j) road
7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word in each gap: -- Ctg. B. 2019)
Adolescents (a) --- on their (b) ----, their communities, schools, health services and their workplaces to (c) --- a wide range of skills that can (d) ---them to cope with the (e) ---they face and make a successful transition from (f) ---to adulthood. Parents, members (g) ---the community, service providers, and (h) ----institutions have the (i) ---to both promote adolescent development and adjustment and to intervene (j)---- when problems arise.
Answer: (a) depend (b) families (c) learn (d) help/assist (e) pressures/problems (f) childhood (g) of (h) social (i) responsibility (j) effectively
8. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap :- (Dnj. B. 2019)
Diaspora is an age-old (a) ---- . In recent times, Rohingya (b) ---has attracted a lot of attention. More than one million Rohingyas have (c) ----------- from Myanmar to Bangladesh. Their migration is (d) ---to the adverse conditions in Rakhine State of Myanmar--the ancestral homeland of the Rohingyas. The government of Bangladesh has (e) ---. this huge number of refugees on humanitarian (f) --. But these people are a huge (g) ---on our economy and on our (h) ---. The world community should extend their full support to the (i) - -- Rohingyas so that they can (j) --- return to their homeland.
Answer: (a) issue/matter/phenomenon (b) diaspora (c) fled/come/ migrated (d) due (e) accepted (f) ground (g) burden (h) environment (i) migrated (j) safely/easily
9. HSC Exam. (Ka Set) 2018] 
In our country, women are the worst sufferers in every stage of life. Social prejudices and customs tend to (a) ----------- their position. When a female child is born. it is not regarded (b) -- a happy event. She is not welcomed with the deep (c) ---------- of heart. Instead of being delighted, most of the members of the family think that she has come to add to their (d) ----------. Even the mother of the female child is not welcomed cordially for giving (e) ----- ------ to a female child. Rather the mother of the female child is (f) ----------- for this. In the most cases, women are the victim of gender (g) -----------. In fact the life of our women is not smooth (h) ----------- If we want lasting development of the country, we have to (i) -------- the dignified status of (j) ----------- women of our country. The government is conscious of this matter. Answer: (a) degrade (b) as (c) feeling  (d) suffering  (e) birth (f) condemned  (g) discrimination (h) at all /  (i) ensure  (j) all / the
10. [HSC Exam. (Kha Set) 2018)
Dream is a series of thoughts, images and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. Dream is a (a) -- of unconscious wishes, thoughts and imaginations. It (b) -- be sweet or horrible. When we dream (c) ---pleasant, we call it a sweet dream. (d) ---when we dream something extremely bad, we (e) --- it a nightmare. Dream is meaningless if (f) --- is a day dream. But dream has also (g) ---real purpose as it is related to our (h) ---, emotional and physical well-being. The main benefit (i) ----- dream is that it produces new thoughts (j) ----ideas in brain and helps to clean up clutter from mind.
Answer: (a) representation (b) can/may (c) something (d) but (e) call (f) it (g) a (h) mental (i) of (j) and
11. Dhaka Board-2017
Rabindranath Tagore was a man of (a) ----- genius. He was (b) ----- a poet and a novelist (c) ----------- a playwright, a composer, a painter and a philosopher. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for (d) ---------- 'Gitanjali' into English. Those translations earned him a great (e) ------in the West. As a humanist, Tagore accused the British (f) -----and pleaded for the (g) ----- of India from Britain, Tagore was highly influential in (h) ----------- the best of Indian culture to the West and Vice-versa. He (i) -------- himself to literature at a very early age. After coming back from England, he began to write (i)------ in all branches of literature. Answer: (a) Versatile (b) not only (c) but also (d) translating (e) popularity/ name (f) rulers (g) freedom (h) transporting (i) turned/attached (j) profusely/copiously
12. Comilla Board-2017
Bangladesh is a land of (a) ----- beauty. Its beauty is so captivating that a stranger cannot but be (b) -------looking at this endless variety. Nature has (c) -----showered its blessings on this country. The rivers, hills and forests are rich in natural (d) ---- -The people of this country feel a strong (e) ------------ for their motherland. They love their motherland from the (f) ------------ of heart. They work hard to (g) --------- its economic condition and to remove poverty. Most of them toil hard from dawn to dusk to accelerate the pace of (h) ----- . The progress of this country lies in the (i) ----- of common people. They are the (j) -----of a beautiful and prosperous Bangladesh.
Answer: (a) natural (b) overwhelmed (c) generously (d) beauty (e) love/attraction (f) core (g) develop (h) development (i) hands (j) makers

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