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SSC English Second Paper Board Question with answer Dhaka Board 2020

English (Compulsory)- Second Paper
                              Full Marks : 100                                                    Time: 3 hours
[Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]
Part-A: Grammar [60 Marks]
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. .5 x 10 = 5
An ideal teacher is (a) ----- compared with (b) -----  architect. He is called (c) ----- architect of a nation. He is the light of (d) -----   and makes the illiterate people (e) ----- citizens of our country. But it is a matter of regret (f) ----- the teachers are not held (g) ----- due respect in our society. They lead a humble life in the (h) -----  of want. Still they keep the light of education burning in order to remove the (i) ----- of illiteracy and superstitions (j) ----- the society.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. :  5 10 = 5
Modern civilization is the (a) ----- of science. Science has worked (b) -----  a magician in the world. We can't do even a (c)---- day without the help of science. Many quick means (d) ----- communication like telephone, telex, fax, telegram, satellite etc. are (e) ----- greatest wonders of science. Nowadays a message can be sent from one corner of the world to another in the twinkle of (f) ---- eye. Science has brought a revolutionary (g) ----- in all fields. In the field of medical science (h) ----- has got eyes, lame has got legs, deaf has got hearing power. (i) ----- diseases which were incurable in the past are now easily (j)-------
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below.
the war.
No nation
took place
to the battle field to save the country.
Our War of Liberation
it without struggle.
People of all walks of life
can achieve
in 1971
the birth right of a nation.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. .5 x 10 = 5
Traffic jam is a common affair in big cities of our country. Increasing number of vehicles (a) ---- traffic jam. Mainly it (b) ----- in the congested areas. Overtaking tendency also (c) ---- traffic jam. Some drivers (d) ---- the traffic rules and (e) -----  carelessly. It (f) ---- a lot of pains to the people. Ambulances (g) ------ patients cannot (h) --- hospital timely. Students and office going people also (i) ------ due to traffic jam. This problem should be (j) ------ immediately.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text.
Rina said to Sima, "why don't you get up early from sleep"? Sima said, "It is tough for me to leave bed early". "Alas! It is a bad habit," said Rina, "If you leave bed early, you can enjoy sound health. Follow my advice":
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1 x 10 = 10
(a) Once upon a time there was a little girl named Tarin. (Compound)
(b) Though she was a nice little girl, she was not an ordinary child. (Simple)
(c) She passed her lime in reading and writing. (Interrogative) ,
(d) Her parents liked her very much. (Negative)
(e) Everyone praised her. (Passive)
(f) She was very attentive to her study. (Exclamatory)
(g) She also helped her mother in the free time. (Complex)
(h) She never told a lie. (Interrogative)
(i) She was one of the most intelligent girls in the school. (Positive)
(j) She worked hard to shine in life. (Complex)
7. Complete the sentences. 1 x 5 = 5
(a) No sooner had we reached the school
(b) Unless you study attentively
(c) Scarcely had the party begun
(d) If I had known his mobile number
(e) Work hard provided that –
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.
5 x 10 = 5
Bangladesh is an (a) dependent country, but she is still burdened with poverty, (b) population, (c) employ, corruption, food (d) deficient, natural calamities, power crisis etc. Considering all these, the present (e) govern has aimed at making a digital Bangladesh to (f) come most of these problems. The actual aim of (g) digit Bangladesh is to establish technology based government, which will emphasize the overall (h) develop of the country and the nation. The country has (i) ready fixed its target for the (j) achieve of Digital Bangladesh by 2021.
9. Make tag questions of these statements. 1 x 5 = 5
(a) Let's have a walk outside the farm, ------ ?
(b) I am in the habit of walking every morning, ------ ?
(c) Morning entertains us with fresh air, ------- ? .
(d) No one should miss the opportunity, ------- ?
(e) Have a try to form this habit of morning walk, ----- ?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 1 x 5 = 5
The rapid growth of population must be controlled. (a) -- all sorts of attempts to solve food problem will fail. (b) ---- we have to increase our food production very rapidly. We may mostly, solve our food problem by changing our habit. (c) -----  , we can take potato instead of rice. (d) ----- t is high time we changed our eating habit. (e) --- knowledge of nutritive value of food can help to solve our food problem to a great extent.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
why are you going to barishai said father i want to buy some important books said saad do you need money yes father dont go alone as time is not going well.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
why are you going to barishal said father i want to buy some important books said saad do you need money yes father dont go alone as time is not going well.
Part-B: Composition [40 Marks)
12. Suppose, you have seen vacancy advertisement for the position of an Assistant Teacher of English in 'Simal Model School, Pabna'. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.
13. Suppose, your village is badly affected by the recent flood. The people have been suffering severely due to lack of food and shelter. Now, write an application to the UNO for relief goods for the affected people, 10
14. Write a paragraph on "A Road Accident". 15. Write a composition in 250 words on "Importance of Reading Newspaper". 12
Part—A: Grammar
1. (a) often (b) an (c) the (d) learning (e) worthy (f) that (g) in (h) midst (i) darkness (j) from
2. (a) blessing/ gift/ contribution (b) like/as (c) single (d) of (e) the (0 an (g) change h) blind (i) The (j) cured
3. (a) Independence is the birth right of a nation.
(b) No nation can achieve it without struggle.
(c) Our War of Liberation took place in 1971.
(d) People from all walks of life joined the war.
(e) They went to the battle field to save the country.
4. (a) create (b) occurs (c) causes (d) violate (e) drive (f) gives (g) carrying (h) reach (i) suffer (j) solved
5. Rina asked Sima why she (S) didn’t get up early from sleep. Sima replied that it was tough for her (S) to leave bed early. Rina exclaimed with sorrow that it was a bad habit and said that if she (S) left bed early she (S) could enjoy sound health. And at last she (R) told her to follow her (R) advice.
6. (a) Once upon a time there was a little girl and her name was Tarin,
(b) In spite of being a nice little girl, she was not an ordinary child.
(c) Didn’t she pass her time in reading and writing?
(d) Her parents did not dislike her at all.
(e) She was praised by everyone.
(f) How attentive she was to her study!
(g) She also helped her mother when she had got free time.
(h) Did she ever tell a lie?
(i) Very few girls in the school were so intelligent as she.
(j) She worked hard so that she could/ might shine in life.
7. (a) No sooner had we reached the school than the bell rang.
(b) Unless you study attentively you will not pass the exam.
(c) Scarcely had the party begun when a hue and cry was heard.
(d) If I had known his mobile number I would have communicated with him.
(e) Work hard provided that you want to prosper in life,
8. (a) independent (b) overpopulation (c) unemployment (d) deficiency (e) government (1) overcome (g) digital (h) development (i) already (j) achieving
9. (a) Let’s have a walk outside the farm, shall we?
(b) I’m in the habit of walking every morning, aren’t I?
(c) Morning entertains us with fresh air, doesn’t it?
(d) No one should miss this opportunity, should they?
(e) Have a try to form this habit of morning walk, will you? 10. (a) Otherwise (b) At the same time (c) For instance (d) So (e) Last of all
11. “Why are you going to Barishal?” said father. “I want to buy some important books,” said Saad. ‘Do you need money?”‘Yes, father.”‘Don’t go alone as time is not going well.”

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