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                                                   A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE
This is a well known proverb. It teaches us that we should not put off any work till tomorrow that we can do today. We must do the right work in right time to avoid loss and sorrow. We are very often idle and do not like to work at the demand of the moment. If a tear is detected in a garment, it should be at once repaired, otherwise it will become wider and will require many stitches to mend it. Similarly, if there is a crack  in the building it should be immediately repaired before it goes beyond repair. In the same way, a naughty son should be corrected at an early stage before he goes beyond control. So this proverb teaches us to rise to the occasion. We should take prompt action against any wrong at an early stage. Otherwise, it will be too late for correction and then we will have to repent only. So we should do a work in the right time to avoid troubles.


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