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Amplification A thing of beauty is a joy forever

A thing of beauty is a joy forever
A beautiful object is truly joyful and everlasting. Beauty is such a thing which can only be imagined. It is superior to reality. It transcends individuals, time and space. The true beauty is never decayed. Its course is to the infinite. In reality, beauty fades and decays. But in imagination, it is permanent and eternal. The internal beauty remains in mind or in imagination. A beautiful thing is floated in the wave of time. But its joy and pleasure never end in imagination. An eternal memorial provides us with pleasure. The Tajmahal, Monalisa etc. are the ever memorable things. They bear memory and give joy perpetually. In a deep sense, this joy frequents in mind for the memory of a beautiful thing. It never ends but lives eternally. The immortal creations of the wise men are ever beautiful and ever enjoyed. If we meditate upon the beauty of the universe, we get boundless pleasure. This pleasure is ever new to us. In mortal life, beauty is not ever-lasting. The youth of life, beautiful smile of rose and beauty of the spring are not perpetual. They are mortal and short-lived. They will fade after a definite time. But a beautiful art with real truth is ever joyful and pleasing. Actually, a thing of beauty is ever enjoyable in our imagination and meditation only.

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