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1. Water Pollution ***
2. Tree Plantation ***
3. Deforestation ***
4. Our National Flag *
5. Traffic Jam ***
6. A Tea Stall ***
7. A Winter Morning
8. A Day Labourer
9. A Historical Place I Have Visited
10. A Street Hawker
11. Environment Pollution ***
12. A School Magazine ***
13. A Book Fair I Have Visited Recently
14. Your School Library **
15. A Rainy Day
16. A Rickshaw-Puller
17. Load-shedding  
18. A Railway Station

Completing story
1.Who is to Bell the cat
2. Outstanding Motivations of a Teacher
3. The Hare and Tortoise
4. The intelligent Girl
5. Third Party Gains while two are in
6. A Liar Shepherd
7. Unity is Strength
8. A Clever Crow
9. Failures are but Pillars of Success
10. Bayazid’s Devotion to His Mother
11. A Clever Fox And A Foolish Crow
12. Grapes Are Sour
13. Dividing a Piece of Bread
14. Honesty is the Best Policy
15. Truthfulness of Hazrat Abdul Quader
16. The Honest Wood Cutter
17. The Lion and the Mouse
18. Sheikh Saadi and His Teaching
(1)The graph about a comparative selling rates of books in Ekushey Boi Mela.
(2) The graph about the Internet users.  
(3) The graph about the population growth rate in Bangladesh.
(4) The graph about the literacy rate of Bangladesh.
(5) The chart about the choice of profession by different-educated youths in Bangladesh.
(6) The chart about the percentage of a family’s household income.
(7) The graph about imports and exports reports of a country.
(8) The graph about ‘The Number of Telephone and Mobile Users’ from 2001 to 2014.
(9) The graph about Rahim’s time spending on various activities.
(10) The chart about the benefits of girl’s education:  
(11) The chart about the number of people living below poverty line from 1995 to 2010.  
(12) The graph about number of mobile phone users in Bangladesh.
(13) The graph about the number of Internet users in towns and villages from 2010-to 2014.
(14) The bar chant about young people’s changing attitude to pastimes.
(15) The graph about total candidates in SSC examination-201 3.
(16) The pie chart about the time allocation of students, daily activities.
1. A letter to your friend thanking him/her for sending a nice gift.
2. A letter to your pen friend describing about your country.
3. A letter to your friend telling him about your plan after the Examination.
4. A letter to your friend describing the annual prize giving ceremony.
5. A letter to your friend telling him/her about how to improve English.
6. A letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her success in the exam.
7. A letter to your friend about the picnic.
8. A letter to your friend thanking her for their hospitality.
9. A letter to your friend about the co-curricular activities.
10. A letter to your friend advising him o read newspaper regularly.
11. A letter to your friend about your preparation for the SSC examination.
12. A letter to your friend inviting him to join the picnic.
13. A letter to your friend about your experiences of spending the summer vacation)
14. A letter to your younger brother about the importance of physical exercise.
15. A letter to your friend inviting him to attend the party of your birthday.
16. A letter to your friend/brother advising him to give up smoking.
1.A short dialogue- between about the good and bad sides of mobile phone.
2. A short dialogue between you and your friend about how develop/ improve in English language.
3. A short dialogue between you and your friend about the bad effect of smoking.
4. A short dialogue between about the problem of illiteracy.
5. A short dialogue between about the necessity of tree plantation.
6. A short dialogue between yourself and your friend about the necessity of reading newspaper.
7. A short dialogue between you and your friend on my preparation for the ensuing examination.
8. A short dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of learning English.
9. A short dialogue between you and your friend about your aim in life.
10. A short dialogue between you and a doctor about your physical problems.
11. A short dialogue between yourself and your friend the advantages and, disadvantages of village life and city life.
12. A short dialogue between the librarian and you regarding borrowing a book.
13. A short dialogue between you and Salma about the good effects of morning walk.
14. A short dialogue between you and your friend about the bad effect of copying in the exam.
15. A short dialogue between two friends about the value of physical exercise.
16. A short dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of learning computer.
17. A short dialogue between you and your brother/sister about’ the importance of early rising.

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