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Easy Learning Method of Tense Part-1

Easy- Learning- Method- of -Tense- Part-1

Part One-Present Indefinite Tense

Pattern: Subject + verb base form + Extension

evsjv ev‡K¨i ‡k‡li kã  †K/Kvi Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j  †h DËi cvIqv hvq ZvB D‡Ïk¨(subject) | evsjv ev‡K¨‡K Bs‡iwR ev‡K¨ Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g Subject ‡ei Ki‡Z n‡e + wµqv (verb) emv‡Z n‡e + Gi ci wb‡b¥i aviv Abyhvqx evsjv †K Bs‡iwR K‡i emv‡Z n‡e|
2. wK
3. wK cwigvb
4. †Kv_vq
5. wKfv‡e
6. †Kb
7. KLb
evsjv ev‡K¨ wefw³ _vK‡j Bs‡iwR ev‡K¨ preposition emv‡Z nq|
K‡g© wØZxqv †K, †i, cÖwZ -to
Ki‡Y Z…Zxqv Øviv,w`qv,KZ©„K-by, with
wbwg‡Ë PZz_x© Rb¨-for
Acv`v‡b cδgx n‡Z,‡_‡K,‡P‡q-from, than, since
m¤^‡Ü lôx i-Gi-of
AwaKi‡Y mßgx G,q,‡Z-in, at
Present indefinite tense G subject third person singular number n‡j  verb Gi mv‡_ s/es ‡hvM Ki‡Z n‡e|
wU, Uv, Lvbv, Lvwb _vK‡j Zvi c~‡e© the emv‡Z nq| GK, GKwU, GKRb _vK‡j a, an emv‡Z nq|
 Noun Gi †k‡l i Ges Zvi Noun ci _vK‡j Zvi MVb n‡e| (the+ second noun + of + first noun)

Rule-1:- evsjv wµqvi †k‡l A, I, B, aŸwb _vK‡j Dnvi Bs‡iwR Kivi Rb¨ ïay g~j wµqv e‡m| 

1.Avwg Zv‡K wPwb|-I know him.
2. Avgiv fvZ LvB|-We eat rice.
3. Avwg iv‡Z wekÖvg jB|-I take rest at night.
4. Zzwg Avgv‡K †Pb|-You know me.
5. Avwg mvZUv ev‡R ¯‹z‡j hvB|-I go to school at 7. Am.
6. Zviv gv‡V †L‡j|-They play in the field.
7. cvwLiv AvKv‡k D‡o|-Birds fly in the sky.
8. GB N‡i `yRb †jvK evm K‡i|-Two men live in this room.
9. Kwig I iwng wbqwgZ ¯‹z‡j hvq|-Karim and Rahim go to school regularly.
10. Avgiv mvZUv ev‡R bv¯Ív Kwi|-We take our breakfast at 7.am
11. Avwg A‡_©i †P‡q m¤§vb cQ›` Kwi|-I prefer honour to wealth.
12. Avwg cov A‡cÿv †jLv AwaK cQ›` Kwi|-I prefer writing to reading.
13. Avwg Pv A‡cÿv `ya cQ›` Kwi|-I prefer milk to tea.
14. Avgiv evuPvi Rb¨ LvB|-We eat to live.
15. Avwg cÖwZw`b b`x‡Z ¯œvb Kwi|-I bathe in the river everyday.
16.Avwg Acgvb A‡cÿv g„Z¨y cQ›` Kwi|-I prefer death to dishonor.
17. Avwg Zvi Kv‡Q Bs‡iwR cwo|-I read English with him.
18.Avwg `yÕWRb Kgjv †jey PvB|-I want two dozen oranges.
19. Avwg †ivR mKv‡j †eovB|-I walk every morning.
20. Avwg GKwU cvwL †`wL|-I see a bird.
21. Bsj¨v‡Ûi †jv‡Kiv Bs‡iwR‡Z K_v e‡j|-The people of England speak in English.
22. Kzmsev` evZv‡mi Av‡M hvq|-Ill news runs apace.
23. Mix‡eiv w`b Av‡b w`b Lvq|-The poor live from hand to mouth.
24. †Mvjvc dz‡ji MÜ wgwó|-The rose smells sweet.
25.PwiÎevb †jvK‡K mK‡jB kÖ×v K‡i|-All respect a man of character.
26. PvDj m¯Ívq wewµ nq|-Rice sells cheap.
27. UvKvq UvKv Av‡b|-Money begets money.
28. wZwb †ivR Le‡ii KvMR c‡ob|-He reads newspaper daily.
29. Zv‡K eyw×gvb e‡j g‡b nq|-He seems to be intelligent.
30. Zv‡K †Pbv †Pbv g‡b nq|- He seems to be known.
31. `yB‡q `yB‡q Pvi nq|-Two and two make four.
32. `ys‡Li ci myL Av‡m|- Weal and woe come by turns.
33. c„w_ex m~‡h©i Pviw`‡K Ny‡i|- The earth moves round the sun.
34. g„Zz¨i mgq Amgq bvB|-Death knows no time.
35. gv‡qi cv‡qi Z‡j †e‡n¯Í|-Heaven lies at the foot of mother.
36.‡jvKwU‡K K¬všÍ g‡b nq|-The man seems to be tired.
37. mgq I †¯ªvZ Kv‡iv Rb¨ A‡cÿv K‡i bv|-Time and tide wait for none.
38. †m cÖvqB GLv‡b Av‡m|-He often comes here.
39. m~h© c~e© w`‡K D‡V|-The sun rises in the east.
40. m~h© cwðg w`‡K A¯Í hvq|-The sun sets in the west.
41. †mŠ›`h© gvbyl‡K gy» K‡i|-Beauty satisfies man.
42. †m Kg K_v e‡j wKš‘ †ewk cwikÖg K‡i|-He talks less but toils much.
43. m~h© Avgv‡`i‡K Av‡jv I DËvc cÖ`vb K‡i|- The sun gives us heat and light.
44. Zvi evj¨Kvj †_‡K Avwg Zv‡K wPwb|-I know him from his boyhood.
45. Aj‡miv cwiYv‡g eoB Kó cvq|- The idle suffer much in the long run.
46. evsjv‡`k wKQz †mvbvi †Q‡j Pvq|-Bangladesh wants some jewel boys.
47. PwiÎnxb †jvK‡K †KD kÖ×v K‡i bv|- Nobody respects a man without character.
48. my‡hvM Rxe‡b gvÎ GKeviB Av‡m|-  Opportunity comes only once in a life.
49. ‡gŠgvwQ dz‡j dz‡j D‡o †eovq|- Bees fly away from flower to flower.
50. dzj mKv‡j dz‡U weKv‡j ïKvq- Flowers bloom in the morning and fade away in the evening.
51. f`ªZvq cqmv jv‡M bv|- Courtesy costs nothing.
52. Avgiv mš¿vmgy³ wkÿv½b PvB|- We want educational institutions free from violence.
53. Avgiv Zvi Dcw¯’wZ Kvgbv Kwi|- We want his presence.
54. Avwg GKwU wjLevi Kjg PvB|- I want a pen to write with.
55. Zvi evev e¨emv K‡ib|- His father runs a business.
56. evsjv‡`‡k gymjgvb I wn›`y kvwšÍ‡Z evm K‡i|- The muslims and hindus live in peace in Bangladesh.
57. Zv‡K cwikÖgx g‡b nq|- He seems to be industrious.
58. wg_¨vev`x‡K †Kn wek^vm K‡i bv|- Nobody trusts a liar.
59. gay LvB‡Z wgwó| - Honey tastes sweet.
60. Avgiv weÁv‡bi hy‡M evm Kwi|- We live in the age of science.
61. Kwig mv‡ne Avgv‡`i Bs‡iwR covb|- Mr. Karim teaches us English.
62. ‡m mij Rxeb-hvcb K‡i|-He leads a simple life.
63. Avwg beg †kÖYx‡Z cwo|-  I read in class nine.
64. ‡m †ivR mKv‡j GKwU K‡i wWg Lvq|- He eats an egg every morning.
65. ‡m cÖvqB `ycy‡i Lvevi evB‡i Lvq|- He often eats lunch outside.
66. ‡m ¯‹z‡j cv‡q †n‡U hvq|-He goes to school on foot.
67. Avwg m~h© DVvi Av‡M †R‡M DwV|-I get up before sunrise.
68. Avgiv w`‡b KvR Kwi Ges iv‡Z NygvB|-We work by day and sleep by night.
69. ‡m cÖwZw`b `ya Lvq|- He drinks milk everyday.
70. evsjv‡`‡k Zzjv R‡b¥|-Cotton grows in Bangladesh.
71. †m bRiæ‡ji KweZv cQ›` K‡i|-He likes the poetry of Nazrul.
72. ‡m Avgv‡K cÖ‡Z¨K m¯Ív‡n wZb evi †dvb K‡i|-She phones me three times a week.
73. cixÿvq Am`ycvq Aej¤^b Kiv‡K Avwg Ab¨vq we‡ePbv Kwi|- I consider it wrong to adopt unfair means in the examination.
74.c‡ii wb›`v Kwi‡j AvšÍm¤§v‡bi jvNe nq ewjqv Avwg g‡b Kwi|- I think it beneath my dignity to speak ill of others.
75. Avcbv‡K AbymiY Kiv Avwg m¤§v‡bi g‡b Kwi|- I count it an honour to follow you
76. Kv‡mg mK‡ji Dci KZ…©Z¡ LvUvq|- Kasem lords it over all.
77. m~h© Avgvw`M‡K Dò iv‡L|-The sun keeps us warm.
78. γvb †e‡nk‡Zi c_ Av‡jvwKZ K‡i|- Knowledge lights the way to heaven.
79. wW‡m¤^i †kl nIqvi ci Rvbyqvix Av‡m|- January comes after December ends.
80. ‡m evNv bv‡g cwiwPZ|- He goes by the name of Bagha.

First person
I-Avwg/Avgvi AwaKvi eySv‡j
First person
Second person
Third person
Third person
Third person
Third person
It-Bnv (e¯‘)

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