Paragraph For SSC Examination
(1)Climate Change
Climate change has become(weKvg-nIqv) an alarming(A¨vjviwgs)
term(Uvg©) in modern days. Due to
environment(Bbfvqib‡g›U-cwi‡ek) pollution(cy‡jkb) climate of the whole world is going through(‡_ªv) an alarming change. Poor and developing(‡Wfjwcs) countries are now blaming(‡e‡jwgs)
industrially developed countries(KvbwUwim) for
destroying the harmony(nvigwb) of climate.
Increase of burning of fossil fuel has been responsible(‡imcbwmej)
for the rice of temperature(‡Ugcv‡iPvi). As the
temperature(‡Ugcv‡iPvi) of the world is rising and
the Ozone(IRb) layer is decaying(wW‡Ks), our world is becoming a gas chamber(‡Pgevi). Ice capes(K¨vcm)
of polar regions(wiRbm) are melting. Sea level,
consequently is rising. Hence, coastal(‡KvmUvj)
areas are going under water. The alarming news for Bangladesh is that the
southern(mvD`vb©) part of the country will one
day go under the sea. It has already been seen that our southern part is losing
its fertility(dviUvwjwU). Cultivable(KvjwUf¨vej) land is becoming salty and earth is becoming
barren. Many species have already been extinct and some are on the verge of
extinction(GKvªmwUskb).Ecological(B‡Kv‡jvwRK¨vj) balance is now facing catastrophe(K¨vUvmUªc). Natural(b¨vPvivj)
calamities are visiting us frequently. To tackle(‡U‡Kj)
this adverse(A¨vWfvim) situation we have to plant
more trees and find out alternative(A¨vjUvi‡bwUf-weKí)
source of fuel. In this regard, rich countries must come forward. Otherwise(Av`viIqvBm-Ab¨_vq) our planet will face doomsday(WygR‡WB-‡kl wePv‡ii w`b) very soon.
(2) Green-house Effect
Green house effect is a threat for the existing human beings, animals, plants and above all, all the phenomena(wd‡bvwgbv-jÿY) of the world. It is associated with the global warming. The temperature of the world is increasing gradually. Carbon dioxide is the main culprit which is being deposited(wW‡cvwR‡UW) gradually in the atmosphere. It is generally produced(cÖwWDmW) when the fossil fuel is burnt. Carbon dioxide entraps the heat in the atmosphere(A¨vU‡gvmwdqvi-cwi‡ek). As a result, the temperature(‡Ugcv‡iPvi-ZvcgvÎv) of the world is on the increase. CFC contributes devastatingly to the green house effect. The refrigerator which is used in our daily life is also producing CFC. CFC is also used in manufacturing goods packaging commercial(Kgviwkqvj) products in aerosol etc. This CFC is responsible(‡imcbwmej-`vqx) to a great extent for green house effect. The adverse effect of the green house is very disastrous. It is feared that by the mid century the world temperature will increase 4 degree Celsius. The polar ice caps have started to melt. Sea level is rising. Consequently(KbwmKz‡q›Uwj-cwiYv‡g) the lower regions of the world will go under water, and the southern regions of Bangladesh will also go under water. This catastrophic(K¨vwUvm‡UªvwcK) disaster(wW‡RmUvi-`y‡hv©M) must be checked. It is to be done to save our existence.
Green house effect is a threat for the existing human beings, animals, plants and above all, all the phenomena(wd‡bvwgbv-jÿY) of the world. It is associated with the global warming. The temperature of the world is increasing gradually. Carbon dioxide is the main culprit which is being deposited(wW‡cvwR‡UW) gradually in the atmosphere. It is generally produced(cÖwWDmW) when the fossil fuel is burnt. Carbon dioxide entraps the heat in the atmosphere(A¨vU‡gvmwdqvi-cwi‡ek). As a result, the temperature(‡Ugcv‡iPvi-ZvcgvÎv) of the world is on the increase. CFC contributes devastatingly to the green house effect. The refrigerator which is used in our daily life is also producing CFC. CFC is also used in manufacturing goods packaging commercial(Kgviwkqvj) products in aerosol etc. This CFC is responsible(‡imcbwmej-`vqx) to a great extent for green house effect. The adverse effect of the green house is very disastrous. It is feared that by the mid century the world temperature will increase 4 degree Celsius. The polar ice caps have started to melt. Sea level is rising. Consequently(KbwmKz‡q›Uwj-cwiYv‡g) the lower regions of the world will go under water, and the southern regions of Bangladesh will also go under water. This catastrophic(K¨vwUvm‡UªvwcK) disaster(wW‡RmUvi-`y‡hv©M) must be checked. It is to be done to save our existence.
(3) Environment Pollution
Nature, land, air, water and all other things around us in
which we live are called environment . .Environment pollution means a
remarkable(wigvK©Gej) change in chemical(‡Kwg‡Kj), physical(wdwRK¨vj)
and biological(ev‡qvjwRK¨vj) characteristics(K¨v‡iKUviwUKm) of environment .It has become a serious
problem in our country. In our cities the air is constantly(KbGmUv›Uwj) being polluted by smoke from factories and for
vehicles(‡fBKj). The ground we walk on in both
urban and rural areas, is polluted by uncollected(AvbKv‡jK‡UW)
garbage. Water is polluted particularly(cviwUKzjviwj)
as a result of untreated(AvbwUª‡UU) sewage.
Industrial(BbWvmwUªqvj) waste and insecticides(Bb‡mKwUmvBW) alarmingly pollute water. The another form of
pollution is sound pollution. We have noise from motor vehicles, mills and
factories, aeroplanes, domestic(W‡gmwUK) appliance,
radio, cassette player and so on. The air we breath, the water we drink , the
food we take are not always absolutely(A¨vemy‡jUwj)
pure for health. Environment pollution leads us to the way of death. And for
this, effective(B‡dKwUf) steps should be taken
Information(Bbdi‡gmb) technology(‡UK‡bv‡jvwR) means
the study or use of electronic equipment, especially computers, for storing and
analyzing information. It is a wonderful invention of modern science. Besides
computers, it also includes telephone, television, radio, wireless, email, fax,
the internet etc Being one of the important(BgciU¨v›U)
inventions of information technology, television can not only send messages but
telecast live moving events, cinemas, dramas, music dance and many other
entertaining progammes. Another wonderful(AbWvidzj) invention
of modern science is wireless or radio. It can send messages one place to
another with the aid of electric waves. By means of wireless, we can transmit(UªvÝwgU) information in a second from one
corner of the world to another. The internet is a giant member of information
technology. It is the source of news and information. There is no information
but is available(G‡fjG‡fj-mPviPvi) in the
internet. Thus, the internet fulfils the demand of every individual(BbwWwfRyqvj). The
present concept(Kb‡mÞ-avibv) of
globalization is completely void of and nothing without information technology
.So, information technology and globalization are independent with each other.
But information technology is not free from demerits. Social and antisocial(A¨vw›U‡mvk¨vj) movement,
hijacking, fraudulence and many other crimes can take place for the misuse of
information technology. So, all the world people irrespective(B‡im‡cKwUf) of
colour and creed should be aware of the demerits of information technology.
E- mail
Electronic mail or simply E-mail is very
much popular now-’a-days for its speedy transmission of information and cost
effectiveness. Hence information provided by a sender is delivered
asynchronously to a point where it can be retrieved and processed later on by one
or more recipients of the sender’s choice. In an E-Mail system, there is a
number and the sender keeps on dialing the desired number till he/she is
successful. Once it is connected, the P.C ‘terminal of the sender sends the
message to the PC terminal of the recipient at a very high speed. There is no
need of any physical presence of both the sender and the receiver. The sender
can enter the message and the receiver can retrieve it whenever he/she is free.
The message will remain in PCs memory. The transmission of messages is usually
done through landlines (telephones) or satellite communications or through
marine cables. E-mail has lot of advantages to its credit. (i) It is cost
effective. Very less money is required in comparison to other transmission device.
(ii) It is time saver. Within very short time messages can be sent, (iii) There
is no need of presence of either the sender or the receiver. Once the message
is entered into PC’s it will remain in the receiver PCs memory. (iv) E-mail
transmission is very speedy. It is four times faster than FAX and ten Times
faster than telex, (v) There is the system of using password which each
subscriber can choose to use. Hence E-mail gives security of message.
(6)Global Warming
In recent years,
there have been many alarming reports that the world's climate is undergoing a
significant change. All these reports provide strong evidence that world
temperatures are increasing day by day. This increase is known as global
warming caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the earth. Most
climatologists believe that the 'greenhouse effect is the most likely cause of
this global warming. Climatologists predict that by midway through the next
century temperatures may have risen by as much as 4'C. This could catastrophically
reduce mankind's ability to grow food, destroy or severly damage wildlife and
wilderness, raise sea levels and thereby flood coastal areas and farmland. The
alarming news about Bangladesh is that as a result of the rise of the sea level
the lower southern part of the country may one day go under water. The main
culprits for global warming are carbon dioxide gas, produced by the , burning
of fossil fuels and forests and pollutants such as methane and
chlorofluorocarbons. We can prevent by being careful and raising public
(7) Deforestation
means cutting down trees recklessly(‡iK‡jmwj)
and destroying the forests. Deforestation is happening(n¨v‡cbBs)
in many parts of the world including our country. Man’s ignorance is the main
reason(wiRb) of it. Most people are not aware
of the importance of trees. Ninety percent people of our country live in the
villages. They are cutting down trees at random(i¨vbWg)
for domestic purposes. Deforestation may turn a region into a desert. If there
are no trees left in the forest, the weather will be extreme one. There will be
less rainfall. This will cause great harm to our cultivation. Deforestation is
a threat to our existence on earth. The temperature(‡Ugcv‡iPvi)
of the world will increase because of deforestation. We can save the country
from it only by planting more trees. The government should put a ban on cutting
trees at least for some years. We must raise public awareness to control
deforestation. The medias can play a vital role in this respect. Every year the
government launches tree plantation programme to make people aware of it. Our
forests must be preserved(wcwiRvifW) at any
cost. We should plant two trees before cutting one
(8) TREE
Tree plantation(cøvb‡Umb-e„¶‡ivcb) means
planting trees in large number. Trees are very important to us in many ways. We
can not think of our existence(&GMwRm‡UÝ-‡e‡Pu
without trees. Trees cover a great deal of our food deficiency(wWwdwm‡qwÝ-Afve) by
providing(‡cv‡ivfv&BwWs-mieivn) fruits
and vitamins. They supply(mvcjvB-mieivn Kiv) timber
for various(‡ewiqvm-wewfbœ) uses.
Trees prevent(wcwi‡f›U-cÖwZ‡iva
soil erosion(B‡ivRb-fvγb). Many
kinds of medicines(‡gwWwmb-Ilya) are
prepared(wcwicviW-cÖ¯‘Z Kiv) from
leaves, roots and barks of trees. Above all they help us to keep ecological(B‡Kv‡jvwRK¨vj-ev¯‘ms¯’vb) balance
supplying oxyzen. Generally trees are planted in July and August. They can be
planted in roadsides and in all educational institutions. But our trees and
forests are not sufficient(mvwdm›U-chv©ß) in
proportion(cÖcimb-AbycvZ) to our
total land area. Our govt has already taken a tree plantation programmes. To
make this programme a success, first of all, we must motive(‡gvwUf-‡cÖib RvMvb) people
and raise awareness about the importance of tree plantation. Then we must
conduct a united(BDbvB‡UW-GK‡G) drive
for tree plantation and take necessary steps to preserve the planted saplings(m¨vcwjs-PvivMvQ).
Traffic jam means a long line of
vehicles(‡fBKjm-hvbenb) that can
not move or that can move very slowly. Traffic jam is a common(Kgb-mvavib) affair
in the big cities of our country. It occurs(AKvi-N‡U) every
now and then in the cities. Sometimes(mvgUvBgm-gv‡Sgv‡S) traffic
jam lasts for a long time and sometimes it lasts for a short time. There are
many causes(K‡Rmm-Kvib) of
traffic jam. Vehicles are much more than the roads can accommodate(A¨v‡Kvgy‡WU-RvqMv Kiv). The
indiscriminate(BbwWmwµwg‡bU-‡eciqv) plying(cøvBs-Pj) of rickshaw is the main reason(wiRb-Kvib) of
traffic jam. Haphazard(n¨vcn¨vRviW-G‡jv‡g‡jv) parking
of vehicles alongside the pavement(‡cf‡g›U-dzUcvZ) also
causes traffic jam. Again buses do not care for bus stand and load and unload
passengers at any place. The drivers do not follow(d‡jv-Abymib Kiv) Traffic
rules. Overtaking(Afvi‡UwKs-bvMvj)
tendency(‡Ub‡WwÝ-g‡bvfve) of the
drivers of buses and rickshaw pullers(cyjvim) causes
traffic jam. Traffic jam causes untold sufferings(mvdviBs-‡fvMvwšÍ) to
people. Sometimes it rises our mental tension. We have to wait to reach our
destination(wWmwU‡bmb-MšÍe¨). It is
boring. Traffic jam can be removed by enforcing traffic rules strictly.
Besides, The construction(KbGmUªvKmb-wbg©vb) of
spacious(Gmwcwmqvm-PIiv) roads,
by passes, one way movement of vehicles and fly over can solve this problem.
And we can reduce(wiwWDm-Kgvb) traffic
jam by rising public awareness.
school magazine(g¨vMvwRb-wewPGv) is a
magazine that contains(Kb‡UBbm) the
writings of the teachers and the students of a school. Almost every well
established(GmUvewj÷) school
publishes(cvewjmvim) a
magazine every year. It gives a view of the life of the school and reveals(wi‡fjm) the creative(wKªwUf) genius(wRwbqvm) of the
students. It contains poems, articles and short stories all written by the
teachers and students. The publication(cvewj‡Kmb) of a
school magazine is a very difficult(wWwdKvë) task.
The editor and his assistants have to work hard to publish the magazine. The
magazine committee(KwgwU) invites
writings from students and teachers. The editorial(BwWUwiqvj) board
selects the qualified ones for printing. The school magazine serves many useful
purposes(cvi‡cvm). The
most important is that it brings out the latent creative talents of the
students and thus helps them to be great writers. A student feels proud and
happy when he finds his own writing in print. The school magazine also reflects
the academic(GKv‡WwgK) and
activities(A¨vKwUwewUm) of the
school. It is a treasure(‡UªRvi) island
to the students. The students can learn many things from the school magazine.
In a word the school magazine mirrors(wgiim) the
(11) YOUR
SCHOOL LIBRARY (BDi ¯‹zj jvB‡eªwi)
school library is a store house of knowledge(bwjR-Ávb). A
library plays an important(Bgci‡U›U-¸iæZ¡c~b©) role in
the realm(wig) of
knowledge. A library is a part and parcel(cvi‡mj) of a
school. Our school has a big library. It is housed in a separate(‡mcv‡iU-c„_K) two
storyed building. The library has a good collection(Kv‡jKmb msMÖn). There
are many almirahs. The books are arranged(A¨v‡ib&R-mvRv‡bv) in
different(wWdv‡i›U-wewfbœ) shelves(‡mj‡fR) according(A¨vKiwWs-Abymv‡i) to
subjects. The reading room and the office room of the librarian(jvB‡ªewiqvb) are
separate. The librarian has some assistants(A¨vwmmU¨›U). There
is a big reading room. When we take the help of a catalogue(K¨vUvjM), the assistants at once find the book
and help us. We are issued(BmyW) library cards. We can borrow(‡ev‡iv-avi Kiv) books
from the library. We are to return(wiUvb©) the
borrowed books after two weeks. In the
reading room we can read as many books as we like. Silence(mvB‡jÝ-wbieZv) is must here. Nobody is allowed(A¨v‡jvW-AbygwZ) to make
noise. I am proud of my school library.
A bus stand is a place where a bus stops for the
passengers(c¨v‡mbRvi) to get down and to get into
the bus. Inside a city area, bus stands are seen at different(wWdv‡i›U) busy spots. School or college gates, market
places, medical(‡gwWK¨vj) centres and the crossing
points of two or more roads are the main spots for bus stands. Local buses
generally(‡Rbv‡iwj) do not maintain fixes bus
stands. However, for intercity buses there are fixed(wdKmW)
bus stands on highways. A bus stand plays an important role in the field of
communication. Though it creates problem, like traffic jam, our communication(Kwgwb‡Kmb) system would break down without it. A bus stand
becomes busy mainly at pick hour when people come out for work and also when
they are ready to go back home. When an over crowded bus reaches the station,
there rises a hue and cry. Pushing and shoving occur among the passengers. It
looks like a mini battle field. However, nowadays there are some bus stands
where some rules and regulations are maintained. However, for a safe and
comfortable journey, the service facilities of each bus stand should be
Mobile phone is a recent(wi‡m›U-m¤úªwZ)
invention(Bb‡fbmb) of modern(gWv©b-AvaywbK) science. It has added a new dimension(Wvq‡gbmb) to our life and to our communication(KwgDwb‡Kmb-‡hvMv‡hvM)) system. It is a telephone system(wm‡÷g-c×wZ) that works without any wire. It can be moved and
quickly from place to place. We can send message at any time. We can also
communicate with others at any place. It is easily portable Through mobile
phone we can send message to distant places, play games and sports, know about
time, solve the work of calculation, be aware of different kinds of news and views.
At present the popularity of mobile phone is increasing. People are being
encouraged(BbKv‡iRW) to buy a mobile set at a
cheaper rate. Mobile phone has some drawbacks. Scientist have become
discovered(wWmKfviW) that mobile phone can cause
cancer to the users. Besides, it has become a fashion with the young people to
keep a mobile phone. The terrorists(‡U‡ivwi÷m-mšÍvªmxiv)
are also using it to spread(BmwcÖW-we¯Ívi Kiv) out
terrorism(‡U‡ivwiRg-mš¿vmev`) all around the
world. The government should have an official restriction(‡imwUKkb-mxgve×Zv) on using mobile phone by children and
pregnant(‡cÖM‡b›U-Mf©eZx) women.
Now-a days load shedding is a regular(‡i¸jvi-wbqwgZ) affair in the cities and towns. It means the
suspension(mvm‡cbmb-mvgwqK eÜ) of electricity(B‡jKwUªwmwU-we`¨yZ) for the time being. Load shedding occurs
mainly in the big cities and in the industrial areas. The causes of load
shedding are many. There is shortage(mi‡UR-NvUwZ)
of power supply in proportion(‡cv‡ivcimb-AbycvZ) to
our need. With the increase of population(ccy‡jmb-RbmsL¨v)
the number of homes and buildings has increased. More mills and factories have
been set up in the country. But the supply of power has not increased. As a
result load shedding occurs frequently. Illegal(BwjM¨vj-Ae¨a)
connection of electricity is also responsible(‡imcbwmej-`vqx)
for this. Load shedding paralyses city life and hampers production(cÖWvKmb) in mills and factories. The students, patients in
the hospital and the business man are the worst sufferers of load shedding. In
short people experience great difficulties due to load shedding. They should be
economical(B‡Kv‡bvwgK¨vj) in the use electricity.
More power stations should be established to minimize(wgwbgvBR)
load shedding.
Internet is the latest discovery of science and the greatest
advancement(A¨vwPf‡g›U) in the field of
communication. It is the computerized(KgwcDUvivBRW)
process with telephone set. To get internet connection, it requires a modern
telephone line and a different sort of software for using the network system. Like
telephone number internet is maintained by its own number. There are two types
of internet. They are on line internet and off line internet. One can get
internet connection from three networking systems. They are LAN(Local Area
network), MAN(Metropoliton Area Network) and WAN(World Wide Area Network).Now a
days an internet is of great use to us. It has made the world smaller and
brought the world within our reach. We can get information on every matter
within a very short time. It has widened our knowledge and made us more thirsty
for the unknown. It is a miracle. It works like Aladin’s magic lamp.
During the last autumn vacation I went to visit Bagerhat, a
great historical place, with my father. I spent eight hours there. The Mazar of
Khan Jahan Ali is a fine one storeyed building. It has a beautiful dome. Hazrat
Khan Jahan Aliwas buried there. The tomb is made of cut out stones. There is a
small mosque nearby. A close associate of Khan Jahan Ali was buried outside the
tomb.One the night of the full moon of the month of Chaitra a big fair is held
beside the Mazar. Many people attend the fair. There is a big tank in front of
the mazar. The local people call it the Deghi of Khan Jahan Ali. There are some
crocodiles in the big tank. I also visited the Satgambouj Mosque. This Dighi is
called the Ghora Dighi. I visited the Dighi and came to know many things about
the social work of Khan Jahan Ali. Bagerhat is really a place of historical
interest. I saw many things and enjoyed myself. I left Bagerhat but the memory
still haunts my mind.
(17) Water Pollution
an important element of the environment, is essential for human and plant
life. It is next to air. But it is being polluted in many ways. There are many
causes of water pollution. Firstly throwing
waste and filth into water is responsible. Secondly using chemical fertilizers and insecticides in
the field is also responsible, thirdly throwing oil, food waste and human waste into the rivers by
boats causes water pollution. Besides insanitary latrines on the banks of the
rivers and canal and drains running into the rivers and canals cause water
pollution. Polluted water is
harmful to us. It causes many incurable diseases. It kills the fishes of the
river. First of all, the government should come forward to
solve the problem. We should make the people aware of the matter. Mills and
factories should not throw the waste and damaged products into rivers and
canals. Steamer, motor launches and sailboats should not throw oil, food waste
and human waste into the rivers and canals. We should not build insanitary
latrines on the banks of the rivers and canals.
(18) E- learning
E-learning is the use of electronic
media and information and communication technologies in education. Bernard
Luskin, a pioneer of e-learning, says that the “c’ should be interpreted to
-mean “exciting, energetic, enthusiastic, emotional, extended, excellent, and educational”
in addition to “electronic.” E-learning includes numerous types of media for delivering
text, audio, images, animation, and streaming video etc. E-learning can occur
in or out of the classroom. It is suited t distance learning and flexible
learning. There are many advantages to online and computer-based learning when
compared to traditional face-to-face courses and lectures. Class work can be
scheduled around work and family. It reduces travel time and travel costs for
students. Students can study anywhere they have access to a computer and
internet connection. Students may select their level of knowledge and interest.
They can develop knowledge of the Internet and computers skills that will help
learners throughout their lives and careers. Successfully completing online or
computer-based courses builds self-knowledge and self-confidence among
students. There are a few disadvantages as well. Learners with bad study habits
may fall behind. Students may ted isolated from the instructor anct classmates.
Instructor may not always be available when students are studying or need help.
However, in addition to traditional learning e-learning can help learners in
many ways.
Physical exercise means the regular movement of the limbs of our
body according to rules. It is essential to keep our body fit and mind sound.
There lies a close connection between body and mind. We can not think of a
sound mind without a sound health. It is physical exercise which enables us to
build a good health. Physical exercise makes our body active and the muscles
strong. It also improves our power of digestion and blood circulation. It gives
strength to our brain. A machine gets rust for want of proper use. Human body
is also a machine. It becomes inactive and weak for want of exercise. So we
should take regular physical exercise in order to maintain a sound health and
lead a happy life.
The roads of Bangladesh are beset with
problems. Reckless driving is one of them. Most of the drivers are not well
trained. They are not well educated. They can somehow put their signature and
read Bengali. They are indifferent to human life. They do not realise that life
is more valuable than time. They drive desperately. They do not drive
consciously. Even they themselves are not conscious of their own life. They
change lanes frequently. They do not follow traffic signals. They drive in a
zigzag course and try to overtake others. As a result road accidents take place
frequently. Everyday we see the news of many road accidents on TV and in the
newspaper. Every year reckless driving takes a heavy tolls of life. We should
make them understand that life is more valuable than time. We should tell them
the consequences of reckless driving. By raising their conscience reckless
driving can be prevented and thus the number of road accidents and loss of life
can be brought under control or can be reduced.
Mr. Ahmed, headmaster of our school, is
our English teacher. He is 30 with a good health. He is a brilliant scholar
with a sound academic career. He is an M.A. in English. His method of teaching
is very easy and lucid. He has a strong, clear and pleasant voice. Everyday he
teaches us in a new style. He can make any grammatical problem easy. He knows
well how to increase the curiosity of the students. In the class room he is
just like an English. His pronunciation is good and he speaks English with a
foreign accent. In his class he creates an English environment. We never feel
boring in his class. Rather I feel encouraged in his class. He is very well
behaved and co-operative. He is never rude but friendly with his students. If
any student fails to understand any grammatical problem, he then and there
helps the student to understand it. He is very kind hearted to the poor
students. He is honest, sincere and dutiful. He is very strict to law and to
his principles. He has left a permanent impression in my mind. He is my best
teacher, guide and friend.
Bangladesh is widely(IqvBWwj-e¨vcKfv‡e) spoken term in Bangladesh. We are trying to make our
country digital in every sphere of life. Our government is also working
tirelessly to implement(Bgwcwj‡g›U) this. Digital Bangladesh must guarantee(‡Mivw›Uª)
efficient(Bwdm›U) and effective(B‡dKwUf) use of ICT. To make
Digital Bangladesh we have to establish(GmUvewj¯U) technology(‡UK‡bvjwR)
driven(WªvB‡fb) systems(wmm‡Ug) like e – governance,
e- commerce, e- production, e- agriculture, e-health etc. To make Bangladesh
digitally(wWwRU¨vwj) strong ICT infrastructure(Bbd«vKUviPvi) is a pre-requisite(wcwi-wiKzwqRxU). We should ensure electricity. Without solving
electricity(B‡jKwUªwmwU) problem we will not be able to implement(Bg‡cwj‡g›U)
our dream. English literacy rate in Bangladesh is less than one percent. We
should learn English as there is a strong correlation(Kwi‡jkb)
between English literacy(wjUv‡iwQ) and ICT development(‡Wfjc‡g›U). In the arena of
ICT English has become the lingua(wjs¸qv franca. In effort to
established Bangladesh as a Digital country, our government must make the use
of computer and internet available(G‡fjA¨vfj-mPviPi) for all.
Also the knowledge(bwjR) of computer should be made compulsory(Kgcyjmwi)
for the students of primary level. Every school should be connected(Kv‡bK‡UW)
under the web(I‡qe) of internet to teach the students about the
necessity(‡b‡QwQwU) of technology to keep pace with the modern world. In
a word, these steps must be met with success to build Digital Bangladesh.
(23) THE LIFE OF A FARMER (`¨v jvBd Ad A¨v
The person(cvimb)
who does the work of farming(dviwgs) is known(bb) as a farmer. In Bangladesh(evsjv‡`k)
the life of a farmer is not so good. He inherits(BbnvwiUm)
a little land. He is illiterate(BwjUv‡iU). He does not
know how to plough(cøvD) his land scientifically(mvBbwUwdK¨wj). He
can not apply(A¨vcjvB)
method(‡g‡_vW). He has only a pair(‡cqvi) of bullocks(eyjKm)
and some hand made tools. Often(A‡db) he has not
enough(A¨vbvd) money to buy seeds, fertilizer(dviwUjvĵRvi)
or pesticide(‡cmwUmvBW).
As a result he can not produce(cÖwWDm) more food for himself(wng‡mî) and his family. He can not make proper(‡cv‡ivcvi) use of his land. He gets up early in the morning,
goes to his land, ploughs it, sows the seeds and weeds(I‡qWm)
out. He comes home at noon, eats his meal, takes rest and again goes to his
land. He is born poor. Sometimes(mvgUvĵŗm) he takes loan from the money lenders(‡jÛvim). If he can not repay(wi‡cB) the loan, he sells the piece(wcm) of land. A framer is left on the mercy(gviwm) of nature(b¨vPvi).
He has pleasures(‡cøRvi) and pains in life. If he gets a
good harvest(nvi‡f÷), his face beams(wegm) with joy. On the other hand if the crops are not good,
his sorrows(m‡ivm) know no bounds(evDÛm). He and
his family starve(Gm‡Uªf).
He leads(wjWm) a very poor life. Though he works
hard, he can lead a decent(wW‡m›U) life. He can
not raise his head from the fear of wants. His life is meant for struggle(GmUªv‡Mj) of
A fisherman is a person who earns his livelihood(wjewjûW) by catching and selling fishes. A fisherman lives
with his family. He works hard all day and all night. A fisherman is a common
figure in our country. He uses a boat for catching fish. He is very hard
working, strong bodied man. He works both is fair and rough(ivd) weather. Her lives in a very ordinary(IiwWbvwi) houses. Most of the fishermen are poor. They have
no net or boat. So they work in groups. The life of a fisherman is very risky.
He often has to go to fish at night in the big rivers or in the seas. He faces
dangers. He has no radio set and motor boats. he can not listen(wj‡mb) to the weather(I‡q`vi)
warning. So he can not return to the shore safely. A fisherman leads a very
poor life. He is not given loans on easy terms. His face beams with smile(GmgvBj) when he catches a lot fish. A fisherman does much
good to us by supplying us with fish. So a fisherman plays an important role
like a farmer.
A village fair is an annual affair. It is a large gathering
place for all ages and callings. last month, I visited a fair at my village,
joynagor in comilla. The fair was held on the occasion of the death anniversary of a holy man named Pabitra
Shah.It was held on the bank of the river Titas. During the fair I was in my village as my school was closed due to summer
vacation. The ground was not so far from our home. So I went there on foot.
Some of my friends accompanied me. We reached there about 3.30 p.m. In the
fair, the people of different professions brought their own handmade articles
for sale. The shopkeepers sitting in rows displayed their articles an
attractive atmosphere. In the evening, we started for home with a pleasant
mind. Indeed, the day was very enjoyable and interesting to me.
(26) Earthquake
An earthquake is a natural calamity. It is the result
of sudden release of energy that creates seismic waves. It causes much havoc to
our life and wealth. Earthquake is measured with a seismometer. The surface
area where the quake occurs undergoes serious changes. Buildings collapse and
crumble within seconds. Those who are trapped are crushed to death. The
aftermath of earthquake is very terrible for the survivors who lose their near
and dear ones. They suffer from traumas throughout their lives. It endangers
our existence and survival on earth. Due to movement of the tectonic plates of
the earth, earthquake occurs frequently. Earthquake cannot be prevented, but we
can minimize the damages of earthquake. We can make preventive measures by
ensuring earthquake resistance building code compulsory.
(27) Bad Effect of Smoking
There is strong medical
evidence that smoking is related to more than two dozen diseases. It has
negative effects on nearly every organ of the body and reduces overall health.
Smoking is responsible for the cause of preventable death and it has also
negative health impacts on people of all ages: unborn babies, infants,
children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. Similarly, it leads people to
develop health problems like cancer, organ damage, and heart diseases.
These diseases limit a person’s ability to be normally active. The carbon
monoxide produced by passive smoking competes with oxygen for required sites on
red blood booths. This reduces the blood’s ability to deliver oxygen to the
heart and compromises the heart muscle’s ability to use oxygen. People who
smoke cigarettes seem to have a higher risk of death from heart
disease (and possibly stroke), but their risk isn’t as great as that of
cigarette smokers. Studies also show that smokers get more colds, flu,
bronchitis, and pneumonia than nonsmokers. And people with certain health
conditions become sicker if they smoke; because teens who smoke as a way to
manage weight often light up instead of eating, their bodies lack the nutrients
they need to grow, develop, and fight off illness properly. Smoking lessens the
overall health of smokers. For every premature death caused each year
by smoking, there are at least 20 smokers living with a serious smoking-related
(28) Ekushey
Book Fair
are man's most trusted, daily friend. To develop one's inner and outward
faculty. the importance of reading books can never be denied.To promote the
sale of books, every year a fair known as "Book Fair" is held. Book
fairs are held at many places round the year. But the f= we are talking here is
"The Ekushey Boi Mela" held in the Bangla Academy premises in the
month of February in the memory of the martyrs for the language movement. Every
year stalls are set there with various old and new books from home and abroad.
This year, there were. 'two hundred stalls in the fair. The main purpose is to
introduce readers with a newly published books. It usually lasts for a week or
a month. It has grown popular with the readers. It has became, in fact, a great
attraction for the educated and cultured people. It gives the opportunity to
make publicity of their books. It also installs a love of books and develops
the habit of buying books. It is usually organized by any organization like
Bangla Academe: -publishing companies. All should buy and read books to be
enlightened beings. Only then the book fair will be successful.
(29) Global Village
means Worldwide. By the term Global village we mean the world to be a single
community linked by telecommunications and internet connections. The term
was first used by Marshall McLuhan. In his two books on media and communication
he opined that telephone, TV and electronic media have brought all mankind
close to one another for example if we watch the news of floods or earthquakes
in a distant land on TV we feel that we are also living in there .we can see
what is happening at the same moment . We can share the same suffering
with the people who are in the picture at the moment. McLuhan believed that
electronic, communication would make the global village .When he first said
about the idea of global village , the internet was not invented . But
now personal computers and the internet have made his idea more realistic than
ever. Now the entire globe is connected in a world wide web called ‘ The
internet ‘ .
(30) My Best Friend
best friend is my classmate at school. She and I have been studying together
since we entered school in kindergarten. We have studied together all these
years. We also travel by the school bus together because we stay close to each
other. Her home is only a ten minute walk from my place.
My friend is kindly and sweet-natured. We are
always happy to be with each other. We enjoy studying, playing and eating
together. If I am sad she will do all she can to make me smile and feel happy.
She has always been kind and helpful to me. When I
miss school because I am unwell she comes to my place to share with me all that
has been done at school. When she misses school I too help her with all that
has been covered at school. We also play badminton together in the evenings.
(31) Co- curricular
true aim of education is the harmonious development of body, mind and soul. But
mere bookish knowledge is not enough. Without co-curricular activities the full
blooming of body, mind and soul is quite impossible. Co-curricular activities
include debate, publication of magazine, cultural activities such as singing,
dancing. The fact is that co-curricular activities are part and parcel for the
full flourishment of the talents of the students. Co-curricular activities
bring out the best and the latent talents of the students. They provide ample
opportunity to develop their faculty. Again games and sports are part and
parcel of study because without a sound health a student cannot concentrate on
his study. We all know the fact that health is wealth. Games and sports pave
the way of building sound health. Moreover, co-curricular activities help the
students to foster good will. They teach students to be polite, modest, gentle,
loyal, diligent and perseverant .they also tightens the bondage of friendship
and brotherhood among the students.
(32) Importance of trees
Trees are Nature’s bounty. Trees are of many
different kinds. There are flowering trees, which bear blossoms, and
non-flowering ones, which do not bloom into flowers. There are evergreen trees,
which stay green through the year. There are also deciduous ones which may shed
their leaves during a particular season annually making their branches turn
bare. Trees make landscapes beautiful. Trees are invaluable to man and
terrestrial life forms. Trees maintain ecological balance and equilibrium.
Trees must be protected. The felling of trees must be prevented. Tree
plantation activities must be encouraged to make our environment green,
beautiful and healthy.
will find here below a number of long and short paragraph on Trees of varying
word lengths. We hope these paragraphs on Trees will help students in
completing their school assignments. These will also help children write and
read out paragraphs in simple words and with small sentences. Students can
select any paragraph on Trees according to their particular requirement.
(33) An Ideal Student
An ideal student is he who
has a thirst for knowledge, the curiosity to learn and understand new and new
things about man and nature. He has a regular routine for doing everything.
Thus he is regular and punctual. He gets up early in the morning, takes regular
exercise, has his bath and goes to his school and college in time. He
devotes his time to studies whole-heartedly and he respects his teachers and
elders, as he respects his parents. He helps the weak students in their
students and never makes fun of them. He is very particular about his character
and manners. He is truthful, honest and frank. He does not find fault with
others but tries to get rid of his own drawbacks, if any. He has no evil habits
like drinking, smoking, gambling etc. He is a great patriot and is ready to die
for his country. He is very studious. He knows that an idle man’s brain is the
devil’s workshop. He does the right thing at the right time. For instance,
copying in the examination can never be his motto. He has a positive
and confident attitude towards life.
(34) A RAINY DAY ( G †iwb †W)
On a rainy day it rains all day long. A rainy day is
and gloomy(‡Møvwg).
The sky is overcast(IfviKv÷) with thick clouds(K¬vDWm-‡gN). The sky
is not seen. None can go out without an umbrella(Avg‡eªjv). Water stands on roads
and roads become muddy(gvwW) and slippery(wmwjcvwi. Those who have offices
and other business(wewR‡bm) go out with umbrellas over the head, shoes
in hand and clothes folded(‡dvj‡WW) upto knee(bx). Passers-by also move in the
same way. Sometimes people slip and fall on the muddy road. When it rains in
people get drenched(‡W‡iÝW) and stop midway(wgWI‡q). The poor
much on a rainy day. They can not go out in quest(Kz‡q÷) of work and can
not earn their daily food. They pass the day through(‡_ªv) sufferings(mvdviBs)
.Most of the students do not go to school. Only a few go to school but they get
drenched on the way. So classes are not held and it is a day of great joy to
them. Other people also stay at home and pass the day without doing anything.
The cattle keep standing(GmUvbwWs) in their sheds(‡mWm) and bellow
fodder. A rainy day is not pleasant(‡cø‡R›U) at all
(35) A Road/Street Accident
A serious(wmwiqvm-gvivZ¡K) road accident(A¨vKwm‡W›U) took place at New Market area at 11:30 am day before yesterday. I was going to the Arts Faculty(‡dKvjwU-Abyl`) of the Dhaka University(BD‡bvfviwmwU-wek^we`¨vjq) to attend my classes. I saw an 18-year old student crossing(‡µvwms-cvi nIqv) the busy road in front of Dhaka College when a speedy bus which was coming from Science(mv‡qÝ) Laboratory(j¨vf‡ivUvwi-cixÿvMvi), ran over him killing him on the spot. People around rushed(ivmW-Zvovûiv K‡i †QvUv) to the spot instantly(BbGmU¨v›Uwj), took an auto rickshaw found available(G‡eBjA¨vej-mPviPvi) there and took the dead body to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. The agitated (A¨vwRwU‡q‡UM-&D‡ËwRZ) crowd attacked(A¨vUvKW-Avµgb Kiv) the bus, beat the driver and set the bus on fire. I also accompanied(A¨v‡KvgcvwbW-m½x nIqv) the dead body to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. The parents of the boy also rushed to the hospital. The doctors on duty declared(wWKjviW-‡Nvlbv Kiv) him to be dead. The hospital authority(A‡_vwiwU-KZ…cÿ) conducted post-mortem and handed over the dead body to his parents. The driver of the speedy bus was exclusively responsible for the accident. The vehicles are supposed(mv‡cvmW-g‡b Kiv ev aiv nq) to reduce(wiwWDm-Kgv‡bv) speed in front of the educational (GWz‡K‡kvbvj) institutions. But the bus was moving at a great speed. In order to get rid of frequent road accidents law in this regard(wiMvW©-e¨v&cv‡i) should be made strict and the law should be implemented(Bgwcø‡m›U‡UW-Kvh©Ki Kiv) properly. Regular training of the drivers should be carried on and public awareness(GIqvi‡Q) should be raised at all levels.
A serious(wmwiqvm-gvivZ¡K) road accident(A¨vKwm‡W›U) took place at New Market area at 11:30 am day before yesterday. I was going to the Arts Faculty(‡dKvjwU-Abyl`) of the Dhaka University(BD‡bvfviwmwU-wek^we`¨vjq) to attend my classes. I saw an 18-year old student crossing(‡µvwms-cvi nIqv) the busy road in front of Dhaka College when a speedy bus which was coming from Science(mv‡qÝ) Laboratory(j¨vf‡ivUvwi-cixÿvMvi), ran over him killing him on the spot. People around rushed(ivmW-Zvovûiv K‡i †QvUv) to the spot instantly(BbGmU¨v›Uwj), took an auto rickshaw found available(G‡eBjA¨vej-mPviPvi) there and took the dead body to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. The agitated (A¨vwRwU‡q‡UM-&D‡ËwRZ) crowd attacked(A¨vUvKW-Avµgb Kiv) the bus, beat the driver and set the bus on fire. I also accompanied(A¨v‡KvgcvwbW-m½x nIqv) the dead body to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. The parents of the boy also rushed to the hospital. The doctors on duty declared(wWKjviW-‡Nvlbv Kiv) him to be dead. The hospital authority(A‡_vwiwU-KZ…cÿ) conducted post-mortem and handed over the dead body to his parents. The driver of the speedy bus was exclusively responsible for the accident. The vehicles are supposed(mv‡cvmW-g‡b Kiv ev aiv nq) to reduce(wiwWDm-Kgv‡bv) speed in front of the educational (GWz‡K‡kvbvj) institutions. But the bus was moving at a great speed. In order to get rid of frequent road accidents law in this regard(wiMvW©-e¨v&cv‡i) should be made strict and the law should be implemented(Bgwcø‡m›U‡UW-Kvh©Ki Kiv) properly. Regular training of the drivers should be carried on and public awareness(GIqvi‡Q) should be raised at all levels.
A street hawker deals in various(‡fwiqvm-wewfbœ)
things by hawking(nwKs)
from street to street. He carries(‡Kwim-enb Kiv) his materials(g¨vUvwiqvjm-gvjcG)
on head and sometimes in a small handicart. He generally buys his goods at a
rate and sells them at a good profit. A street hawker is very cunning. He knows
his business very well. His customers(Kvm‡Uvgvi-MÖvnK) are children
and women. He brings toys, sweets and other things for children and sells them
at a fixed price at a good rate. He also brings bangles, ribbons, clothings,
fruits, utensils(BD‡Ubwmj-evmb‡Kvmb),
fancy goods and things of domestic(W‡gmwUK-mvsmvwiK) uses for
women. He speaks in different(wWdv‡i›U-wfbœ) ways to draw the attention of his
customers. A hawker also knows the time/ hour of his business. He does not come
when housemasters(nvDmgv÷vi-M„nKZ©v)
are at home. Rather(i¨v`vi-eis) he comes when housemasters are out of
home and when women are free from their household work and duties.
A tea stall is a common(Kgb-mvaviY) sight in our
country. It is found(dvDÛ-cvIqv) in cities, towns, bazaar, railway
stations bus stands and even in villages. It is a small shop. In a tea stall
there are few chairs, tables or benches. Prepared(wcwicviW) tea is sold
here. Biscuits, cakes, loafs,bananas, cigarettes(wmMv‡iU) and betel leaf are also
sold here. There is often a boy or two to serve tea to the customers. The
sits behind the catch box and collects(Kv‡j±m-msMÖn Kiv) money from the
customer. An ordinary tea stall is dirty. A kettle(‡KUwj) is always kept hot
on the stove. A tea stall opens in the morning and closes late night. A tea
stall is a popular(ccyjvi –RbwcÖq) place. People of different(wWdv‡i›U-wfbœ)
ages and classes come here. They take tea and talk with one another. They
discuss on various subjects. They also talk on village politics, national and
international politics(cwjwUKm) and on current(Kv‡i›U-Pjgvb) affairs.
Sometimes customers raise a storm over a cup of tea. A tea stall is an
place of social gathering indeed.
A village fair is a great event in the life of the villagers. In some villages it is held on particular festive occasions like the ‘Nowrooj or the first Boishakh. It gathers at fixed sites. Such fairs take more or less the turn of a bazar’. A village fair is also held to commemorate(Kwg‡gv‡iU) the death of a saint or an ascetic person of the village. It gathers round his ‘mazar’ or monumental(gby‡gbUvj) graveyard. However, the day of fair is a day of great rejoicing. Traders from different places come to the fair and set up their temporary(‡Ugcv‡ivwi-ÿb¯’vqx shops. They colourfully decorate their shops and put on display their articles to sell. These are relatively cheap fancy goods that attract the young boys and girls most. Other things that lure the children are muri’, binni’, ‘khoi’ and varieties of candies and sweetmeats’. The women get their earthen utensils and wooden(D‡Wb-Kv‡Vi) equipments(BKzBc‡g›U) bought from the fair. The village fair is also a place of joy arid fun. Magicians(g¨vwRwmqvb), circus parties and opera bands also put up their tents in a village fair and add to the joy and delight of the people. This fair lasts for one week or sometimes one month. A village fair plays a great role upon the simple-minded rural people. They enjoy it greatly. It is certainly a great source of pure joy and provides them with refreshment from their monotonous life. Everybody waits for this annual event with great hope and attends it with a great thrill of joy.
A village fair is a great event in the life of the villagers. In some villages it is held on particular festive occasions like the ‘Nowrooj or the first Boishakh. It gathers at fixed sites. Such fairs take more or less the turn of a bazar’. A village fair is also held to commemorate(Kwg‡gv‡iU) the death of a saint or an ascetic person of the village. It gathers round his ‘mazar’ or monumental(gby‡gbUvj) graveyard. However, the day of fair is a day of great rejoicing. Traders from different places come to the fair and set up their temporary(‡Ugcv‡ivwi-ÿb¯’vqx shops. They colourfully decorate their shops and put on display their articles to sell. These are relatively cheap fancy goods that attract the young boys and girls most. Other things that lure the children are muri’, binni’, ‘khoi’ and varieties of candies and sweetmeats’. The women get their earthen utensils and wooden(D‡Wb-Kv‡Vi) equipments(BKzBc‡g›U) bought from the fair. The village fair is also a place of joy arid fun. Magicians(g¨vwRwmqvb), circus parties and opera bands also put up their tents in a village fair and add to the joy and delight of the people. This fair lasts for one week or sometimes one month. A village fair plays a great role upon the simple-minded rural people. They enjoy it greatly. It is certainly a great source of pure joy and provides them with refreshment from their monotonous life. Everybody waits for this annual event with great hope and attends it with a great thrill of joy.
A winter(DBbUvi) morning is
misty and cold. There is dense(‡WÝ) fog everywhere.
Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun rays can not get through(‡_ªv it. Even things at t little distance(wWmU¨vÝ) can hardly be been. Bird’s chirping(Pviwcs) is not heard. The cow and other animals(A¨vwbgjm) can not come out. But it is not so in every
morning. Dew drops fall on leaves and blades(eøv‡Wm-WMv)
of grass at night. They look like glittering(wMwjUviBs)
pearls(c¨vijm-gy³v) when the rays of the
morning sun fall on them. Village children(wPj‡Wªb)
and people have hardly warm cloths. They gather(M¨v`vi)
straw and dry leaves(wjfm) to make fire(dvqvi) to warm themselves. The old and the poor bask(ev¯‹) in the sun in order to warm themselves. People in
general(‡Rbv‡ij-mvavib) and children get up
late. So everyone is busy in taking breakvfast(‡eªKdv÷),
dressing(‡Wªwms) and getting ready(‡iwW) for going to their respective(‡im‡cKwUf)
places. In a winter morning one can enjoy delicious(wWwjmvm)
and sweet cakes, pias of date juice and many other things. The scene(wmÝ) of the winter morning vanishes(‡fwb‡mm)
as the day advances. The sun goes up and the fog melts. A winter morning is
enjoyable(BbRqGej) in many respects.
(40) OUR
The national(b¨vkbvj-RvZxq) flag is
a symbol(wm¤^j-cÖZxK) of an independence(BwÛ‡cb‡WÝ) of a nation. Our national(b¨vkbvj)
flag is the symbol of our freedom(wd«Wg).
our national(b¨vkbvj) flag is very beautiful(weDwUdzj) to look
at. It is rectangular(‡iK‡Us¸jvi) in size(mvĵR). Its length(‡jš’)
and breadth(‡eª_) is 5 :3 in proportion(‡cÖvcimb). It is made(‡gBW) of cloth(‡K¬v_)
in green and read colour .The background(e¨vKMÖvDÛ) of our national flag is bottle(eUj) green. There is a round(ivDÛ) red portion(cikb)
in the middle(wgWj). Our national(b¨vkbvj) flag conveys(Kb‡fm)
a deep(wWc) meaning(wgwbs).
The green colour(Kvjvi) denotes(WxbUm)
the green fields of Bangladesh. The red colour in the middle(wgWj) of the flag is the symbol of blood(eøvW) of the martyrs(gviUvim).
It bears(‡eqvim) the memory(‡ggwi) of our sacrifice(‡mKwidvBm) in our war of liberation(wjev‡imb). we look(jyK)
upon(Avcb) our national flag(d¬vM) as a symbol(wm¤^j)
of our independence(BwÛ‡cb‡WÝ). We are
of it. When(‡nv‡qb) we look at it, our heart(nvU©) is filled(wdì)
with love(jvf) and respect(‡im‡c±)
for the country(Kvw›Uª). We can uphold(Avc‡nvì) its honour(Abvi)
by doing(WyBs)
our national duty(wWDwU)
English is the most important(BgciU¨v›U)
and most widely used international(BbUvib¨vkbvj)
language. Without English, we can not do anything in this modern world. Without
having proficiency(‡cv‡ivwdwm‡qwÝ) in
English we can not hope to get a good job. If we want to become a postman, a
telephone operator, a nurse, a waiter or a receptionist(wi‡mcmwb÷),
we need English. A doctor, a banker, a pilot, a secretary, an educationist
should have the knowledge of English. For business communication and
correspondence(K‡imc‡ÛÝ) with foreign) has to speak English to another foreigner. In the airports
and hotels in foreign countries, we have n(d‡ib)
countries English is a must. We must have to use English for international
relation(wi‡jkb) and diplomatic(wWc‡jvg¨vwUK) affairs. The knowledge(bwjR)
of English is essential(B‡mbmj) for a tourist.
A foreigner(d‡ibvi o alternative(A¨vjUvi‡bwUf) expect English language to communicate(KwgDwb‡KU). Modern age is an age of computer and
information(Bbdi‡gmb) technology(‡UK‡bvjwR). We must have the knowledge of English to do a
job in any of these fields. The modern world is a global village and every
nation is a member of this village. To become an active member of this village
we need English.
The man who pulls(cyjm-Uvbv)
rickshaw(wiKmv) for money is a rickshaw puller(cyjvi-Uvbv). A rickshaw puller is quite familiar(‡dwgjvi-cwiwPZ) in cities and towns. He lives in a slum. His
dress is very shabby. His income is very poor. He supports(mvcU©-fib‡cvlb Kiv) his family through(‡_ªv-g‡a¨ w`qv) much hardship. He has no rickshaw of his
own. He toils hard. In all weathers good and bad he is seen carrying
passengers. He bargains(evi‡MBbm-evivevwi Kiv)
with his passengers. He demands more money when the weather(I‡q`vi-AvenvIqv) is very hot or foul. Sometimes he tries to
cheat(wPU-cÖZvibv Kiv) passengers. But most
often he is cheated by passengers. A rickshaw puller is seen sleeping on his
rickshaw beneath a tree or sitting idly on his rickshaw. Though(‡`v-hw`I) he drives rickshaw from morning till late night,
he leads a very miserable(wgRviGej-Kiæbxq) life.
His life is full of sorrows and sufferings. He can not enjoy peace(wcP-kvwšÍ) and happiness(‡nwc‡bQ-myL).
If he becomes(weKvgm-nIqv) sick, he can not drive his
rickshaw and earn money. So he and his family starve. If he can earn more than
his expectation(GKm‡cK‡Umb-cÖZ¨vkv), his face smiles. But this opportunity(AcviPzwbwU-my‡hvM) is very rare in his life.
A day labourer is a
person who leads his life by the sweat(‡mv‡qU-Nvg)
of his brow in various(‡fwiqvm-wewfbœ)
fields. He is healthy, strong and stout. He lives with his family in slum and
lives a subhuman(mvewnDg¨vb) life. He is usually
employed(Bg‡cv‡jv‡qW) in agricultural(A¨vMwiKvjPvi) and construction(KbGmUªvKmb)
work. He works from morning to evening according(A¨vKiwWs)
to the direction(wW‡iKkb) of his employer. He gets up
early in the morning and goes out in search of work. In the evening he gets his
wages. Then he goes to market, buys his daily necessaries(‡b‡QQvwim) and returns to his house. He has both pleasures(‡cÖRvi) and pains. If he earns more, he gets pleasures. When
he fails to do that, he gets pains. Sometimes he and his family go without
food. The life of a day labourer (‡jevivi)is
full of sorrows(m‡ivm) and sufferings. In good or bad
weather(I‡q`vi) he has to work hard. He does not
know what rest is. Though the service(mviwfm)
of a day labourer is great important, he does not get his due respect. So we
should have soft feeling(wdwjs) for him so that
he can lead a decent(wW‡m›U) life with
tongue(Uvs-wReŸv) is a
divine(wWfvBb-¯^Mx©q) gift.
From the holy Quran we come to know that the most merciful(gviwmdzj-`qv) Almighty
has bestowed(‡em‡UvW) a mother
tongue upon each and every caste, creed and colour. Mother tongue is so
important(BgciU¨v›U) the
people of a country express(GKvª‡cÖm) their
ideas, thoughts(_Um),
emotions(Bg‡kvb) etc.
clearly through(‡_ªv) mother
tongue. But it is an irony of fate that the then rulers of Pakistan tried to
impose(Bg‡cvm-Av‡ivc Kiv) Urdu as
mother tongue upon us instead(BbGm‡UW-cwie‡Z©) of
Bangla. But the people of our country raised their voice against this unlawful(Avb‡jvdzj-A‰bwZK)
decision(wWwmmb-wmavšÍ). Some of
the heroic sons came forward(diAiW) and
sacrificed their glorious(‡Mv‡jvwiqvm) life for
the cause of our mother tongue on the 21st February, 1952. Since then this day is called
the Shaheed Dibash. Every year we remember(wi‡ggevi) this day
with solemnity(m‡jgwbwU) and pay
them profound(‡cÖvdvDÛ) tribute(wUªeyU). Now it is a great pleasure(‡cøRvi) for us that this day has got
international recognition(wiKMwbmb) in 1999.
From now onwards this day will be observed as “The World Mother Language Day.
So it is a matter of great glory and prestige for us.
(45) THE
VILLAGE DOCTOR (`¨v wf‡jR W³i)
man who gives medical (‡gwW‡Kj)
treatment(wUªU‡g›U) to the
village people is known as a village doctor. The village doctor is a man of
great importance(BgciU¨vÝ) is
society(‡mvmvBwU). He is well known(bb) to the villagers. He renders(‡iÛvim) great service(mviwfm) to the villagers when they fall ill.
He is not well-qualified(‡KvqvwjdvBW). He does
not have a good schooling(¯‹zjBs). He
gathers(M¨v`vim) experience(GKvªmwcwi‡qÝ) by
working under a qualified doctor or in a medicine(‡gwWwmb) shop. His dispensary(wWm‡cbmvwi) offers a
poor show with one or two worn out almirahs, an old wooden(D‡Wb) chair, a broken(eª‡Kb) table and one or two benches. The
village doctor leads a very hard and busy life. He gets up early in the
morning. He begins to attend(A¨v‡UÛ) the
patients(‡c‡k›U) present
at his dispensary just t 8.00 am and finishes(wdwb‡mm) at late
hours of night. Though(‡`v) he
sometimes(mvgUvĵŗ) worsens(Ai‡Rb) the diseases(wW‡R‡mm) of a patient, he is the most trusted(Uªv÷‡UW) persons to the villagers. He is the
best friend of the villagers because(weKR) they
find him whenever(‡nv‡qbGfvi) they
call him. He shares(‡kqvi) their
weal and woe. He consoles(Kb‡mvj) them and
hears them words of hope. He treats his patients with sympathy(m¨vgc¨vw_).
A moonlit night is really charming and
enjoyable. It presents a beautiful sight. It dazzles our eyes and sooths our
heart. In a moon lit night the moon looks like a desk of silver. The moon
bathes the whole world with her silvery light. The watery places mean canals
and rivers and tanks seem to smile on a moonlit night. The grand spectacles the
canals, rivers and tanks present can not be described in words. The whole
natures looks bright and appears in celestial light. People of all age enjoy a
moonlit night. Young boys play and little boys and girls make merriments and
amuse themselves. A moonlit night is really enjoyable to a newly married
couple. Men and women of middle ages can not come out of doors. They pass some
hours in gossiping and story telling and enjoy the night. Poets of all
languages have sung highly of a moonlit night, Even lower animals come out at
night and little insects also fly here and there. A moonlit night is pleasant
and fine indeed.
(47) A TEA
tea stall is a common sight in our country. It is found in cities, towns,
bazaar, railway stations bus stands and even in villages. It is a small shop.
In a tea stall there are few chairs, tables or benches. Prepared tea is sold
here. Biscuits, cakes, loafs,bananas, cigarettes(wmMv‡iU) and
betel leaf are also sold here. There is often a boy or two to serve tea to the
customers. The manager sits behind the catch box and collects money from the
customer. An ordinary tea stall is dirty. A kettle(‡KUwj) is always kept hot on the stove. A tea
stall opens in the morning and closes late night. A tea stall is a popular
place. People of different ages and classes come here. They take tea and talk
with one another. They discuss on various subjects. They also talk on village
politics, national and international politics(cwjwUKm) and on
current affairs. Sometimes customers raise a storm over a cup of tea. A tea
stall is an important place of social gathering indeed.
rising is a good habit. It means getting up from bed early in the morning. It
is beneficial to health. ’Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise’ is a proverb. The man who rises early in the morning gets
more time to do his work. He has not to make haste in his work. The morning air
refreshes(wid‡i‡mm) both his
body and mind. He can enjoy the beauty of nature in the early morning. Nature
is then fresh and beautiful. In stimulates his thought(_U) and feeling. He can think about the
creation of the world. He enjoys sound sleep at night. In fact, early rising
helps us to face the day with a fresh mind. He can enjoy the beauty of nature
in the early morning. Nature(b¨vPvi) is then
fresh and beautiful. In stimulates(BmwUgy‡jwUs) his
thoughts and feelings. He can think about the creation of the world. He enjoys
sound sleep at night. In fact, early rising helps us to face the day with a
fresh mind.
Price hike is a much-talked word now-a
days. Price hike means rise of the prices of the essential(B‡mbmj) to such an extreme that it pinches the
consumers and they feel that they are paying more than the usual price. There
are multifarious(gvwëwdwiqvm) reasons
behind it. Most prominent(‡cÖvwg‡b›U) of them
is the cruel hand of the syndicate(wmbwW‡KU)
regulating(‡i¸‡jwUs) the
price. Hoarding(‡nviwWs) is also
another important cause. Besides these, price spiral in the world market,
natural(b¨vPvivj) calamities, less production(‡cÖvWvKmb) in
comparison(Kgc¨vwimb) to the
total consumers are mentionable(‡gbkbGej). Some
money – minded, miser and greedy, selfish people are responsible(‡imcbwmej) for
this. The common people have to suffer a lot for this. Being compelled(Kg‡cøW), they have started cutting off their
daily list of consumptions. This problem should be solved at an early date. But
the remedies are not easy ones to address. Still we have to make it. The govt.
and law enforcing(Bb‡dviwms) bodies
should strictly control and break down the syndicate regulating the prices of
the essential. Hoarding must be prevented. Above all, our united effort can
only play a vital role in addressing the problem
a days a book fair has become(weKvg-nIqv) very
popular(ccyjvi-RbwcÖq). It has
created(wµ‡U‡WW-m„wó) a sense
of interest(BbUv‡i÷-AvMÖn) for
books amongst(Ggs÷-g‡a¨) the
general(‡Rbv‡ij-mvavib) mass. In
a book fair a hundreds of pavilions(‡cwfwjqbm-Zvey) are set
up .All sorts of books-fictions, text books, dramas, children books, reference(‡idv‡iÝ) books etc are displayed(wWm‡cøW-mvRv‡bv) .There
are also food and drink stalls .A book fair becomes crowdy specially(Gm‡cwmqvwj) in the
evening. Both male and female customers gather(M¨v`vi) a book
fair .The writers(ivBUvim) also
visit the fair regularly. Seminars(‡mwgbvim) and
cultural programmes are also held. A book fair reminds(wigvBÛm) us that books are our best companions.
They are always at our side when we are in danger. They change(‡Pb&R) our
outlook on life and widen our domain of knowledge. It is books which help us to
forget jealousy(‡RjvwQ), malice(g¨vwjm) and superstition(mycviBmwUwUmb). Again
we get these best friends at a cheaper(wPcvi) rate
from a book fair.
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