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JSC English Final Suggestion -2019


প্রিয় JSC পরীক্ষার্থীবৃন্দ ,
অনেক যাচাই বাছাই করে তোমাদের জন্য নিয়ে এলাম ইংরেজি ১ম ২য় পত্র (Written) অংশের চূড়ান্ত সাজেশন্স শতভাগ কমনের নিশ্চয়তা দিয়ে নিজেকে বোকা বানাতে চাই না। তবে, এটুকু বলতে পারি, এগুলো সল্ভ করলে তোমরা যে ধারণা পাবে তা দ্বারা পরীক্ষায় আগত সকল Written এর answer করার সক্ষমতা রাখবে
                                                                               Seen Passage
(01) Nakshi Kantha is ------ on them.(Ctg-2016, Syl-2015, Dha-2014, Raj-2014,Din-2014, Cum-2014,Bar-2014)
(02) The ethnic people ------ sport for them. (Syl-2017,Bar-2016)
(03) Bangladeshi cuisine is ---- People. (Raj-2017)
(04) Health is the condition ------- of life. (Bar-2017, Raj-2015)
(05) The word hygiene means ------ happy life. (Din-2016,2015,Cum-2015,Jas-2014, Syl-2014,)
(06) There is a small village --------- Kamal uddin Joardar.
(07) Shamima started to tell -----Kamal Uddin Jpardar. (Cum-2018)
(08) Shamima’s misery started -----a famous designer. (Ja-2018, Din-2017,Cum-2017, Ctg-2017,Raj-2016,Dha-2015)
(09) At the farthest corner of --------- in nature. (Dha-2015)
(10) Once upon a time, a dove -----about me? (Jas-2016,Ctg-2015)
(11) Zara lives with her parents – forms. (Cum-2016,Ctg-2014)
(12) The Tha Kha floating market --------- sellers.
(13) Thousands of years ago,-------- for good luck. (Bar-2018)
(14) River gypsies are an ethnic----- or special powers. (Da-2018)(Ra-2018)(Ctg-2018)(All-2013)
(15) River gypsies in Bangladesh ------ some areas. (Dha-2017, Bar-2015)
(16) With only 2,500 taka in her ---------- Padak in 2012.
(17) Rumi Akhter Rina, 13, is in ------ allowance. (jas-2017)
(18) Human beings have invented -------- first wheel.
(19) Human beings conquered ------- a major accident. (Jas-2015)
(20) Communication of ideas is ------ changed our life. (Din-2018)(Syl-2018)
                                                                                 UNSEEN PASSAGE
01 Begum Rokeya was a famous writer and ---------her eldest brother lbrahm. (Dha-2018)
02. National Professor Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim,----------- passed away on 6th September in 1989. (Raj, Syl-2018)
03. Smoking is a very bad habit-------- The production of cigarettes should be banned. (Dha-2017)
04. The Nobel Prize is the world’s-------- 10th December, 1901 for his invention X-ray . (Cum-2016,Syl-2014)
05. Ferdousi, the great poet had --------- He expressed his deep shock for the departed poet. (Din-2016)
06. Neil Armstrong was the first man -------- He died on August 25, 2012. (Syl-2017)
07. You have heard the name of SM. Sultan ------ his immortal heart is with his arts. (Bar-2017)
08. Every nation has its own parliamert house------- and includes all modern facilities. (Cum-2014)
09. The pioneer of Bangladeshi modern art ------ Zainul Abedin Shangrahashala in Mymensingh. (Ctg-2014)
10. The moon is the earths nearest neighboir ------- They returned safely to the spaceship.(Bar-2014)
11. George Bernard Shaw was born on July 26, 1856 ------ George Bernard Shaw died.
12. Kazi Nazrul Islam (24 May, 1899—29 August, 1976) -------Dhaka in 1972, where he died in 1976.
13. Jasimuddin was a famous Bengali poet-------- near his ancestral home at Gobindapur.
14. The late Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah ------- campus of Shahidullah Hall of the University. (Din-2017)
15. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 ------ anymore. Lincoln is famous for that.
16. William Wordsworth was a major ------- ‘The Prelude’ He was the poet laureate of England.
17. Socrates was born of poor working ------- his ideas on a surer foundation.
18. International Mother Language Day ------- through multilingualism and multiculturalism.
19. Rabindranath Tagore was born at  ------‘. founded the Uhiversity of Viswa’Bharati.
20. Pritilata was born in Chattogram on 5 May 1911------- could not see it during her life time.
21. Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 ------- December 5, 2013 at the age of 95.
22. More than one hundred and seventy years ago, ----- He looked his men and paid them well.
23. Flbrence Nightingale did not like easy-------- transforming the nursing of the soldiers.
24. Flight Lieutenant Birshreshtha Matiur Rahman ------- Patriotism and sacrifice for the nation.
25. Robert Frost, a famous American poet, ------- He embraced death in 1962.
26. Mother Teresa, the servant of humanity --------- l979forlove and compassion for humanity.(Raj-2017)
27. Humayun Ahmed, a teacher, author -------- was buried in Nuhash Palli. (Bar-2018)
28.’ Kazi Nazrul Islam is our national poet,------  Bangabandhu. He died in 1976 in Dhaka.
29. Socrates was a great philosopher ------- by drinking a cup of Hemlock.
30. Bangladesh is an independent country ------- the 16th December is our Victory Day .
31; Charles Babbage was an English ------- left the world in October 1871.
32. Stephen Hawking is considered the ------ computer till his death on March 14, 2018.
33. Kamini Roy, poet and social worker ------ Bihar and Orissa Province, India.
34. Helen Keller was born in the little ------ just before her 88th birthday.
                                                             DIALOGUE WRITING
01. A dialogue between you and your friend about importance of punctuality in life  [C. B. 17]
02. A dialogue between you and your friend about how to make good result  [Ctg. B. “17]
03. A dialogue between two friends on how to make a good result [D. B. 16]
04. A dialogue between you and your friend about the bad effects of illiteracy [R. B. 16; Ctg. B. 14]
05. A dialogue between you and your friend about the necessity of reading newspaper
[Din. B. 18; J. B. “18; C. B. “18; Din. B. 16;Ctg. B. “16; C. B. “15; Syl. B. 15; R. B. 14]
06. A dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of tree plantation.[Ctg. B. “18; R. B. ‘17]
07. A dialogue between you and your friend about the importance f a doctor in our country [Syl. B. 18]
08. A dialogue between you and your friend about gardening [J. B. ‘16
09, A dialogue between you and your friend about your preparation for the exam [B. B. 17; c. B. 18; Din. B. 15; JSG Exam 13]
10. A dialogue between two friends about the benefit of early rising [yl. S. 1$; J. B: 14] .
11. A dialogue between you and your friend about the value of physical exercise [B. B. 18; Syl. 8. 17; 8. B. 16; R. B. 15]
12. A dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of learning English  [D. B. 17 & 15; Din. B. 17]
13. A dialogue between you and your friend about your aim in life [J. B. 
14. A dialogue between you and your friend about mobile phone (Ct8. B. ‘15J
15. A dialogue between you and your friend about your hobbias [B, B. 15; Din. 8. 14
16. A dialogue between you and your friend about an exciting football match [D. B. 14]
17. A dialogue between two friends about the bad effects of smoking f. B. IS; . B. 14]
18. A dialogue between you and your friend ab’out how to improve skill in English [Syl. B. 14]
19. A dialogue between a doctor and you about your illness. [0. B. 18; B. B. l4]
20. A dialogue between you and your friend about your plans how to spend your time after the JSC Examination
                                                                            INFORMAL EMAIL
01. An email to your friend inviting him/her to accompany you to a picnic [Syl. B. ‘17; B B. ‘17; J. B. “15; Ctg. B. 15]
02. An maiI to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant result in the JSC Examination [D. 8. ‘18, ‘15 & ‘14; Ctg. B. 18 & ‘16; J. B. ‘14; Syl. B. 14]
03. An email to your friend thanking her for the present she sent on your birthday [0. B.”15; B. B. ‘15; JSC Exam. 13]
04. An email to your friend about your preparation for JSC Exam [.J. B ‘18; R. B. & .1. B. ‘16; C. B. ‘15] ---
 05. An email to your cousin thanking him for wishing you a happy birthday [SyI. B. ‘18]
06. An email to your friend thanking him and other members of his family for their hospitality [B. B. ‘18 Din. B. 16]
07. An email to your pen friend about the natural beauty of Bangladesh [B. B. ‘16]
08. An email to your friend about the annual sports day of your school [J. B.’17; Din. B. ‘14]
 09. An email to your younger sister advising her to be attentive to her study [Ctg. B. ‘17]
10. An email to your friend requesting him to attend the marriage ceremony of your elder sister [Ctg. B. 14]
11. An email to your friend inviting him/her to spend the summer vacation in your village [R. B. ‘15]
12. An email to your father asking for some money. [SyI. B. 15; C. B. ‘14]
13. An email to your friend about your aim in life [C. B. ‘16] *
14. An email to your friend inviting him to visit your country [C. B. ‘17]
15. An email to your friend telling him/her how you have arranged your birthday party [Din. B. ‘17]
16. An email to your friend inviting him to attend the party of your birthday [R. B. ‘18; C. B. ‘181
17. An email to your friend to return your book [Din. B. ‘18]
18. An email to your younger brother telling him about the importance of reading newspaper
                                                                          WRITING PARAGRAPH
01. A Rainy Day [J. B. ‘16 & ‘15; C. B. ‘16; B. B. ‘15]
02. A School Library [Syl. B. ‘18; Ctg. B. ‘17; B. B. ‘17 & ‘14; D. B.; Din. B. ‘16; Syl. B. ‘16]
 03. A School Magazine [B. B. ‘18; C. B. ‘17; SyI. B. ‘17; Ctg. B. ‘15]
 04. A Street Accident [B. B. ‘16; J. 8. ‘14]
05. A Street Hawker [R.B.’17]
06. A Tea Stall [Ctg.B.’18&’16;C.B.’15;R.B.’14]’
07. A Village Fair [C. B. ‘14]
08. A Winter Morning [Din.B.’18;J. B. 17; D. B.’15]
09. Load-shedding [R. B. ‘16; Ctg. B. ‘14]
10. Our National Flag [Syl. B. ‘15; JSC Exam ‘13]
11. The Importance of Learning English [D. B. ‘14]
12. The Life of a Farmer [C.B.’lB]
13. Traffic Jam  [0. B. ‘18; R. B. ‘18; J. B. ‘18; Din. B. ‘17 & ‘14; Syl. B. ‘14]

14. Tree Plantation [D. B. ‘17; R. B. ‘15; Din. B. ‘15]                                                    
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