JSC Seen Passage -The ethnic People
The ethnic people in Bangladesh hold a very important place in the culture of the country. evsjv‡`‡ki b„ZvwË¡K RvwZ‡Mvôx G‡`‡ki ms¯‹…wZ‡Z LyeB ¸iæZ¡c~Y© GKwU ¯’vb `Lj K‡i Av‡Q| The majority of these people live in the Chattogram Hill Tracts. G mg¯Í †jv‡Ki AwaKvskB PUªMÖv‡gi cvnvw A‡j evm K‡i| The others live in the regions of Mymensingh, Rajshahi and Sylhet. Ab¨iv gqgbwmsn, ivRkvnx Ges wm‡jU A‡j evm K‡i| They live in forest areas, in the hills and in rural areas. Zviv ebv‡j, cvnv‡o Ges MÖvg¨ GjvKvq evm K‡i| They do Jhum cultivation. Zviv Ryg Pvl K‡i| For this work they clear a piece of land in the forest, prepare it and sow seeds in it. Zviv e‡bi GKLÛ Rwg cwi¯‹vi Kv‡i ˆZwi K‡i Ges Zv‡Z exR ecb K‡i| They are mostly farmers. Zviv AwaKvskB K…lK| By religion they are Hindus, Christians or Buddhists. a‡g©i w`K †_‡K Zviv wn›`y, wLª÷vb Ges †eŠ×| They speak their own mother tongues. Zviv Zv‡`i wbR¯^ gvZ…fvlvq K_v e‡j| Some of them are the Chakmas, the Marmans, tbe Tipperas and the Moorarngs who live in the Hill Tracts. Zv‡`i g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q PvKgv, gvivgv, wÎcyywi Ges gyis hviv cve©Z¨v‡j evm K‡i| The Santals live in Rajshahi. The Khasias and the Monipuries live in Syihet and the Hajangs and the Garos in Mymensingh. muvIZvjiv ivRkvnx‡Z evm K‡i| Lvwmqv I gwYcywiiv wm‡j‡U evm K‡i Ges nvRs I Mv‡iviv evm Kv‡i gqgbwms‡n| Most of these ethnic people living in Bangladesh have some common characteristics. evsjA‡`‡k emevmiZ GB mg¯Í b„ZvwË¡K RvwZ‡Mvôxi AwaKvs‡kiB wKQz mvaviY ˆewkó¨ Av‡Q| They have their own lifestyles. Zv‡`i wbR¯^ Rxebaviv i‡q‡Q|
They build their houses on bamboo or wooden platforms called ‘machang’. Zviv Zv‡`i evwoNi euvk ev Kv‡Vi
g‡Â wbg©vY K‡i hv‡K ÔgvPvsÕ ejv nq| Rice
is their staple food. fvZ
Zv`i cÖavb L`¨| They eat vegetables,
maize and fish, poultry and meat. Zviv kvKmewR, f‚Æv Ges gvQ, nuvm-gyiwM Ges gvsm Lvq| Their kitchen utensils are bamboo, wooden and earthen
pots which they make themselves. Zuv‡`i ivbœvi miÄvg n‡jv euvk, KvV Ges gvwUi cvÎ hv Zviv
wb‡RivB †Zwi K‡i| Men wear lungis and
women wear thamis or sarongs and angis. cyiæliv jw½ c‡i Ges gwnjviv _vwg, mvis Ges GswMm c‡i| Women weave their own clothes. gwnjviv wb‡R‡`i Kvco wb‡Riv
‡ev‡b| Hunting and fishing are their
favourite pastimes. wkKvi
Kiv Ges gvQ aiv Zv‡`i wcÖq Aemiwe‡bv`b| They
are fond of songs, music, dances, theatre and fairs. Zviv Mvb, msMxZ, bvP, bvUK Ges
†gjv cQ›` K‡i|
Traditional musical instruments used are
bugles made from buffalo horns, drums and bamboo flutes. gwn‡li wks †_‡K ˆZwi weDMj, †Xvj
Ges euv‡ki euvwk HwZn¨evnx ev`¨hš¿ wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| Wrestling is a popular sport for them. Kzw¯Í Zv‡`i GKwU RbwcÖq †Ljv|
1. Choose the correct answer to each question from the alternatives
given and corresponding number of the answers in your answer script.
(a) The word ‘important in line 1 of the text means
(i) glorious (ii) pure
(iii) significant (iv) needful
(b) The word ‘sow’ in line 4 of the text means
(i) plant (ii)
crop (iii) scatter (iv) drive
(c) The word ‘common’ in line of the text means —.
(i) general (ii)
simple (iii) ordinary (iv) current
(d) The ethnic people in Bangladesh play a significant role in the
culture of the country. Here the word ‘ethnic’ means —.
(i) rural (ii) aboriginal
(iii) urban (iv) folk
(e) The ethnic people use — language.
(i) foreign (ii)
global (iii) native (iv) international
(f) Most of them do the job of—.
(i) cleaning (ii)
office (iii) house (iv) farming
(g) Where do most of the ethnic people live?
(i) Sylhet (ii) Mymensingh (iii)
Chattogram (iv) Chattogram Hill Tracts
Extra Questions
(h) The word ‘Hunt’ in line 15 of the text means —.
(i) seek (ii) chase
an animal to catch (iii) catch (iv) fasten
(i) The word ‘Staple’ in line 11 of the text means —.
(i) main (ii)
urgent (iii) important (iv) significant
(j) The word ‘tongues’ in line 6 of the text means —.
(i) language
(ii) palate (iii)word (iv) slang
(k) The ethnic people live in —.
(i) rural area (ii) urban
area (iii) some particular regions of
Bangladesh (iv) all over Bangladesh
(l) Most of them do the job of —.
(i) fishing (ii) business
(iii) cleaning (iv) farming
(m) For Jhum cultivation they choose a piece of land —.
(i) in the plain land
(ii) in the forest (iii) beside a river
(n) The word ‘weave’ refers to —.
(i) knit (ii)
create (iii) invent (iv) paint
(0) ‘Bugle’ is a —.
(i) kitchen utensil (ii)
musical instrument (iii) sport (iv) dish
(p) The word ‘favourite’ In line 15 of the text means —.
(i) usual (ii) common
(iii) regular (iv) popular
(q) The word ‘wear’ in line 13 of the text means —.
(i) stop (ii) follow
(iii) put on (iv) hold
(r) The word ‘Rural’ in line 3 of the text means —.
(i) urban (ii) town
(iii) pastoral (iv) municipal
(s) — is their main food.
(i) Vegetables (ii) Maize
(iii) Fish (iv) Rice
(t) Which area do the ethnic people live in?
(i) In plain land (ii) In
city areas (iii) In hills and rural areas (iv) In desert and forest
(u) What do they do?
(i) Pottery (ii) Rice and
crops cultivation (iii) Fruit cultivation (iv) Jhum cultivation
(v) What are they by profession?
(i) Woodcutter (ii) Farmer
(iii) Fisherman (iv) Weaver
(w) Which language do they speak?
(i) Bangla (ii) English
(iii) Hindi (iv) Own language
(x)------ of the ethnic people live in the Chattogram Hill Tracts.
(i) Al1 (ii) Most
(iii) Almost (iv) Minority
(y) The ethnic people are mainly —.
(i) tillers (ii)
teachers (iii) potters (iv) carpenters
(z) They — their own kitchen utensils.
(i) make (ii)
purchase (iii) buy (iv) borrow
Answer the following questions from your reading of the above text.
(a) Where do the ethnic people live?
Answer: The ethnic people live in the forest areas, in the
hills and in rural areas.
(b) How do they do Jhum cultivation?
Answer: They first clear a piece of land in the forest. Then
they prepare it and sow seeds in it.
(c) Do they eat other foods besides rice? If yes, what are those?
Answer: Yes, they eat other foods besides rice. These are
vegetables, maize and fish, poultry and meat.
(d) Which dress do ethnic men and women wear?
Answer: Men wear lungis and women wear thamis or sarongs and
(e) What are their traditional musical instruments?
Answer: Their traditional musical insyruments are bugles made
from buffalo horns, drums and bamboo flutes.
(f) What sort of cultivation do they practice and how?
Answer: They practice Jhum cultivation. First, they choose a
piece of land in the forest and then they clear it, prepare it and sow seeds in
(g) With what the machang is made?
Answer: The Machang is made of wood or bamboo
(h) How do they enjoy their pastimes?
Answer: (h) They enjoy their pastimes
by hunting and fishing. Besides, they are fond of songs, music, dances, theatre
and fair.
(i) What do you know about their dress?
Answer: Men wear lungis and women wear thamis or
sarongs and angis. But women weave their own clothes.
(j) Where and how do they do the Jhum cultivation?
Answer: They do Jhum cultivation in the hilly areas.
For this, they clear up a piece of land in the forest, prepare it and then sow
seeds of crops in it.
(k) Where do the ethnic people contribute?
Answer: The ethnic people of Bangladesh conwibute a
lot to the culture of the country.
(I) Where do the ethnic people do the Jhum cultivation?
Answer: They do the Jhum cultivation in forest areas,
in the hills and in the rural areas.
(m) What is the main food of the ethnic people?
is their main food.
(n) What do the ethnic women weave?
Answer: They weave their own clothes and wear them.
(o) Where do the majority of ethnic people live?
Answer: The majority of the ethnic people live in the forest areas, in the
hills and in rural areas.
(p) What do they eat?
Answer: They eat rice and
other foods. These are vegetables, maize and fish, poultry and meat.
(q) What is ‘machang’?
Answer: Machang is the ethnic
people’s houses built on bamboo or wooden platforms.
(r) What are their favourite pastimes?
Answer: Hunting and fishing
are their favourite pastimes. They are fond of songs, music, dances, theatre
and fair.
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