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২৬) Prevention is better than-
) nothing
) healing
) cure
) remedy
উত্তরঃ ) cure
২৭) Knowledge is-
) strength
) power
) gravity
) comfort
উত্তরঃ ) power
২৮) What is lotted cannot be-
) blotted
) broken
) endured
) updated
উত্তরঃ ) blotted
২৯) সে ইংরেজিতে ভালো
) He is well in English.
) He is expert in English.
) He is good at English.
) He is better in English.
উত্তরঃ ) He is good at English.
৩০) জীবন পুষ্পশয্যা নয়?
) The life is not bed of roses.
) A life is not bed of roses.
) Life is not bed of roses.
) Life is not a bed of roses.
উত্তরঃ ) Life is not a bed of roses.
৩১) ইংরেজি শেখা সহজ
) English is easy to learn.
) The English is to learn.
) It is easy to learning English.
) It is easy to learn English.
উত্তরঃ ) It is easy to learn English.
৩২) The journey was pleasant. Here ‘pleasant’ is-
) noun
) pronoun
) adjective
) adverb
উত্তরঃ ) adjective
৩৩) Lovely comes here regularly. Here Lovely’ is-
) noun
) pronoun
) adjective
) adverb
উত্তরঃ ) noun
৩৪) The noun form of ‘lose’ is-
) losing
) loss
) lost
) loose
উত্তরঃ ) loss
৩৫) Honey is(taste) sweet.
) taste
) tasting
) tasted
) being tasted
উত্তরঃ ) tasted
৩৬) It is our duty to (obey) our parents.
) obey
) obeying
) obeyed
) be obeyed
উত্তরঃ ) obey
৩৭) Chariry (to begin) at home.
) is beginning
) began
) begins
) has begun
উত্তরঃ ) begins
৩৮) Something is better than -
) everything
) nothing
) anything
) all
উত্তরঃ ) nothing
৩৯) Many men, many -
) faces
) lives
) minds
) thoughts
উত্তরঃ ) minds
৪০) Our of sight, out of -
) life
) might
) mind
) right
উত্তরঃ ) mind
৪১) Only the moon was visible. (Negative)
) The moon was not visible.
) The moon was not invisible.
) Nothing but the moon was visible.
) None but the moon was visible.
উত্তরঃ ) Nothing but the moon was visible.
৪২) Dhaka is one of the biggest cities in Bangladesh. (positive)
) No other cities in Bangladesh are as Dhaka.
) Very few cities in Bangladesh are big as Dhaka.
) Very few in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka.
) Some cities in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka.
উত্তরঃ ) Very few cities in Bangladesh are big as Dhaka.
৪৩) Never tell a lie. (passive)
) A lie is news told
) A lie is never be told
) Let a lie is never be told
) Let not a lie be told ever
উত্তরঃ ) Let not a lie be told ever
৪৪) I have no pen that I can lend you. (simple)
) Having no pen, I can lend you
) Without any pen, I can lend you
) I have no pen to lend you
) I have no enough pen t lend
উত্তরঃ ) I have no pen to lend you
৪৫) The synonym of the word ‘increase’ is-
) augment
) decrease
) quick
) lessen
উত্তরঃ ) augment
৪৬) The antonym of the word ‘alien’ is-
) new comer
) native
) adverse
) foreigner
উত্তরঃ ) native
৪৭) The word ‘usual’ is the synonym of-
) normal
) certain
) unusual
) strange
উত্তরঃ ) normal
৪৮) He is proud of his aristocracy. Here ‘aristocracy’ means-
) bad blood
) blue blood
) good blood
) cold blood
উত্তরঃ ) blue blood
৪৯) The man did the work as my direction, Here ‘as’ indicates the idiom-
) as regards
) by all means
) according to
) at random
উত্তরঃ ) according to
৫০) Smoking tells upon our body. Here ‘tell upon’ means-
) benefits
) harms
) indicates
) strengthens
উত্তরঃ ) harms

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