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২৬) The antonym of the word ‘liberty’ Is-
) liberal
) bondage
) frugal
) diversity
উত্তরঃ ) bondage
২৭) The synonym of the word ‘call’ is-
) summon
) exile
) mpede
) recollection
উত্তরঃ ) summon
২৮) It takes two - make at quarrel.
) too
) for
) to
) in order to
উত্তরঃ ) to
২৯) Death is - to dishonor.
) prefer
) preference
) preferable
) preferring
উত্তরঃ ) preferable
৩০) Grasp all, -
) lost all
) losing all
) loses all
) lose all
উত্তরঃ ) lose all
৩১) Please look above, Here ‘above’ is-
) adjective
) adverb
) noun
) conjunction
উত্তরঃ ) adverb
৩২) Look before you leap. The word ‘before’ used in the sentence is-
) preposition
) conjunction
) adverb
) noun
উত্তরঃ ) conjunction
৩৩) Read to learn. (Complex)
) By reading, you will learn
) Read and learn
) If you read, you will learn
) In case of failure to read, you will not learn
উত্তরঃ ) If you read, you will learn
৩৪) He is the best player. (Negative)
) No other player is as better as he
) No other player is as good as he
) No other player is as best as he
) No other player is considered as best as he
উত্তরঃ ) No other player is as good as he
৩৫) He is so dishonest that he cannot speak the truth. (Simple)
) He is too dishonest that he cannot speak the truth
) He is too dishonest to be spoken the truth
) He is too dishonest to speak the truth
) He is very dishonest and cannot speak the truth
উত্তরঃ ) He is too dishonest to speak the truth
৩৬) I(help)you if I could.
) I would help
) I would be helped
) helped
) I would have helped
উত্তরঃ ) I would help
৩৭) The synonym of the word ‘scream’ is-
) yell
) sound
) cry
) loudly
উত্তরঃ ) yell
৩৮) The passive from of ‘Don’t do it’ is-
) Let not it be done
) Let it be not done
) Let it be done
) Let it no be done
উত্তরঃ ) Let not it be done
৩৯) Some interesting facts about your past have just come to light. Here ‘come to light’ means-
) go near to light
) to become known
) to realize
) to lit a light
উত্তরঃ ) to become known
৪০) He come to Dhaka with a view to-a new place.
) visit
) visiting
) watch
) look
উত্তরঃ ) visiting
৪১) জ্ঞানীরা বেশি কথা বলে না
) The wises do not talk much
) The wise does not talk much
) The wise do not talk much
) The wise men does not talk much
উত্তরঃ ) The wise do not talk much
৪২) দাঁড়াও আমি এখন আসছি
) Stand, I come now
) Wait, I am coming now
) Keep standing, I am coming now
) Stand here, I am coming
উত্তরঃ ) Wait, I am coming now
৪৩) সে এক সপ্তাহ যাবত অসুস্থ
) He has been ill since a weak
) He has been ill till a weak
) He has been ill for a weak
) He has been ill during a weak
উত্তরঃ ) He has been ill for a weak
৪৪) এটা যেন বিনা মেঘে বজ্রপাত
) It is as if thunder from the clouds.
) It is a bolt from the blue.
) It is a strong thunder.
) It is bolts from the blues
উত্তরঃ ) It is a bolt from the blue.
৪৫) He and I - well.
) am
) is
) are
) been
উত্তরঃ ) are
৪৬) If we practiced speaking english, we - speak better.
) could
) could have
) can
) would have
উত্তরঃ ) could
৪৭) It is health which is -
) asset
) wealth
) valuable
) precious
উত্তরঃ ) wealth
৪৮) I have no money - hand.
) in
) by
) at
) on
উত্তরঃ ) in
৪৯) Did the see anyone in the room. (Assertive)
) He saw no one in the room.
) He did not see someone in the room.
) He saw anyone in the room.
) He saw someone in the room.
উত্তরঃ ) He saw no one in the room.
৫০) The fruits is sweet the taste.
) by
) with
) for
) to
উত্তরঃ ) by

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