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৫১) Tawfiq went to library with a view to .
) read a book
) reads a book
) reading a book
) buy some books
উত্তরঃ ) reading a book
৫২) Hardly had we reached school
) when the bell rang
) than the bell rang
) the bell rang
) after the bell ringing
উত্তরঃ ) when the bell rang
৫৩) Though he is poor-
) he is honest
) but he is honest
) and he is honest
) but he was honest
উত্তরঃ ) he is honest
৫৪) আমি তোমাকে খাওয়াবো
) I shall eat you
) I shall feed you
) I shall be eating you
) I shall give you a party
উত্তরঃ ) I shall feed you
৫৫) সে আমার আপন ভাই
) He is my brother
) He is my step brother
) He is my elder brother
) He is my own brother
উত্তরঃ ) He is my brother
৫৬) আমার লিখিবার কলম নাই
) I have no pen to write
) I have no writing pen
) I have no pen to write with
) I have no pen for writing
উত্তরঃ ) I have no pen to write with
৫৭) The adverb form of ‘heart’ Is .
) heart
) hearten
) heartly
) heartily
উত্তরঃ ) heartily
৫৮) Verb form of the word ‘danger’ Is .
) dangerous
) danger
) dangerously
) endanger
উত্তরঃ ) endanger
৫৯) Noun form the word ‘Long’ Is .
) length
) longer
) longest
) lengthen
উত্তরঃ ) length
৬০) The padma is one of the biggest rivers In Bangladesh. (Positive)
) Very few river in Bangladesh is as big as the padma
) Very few rivers in Bangladesh are as big as the padma
) No other rivers in Bangladesh is so big as the padma
) No other rivers in Bangladesh are as big as the padma
উত্তরঃ ) Very few rivers in Bangladesh are as big as the padma
৬১) Every mother loves her child.(Negative)
) There is no mother loves her child
) Every mother cannot but loves her child
) No mother loves her child
) There is no mother loving her child
উত্তরঃ ) There is no mother loves her child
৬২) Without working hard you cannot shine in life. (make it complex sentence)
) In spite of working hard, you cannot shine in life
) Though he works hard, you cannot shine in life
) Unless you work hard, you cannot shine in life
) Unless you do not work hard, you can’t shine in life

উত্তরঃ ) Unless you work hard, you cannot shine in life
৬৩) If you wanted, I (help) you.
) helped
) would help
) will help
) can help
উত্তরঃ ) would help
৬৪) They arrived there after you (left).
) had left
) left
) will leave
) leave
উত্তরঃ ) had left
৬৫) Let the sentence be (pen) through.
) pen
) penning
) pened
) penned
উত্তরঃ ) penned
৬৬) A - in time saves nine.
) stick
) strick
) stitch
) stich
উত্তরঃ ) stitch
৬৭) The man was - for murder.
) hung
) hang
) hanged
) hangged
উত্তরঃ ) hanged
৬৮) He speaks as if he - a mad.
) were
) is
) has been
) had been
উত্তরঃ ) were
৬৯) The synonym of the word ‘witty’ Is -
) clever
) dull
) boring
) tedious
উত্তরঃ ) clever
৭০) The synonym of the word ‘cordial’ is - .
) hostile
) unfriendly
) meek
) amiable
উত্তরঃ ) amiable
7) The antonym of the word ‘adverse’ is - .
) hostile
) negative
) favorable
) unfavorable
উত্তরঃ ) favorable
৭২) The antonym of the word ‘flexible’ Is -
) hard
) elastic
) changeable
) ductile
উত্তরঃ ) hard
৭৩) -- he is coming today.

) At length
) Ten to one
) At large
) All in all
উত্তরঃ ) At length
৭৪) You’ll fail in the exam, if you -- from school.
) take to task
) put off
) put out
) play truant
উত্তরঃ ) play truant
৭৫) His - pleased us all.
) slow coach
) silver spoon
) maiden speech
) weal and woe
উত্তরঃ ) maiden speech

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