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৫১) Education all people -- a mammoth task.
ক) are
খ) is
গ) be
ঘ) have
Ans: খ) is
৫২) Man has no escape -- death.
ক) before
খ) from
গ) by
ঘ) in
Ans: খ) from
৫৩) Today the world is passing through -- Juncture.
ক) minimum
খ) a lot of
গ) limited
ঘ) critical
Ans: ঘ) critical
৫৪) The old man cannot help -- a cup of tea.
ক) take
খ) drink
গ) to drink
ঘ) having
Ans: ঘ) having
৫৫) There is -- milk in the bottle.
ক) very few
খ) any
গ) very little
ঘ) many
Ans: গ) very little
৫৬) কলমটি তার
ক) The pen is mine
খ) The pen is this
গ) He is the owner of the pen
ঘ) He belongs to the pen
Ans: ঘ) He belongs to the pen
৫৭) বিনয় মহত্ত্বের ভূষণ
ক) Modesty are embellishment of greatness.
খ) Modesty is embellishment on greatness.
গ) Modesty is embellishment to greatness.
ঘ) Modesty is embellishment of greatness.
Ans: ঘ) Modesty is embellishment of greatness.
৫৮) কেটলিতে পানি টগবগ করছে
ক) The water is simmering in of the kettle.
খ) The water is boiling in the kettle.
গ) The water is rising high in the kettle.
ঘ) The kettle is over following.
Ans: ক) The water is simmering in of the kettle.
৫৯) ট্রেনটি ঢাকা যাবে
ক) The train is going to Dhaka.
খ) The train is bound for Dhaka.
গ) The train is leaving to Dhaka.
ঘ) The train will go to Dhaka.
Ans: খ) The train is bound for Dhaka.
৬০) The shirt is-
ক) after my taste
খ) before my taste
গ) after one’s taste
ঘ) according to my taste
Ans: ক) after my taste
৬১) What is the meaning of ‘prior to’?
ক) on
খ) after
গ) before
ঘ) beside
Ans: গ) before
৬২) The suffering of the poor man-
ক) beyond description
খ) beggars description
গ) out of description
ঘ) beggar description
Ans: খ) beggars description
৬৩) I wish I had seen you before. (Exclamatory)
ক) Wow! I seen you before
খ) Had I seen you before
গ) Oh! I seen you before
ঘ) If I seen you before
Ans: খ) Had I seen you before
৬৪) Besides going to the book fair, I bought a number of books. (Compound)
ক) I not only went to the book fair but also bought a number of books.
খ) I went to the book fair and bought a number of books.
গ) Going to the book fair, I bought a number of books.
ঘ) bought a number of books when I went to the book fair.
Ans: খ) I went to the book fair and bought a number of books.
৬৫) Do you find your payment too little? (passive)
ক) Is your payment found too little to you?
খ) Are your payment found too little to you?
গ) Are your payment found too little by you?
ঘ) Is your payment found too little by you?
Ans: ক) Is your payment found too little to you?
৬৬) There is little milk in the glass (Interrogative)
ক) Is there little milk in the glass?
খ) Isn’t there little milk in the glass?
গ) Is there any milk in the glass?
ঘ) Isn’t there any milk in the glass?
Ans: গ) Is there any milk in the glass?
৬৭) I know him better than you. (positive)
ক) You do not know him as good as I.
খ) You do not know him as well as I.
গ) You do not know him as well as me.
ঘ) You do not know him as good as me.
Ans: খ) You do not know him as well as I.
৬৮) I am sure he (pass) the examination.
ক) will pass
খ) passed
গ) will be passed
ঘ) pass
Ans: ক) will pass
৬৯) Walk carefully lest-
ক) you will fall
খ) you should stumble
গ) you would have fallen
ঘ) you might lose the way.
Ans: খ) you should stumble
৭০) People (talk) his courage even after his death.
ক) talk of
খ) talk
গ) will talk
ঘ) has been
Ans: ক) talk of
৭১) Three-fourth of the work -- finished
ক) have been
খ) is
গ) are
ঘ) has been
Ans: ঘ) has been
৭২) We felt very tried. The word ‘tried’ used in the sentence is-
ক) Adjective
খ) noun
গ) verb
ঘ) none
Ans: ক) Adjective
৭৩) The verb of the word ‘beautiful’-
ক) beauty
খ) beautify
গ) beautification
ঘ) beautifully
Ans: খ) beautify
৭৪) The synonym of the word ‘huge’ is-
ক) sanctified
খ) tiny
গ) colossal
ঘ) momentary
Ans: গ) colossal
৭৫) The antonym of the word ‘unique’ is-
ক) popular
খ) common
গ) distinctive
ঘ) deciduous
Ans: খ) common

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