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200 Sentence Correction For Hons First Year Students

Correct the following sentences. Answers are also available.
1. He discussed the matter in details.
Cor: He discussed the matter in detail.
2. His whereabouts are not known.
Cor: His whereabouts is not known.
3. I shall take your leave.
Cor: I shall take your leave of you.
4. You should do the work like I showed you.
Cor: You should do the work as I showed you.
5. The principal is in temper now.
Cor: The principal is in a temper now.
6. It was regarded useless.
Cor: It was regarded as useless.
7. He would rather to die than to submit.
Cor: He would rather die than submit.
8. He gave false witness.
Cor: He gave false evidence.
9. The man reached at home last night.
Cor: The man reached home last night.
10. The climate is foul today.
Cor: The weather is foul today.
11. I shall wait of the opportunity.
Cor: I shall wait for the opportunity.
12. You had better to go home.
Cor: You had letter go home.
13. He resigned from the post.
Cor: He resigned the post.
14. His pen is inferior and less costly than yours.
Cor: His pen is inferior to and less costly than yours.
15. No less than fifty students were present.
Cor: No less than fifty students was present.
16. The weather of Chittagong suited me.
Cor: The climate of Chittagong suited me.
17. He discussed about the matter.
Cor: He discussed the matter.
18. I have seen three deer’s.
Cor: I have seen three deer
19. Television is a wonderful discovery.
Cor: Television is a wonderful invention.
20. He asked me where did I go?
Cor: He asked me where I went.
21. He falls down the stairs due to his carelessness.
Cor: He falls down stairs owing to his carelessness.
22. You have played instead of worked.
Cor: You have played instead of working.
23. These are less people here than usual.
Cor: These are fewer people here than usual.
24. Karirn is comparatively better today.
Cor: Karim is comparatively well today.
25. Of tea and coffee, I like coffee most.
Cor: Of tea and coffee, I like coffee more.
26. Neither Karim nor Rahim was in their house.
Cor: Neither Karim nor Rahim was in his house.
27. Who did you give the book to?
Cor: Whom did you give the book to?
28. The chemist told us that iodine was effective in removing certain stairs
Cor: The chemist told us that iodine is effective in removing certain stairs
29. Why is he here, I am unable to say.
Cor: I am unable to say why is here.
30. Walk fast lest you would miss the train.
Cor: Walk fast lest you should miss the train.
31. The mother wants the baby to punish.
Cor: The mother wants the baby to be punished.
32. Having the rain stopped, we returned home.
Cor: The rain having stopped, we returned home.
33. He is so tired that he decided to lay down for a while.
Cor: He is so tired that he decided to lie down for a while.
34. I need both paper as well as pen to write an application.
Cor: I need both paper and pen to write an application.
35. Two-thirds of the players has left the field.
Cor: Two-thirds of the players have left the field.
36. On account of heavy rush of passengers he found no space in the train.
Cor: On account of heavy rush of passengers, he found no room in the train.
37. This is the most beautiful and youngest girl in the class.
Cor: This is the youngest and most beautiful girl in the class.
38. By giving false witness in the case he earned a bad name.
Cor: By giving false evidence in the case he earned a bad name.
39. I expect he will be in Cox’s Bazar next week.
Cor: I hope he will be in Cox’s Bazar next week.
40. I see you have made less mistakes today.
Cor: I see you have made fewer mistakes today.
41. It is time we eat our lunch.
Cor: It is time we ate our lunch.
42. Not any students were about to leave the campus.
Cor: No student was about to leave the campus.
43. He was strong to carry the load.
Cor: He was strong enough to carry the load.
44. He ran away lest he could not be seen.
Cor: He ran away lest he should be seen.
45. The girl knows to drive a car.
Cor: The girl knows how to drive a car.
46. The steamer service has been cancelled due to fog.
Cor: The steamer service has been cancelled owing to fog.
47. Rosy is a big girl but Ruma is taller than her.
Cor: Rosy is a big girl but Ruma is taller than she.
48. His writing is so bad that it is hardly eligible.
Cor: His writing is so bad that it is hardly legible.
49. The child is the father of the man.
Cor: The child is father of the man.
50. Kamal you and I shall go to Dhaka.
Cor: You, Kamal and I shall go to Dhaka.
51. They are judged as guilty.
Cor: They are judged to be guilty.
52. I could not help to do this work.
Cor: I could not help doing this work.
53. I learnt the poem by memorising.
Cor: I learnt the poem by heart.
54. 1 met two females.
Cor: I met two women.
55. Death is more preferable to disgrace.
Cor: Death is preferable to disgrace.
56. He speaks English like English.
Cor: He speaks English like the English.
57. Mother arose in her.
Cor: The mother arose in her.
58. Neither of this two women are to be trusted.
Cor: Neither of this two women is to be trusted.
59. Camp cooking is very different to what one gets at home.
Cor: Camp cooking is very different from what one gets at home.
60. Each of us rose to their feet when the president entered.
Cor: Each of us rose to his feet when the presidenLhas entered.
61. How many people there were in the house?
Cor: How many people were there in the house?
62. To my opinion, he is a good student.
Cor: In my opinion, he is a good student.
63. The room is too much hot.
Cor: The room is very much hot.
64. What sort of a man is he?
Cor: What sort of man is he?
65. No pain was spared to save the life of the boy.
Cor: No pains were spared to save the life of the boy.
66. 1 shall take my meal there.
Cor: I shall have my meal there.
67. He can talk English fluently.
Cor: He can speak English fluently.
68. As a teacher he is popular to the students.
Cor: As a teacher, he is popular with the students.
69. She is an imaginary type of girl, full of strange dreams and fancies.
Cor: She is an imaginative type of girl, full of strange dreams, and fancies.
70. The future prospects of these boys are bright.
Cor: The future of these boys is bright.
71. She was in on way to be blamed.
Cor: She was in no way to blame.
72. He lived alone but he did not feel solitary.
Cor: He lived alone but he did not feel loneliness.
73. Three years have passed since I had seen you last.
Cor: Three years have passed since I saw you last.
74. What are you thinking?
Cor: What are you thinking about?
75. Unless you do not tell me the secret I will not talk to you.
Cor: Unless you tell me the secret, I will not talk to you.
76. I bought soda, salt and sugar the Latter being costly.
Cor: The sugar being costly, I bought soda and salt.
77. It is this book I have been looking for.
Cor: It is the same book that I have been looking for.
78. The man was hung for murder.
Cor: The man was hanged for murder.
79. The picture was hanged in the wall.
Cor: The picture was hung in the wall.
80. This is my pen where is your?
Cor: This is my pen where is yours?
81. Can you tell me what is a canal?
Cor: Can you tell me what a canal is?
82. I prefer to read than to write.
Cor: I prefer reading than writing.
83. The colour of these flowers are charming.
Cor: The colour of these flowers is charming.
84. Either the boys or the teacher is present.
Cor: Either the teacher or the students are present.
85. lion is more useful than all metals.
Cor: lion is more useful than any other metal.
86. Shakespeare is greater than all poets.
Cor: Shakespeare is greater than all other poets.
87. He prevented me to go.
Cor: He prevented me from going.
88. Ali has died on Wednesday last.
Cor: Ali died on Wednesday last.
89. My all friends are present.
Cor: All my friends are present.
90. Monika excels to speak English.
Cor: Monika excels in speaking English.
91. Mamun was sure for his success.
Cor: Mamun was sure of his success.
92. Many students live in the boarding.
Cor: Many student live in the boarding house.
93. The driver has been accused for theft.
Cor: The driver has been accused of theft.
94. He is one of those who does not smoke.
Cor: He is one of those who do not smoke.
95. We shall discuss about the matter.
Cor: We shall discuss the matter.
96. The boy resembles to his father.
Cor: The boy resembles his father.
97. You should work hardly for success.
Cor: You should work hard for success.
98. The mangoes of Rajshahi are better than Dinajpur.
Cor: The mangoes of Rajshahi are better than those of Dinajpur.
99. Karim admitted his sister into the university.
Cor: Karim got his sister admitted into the university.
100. She is preparing her lessons everyday.
Cor: She prepares her lessons everyday
101. He insisted me to go.
Cor: He insisted on my going.
102. Your letter is to my hand.
Cor: Your letter is to hand.
103. She has come home yesterday.
Cor: She came home yesterday.
104. One of my friends have come.
Cor: One of my friends has come.
105. He has been ill from Monday.
Cor: He has been ill since Monday.
106. She together with her sisters have come here.
Cor: She together her sisters has come here.
107. Can you tell me what is he doing now?
Cor: Can you tell me what he is doing now?
108. See the word in the dictionary.
Cor: Look up the word in the dictionary.
109. He is absent for four days.
Cor: He has been absent for four days.
110. Mr. Rahman gave a good speech.
Cor: Mr. Rahman made/delivered a good speech.
111. Rahman is not in the committee.
Cor: Rahman is not on the committee.
112. He believed that honesty was the best policy.
Cor: He believed that honesty is the best policy
113. No sooner had the father entered the room when the son left.
Cor: No sooner had the father entered the room than the son left.
114. The man reached at home in the morning.
Cor: The man reached home in the morning.
115. My brother has appointed a good cooker.
Cor: My brother has appointed a good cook.
116. The man is known to me who is standing on the door.
Cor: The man who is standing on the door is known to me.
117. Au as well as Hossain were gone.
Cor: Ali as well as Hossain was gone.
118. The quality of the oranges are not good.
Cor: The quality of the oranges is not good.
119. How long is he suffering from fever?
Cor: How long has he been suffering from fever?
120. The roof of the house is too strong.
Cor: The roof of the house is very strong.
121. He left for Dhaka, wasn’t he?
Cor: He left for Dhaka, didn’t he?
122. He is better than any student in the class.
Cor: He is better than any other student in the class.
123. Entering the room, the box was found broken.
Cor: Entering the room, we found the box broken.
124. He is far senior than me.
Cor: He is far senior to me.
125. Five miles are a great distance.
Cor: Five mils is a great distance.
126. We go to college walking with our foot.
Cor: We go to college on foot.
127. Do not come in unless you are not requested.
Cor: Do not come in unless you are requested.
128. 1 was absent in the meeting.
Cor: I was absent from the meeting.
129. Choice only such friends as you can trust.
Cor: Choose only such friends as you can trust.
130. I do not know that why he was absent.
Cor: I do not know why he was absent.
131. Your watch is better than her.
Cor: Your watch is better than hers.
132. A modest man does not boast his merits.
Cor: A modest man does not boast of his merits.
133. Let you and I go there.
Cor: Let you and me go there.
134. Two years passed since my father died.
Cor: Two years have passed since my father died.
135. The teacher asked the boys why were they making noise?
Cor: The teacher asked the boys why they were making a noise?
136. It is I who is to blame.
Cor: It is I who am to blame.
137. You should not lose your heart.
Cor: You should not lose heart.
138. His conduct admits no excuse.
Cor: His conduct admits of on excuse.
139. I saw a dead cow walking along the rood.
Cor: While walking along the road, I saw a dead cow.
140. You should be true to your words.
Cor: You should be true to your word.
141. Stay here until I do not come.
Cor: Stay here until I come.
142. He said that he will sing a song.
Cor: He said that he would sing a song.
143. No medicine can cure a man from discontent.
Cor: No medicine can cure a man of discontent.
144. The book is worth while reading.
Cor: The book is worth reading.
145. This is the wisest plan of the two.
Cor: This is the wisest plan of the three.
146. I wish I can help you.
Cor: I wish I could help you.
147. Everyone must do their duty.
Cor: Everyone must do his duty.
148. Please see the pulse of the patient.
Cor: Please feel the pulse of the patient.
149. He turned every stone to get a job.
Cor: He turned every stone in order to get a job.
150. He was angry upon me.
Cor: He was angry with me.
151. Many were called but one selected.
Cor: Many were called but one was selected.
152. Two men were injured and one killed.
Cor: Two men were injured and one was killed.
153. No one should indulge to smoke.
Cor: No one should indulge in smoking.
154. He has not as many money as you have.
Cor: He has not as much money as you have.
155. I bought some paper, ink and other.
Cor: I bought some paper, ink, and other things.
156. The lesson is not easy to be learned.
Cor: The lesson is not easy to learn.
157. I don’t mind to make a room for him.
Cor: I don’t mind making a room for him.
158. The boy is not interested about the matter.
Cor: The boy is not interested in the matter.
159. He is addicted to prayer.
Cor: He is devoted to prayer.
160. We respect as much as 30 people come.
Cor: We respect as many as 30 people to come.
161. You are blind of your faults.
Cor: You are blind to your faults.
162. It was long since I see her last.
Cor: It was long since I had seen her last.
163. One must be conscious of his duty.
Cor: One must be conscious of one’s duty.
164. You mistake in thinking so.
Cor: You are mistaken in thinking so.
165. He is confident to success.
Cor: He is confident of success.
166. You have no right to hold this opinion.
Cor: You have no right in holding this opinion.
167. Bengali is spoken in whole of Bangladesh.
Cor: Bengali is spoken in the whole of Bangladesh.
168. She is ashamed to do it.
Cor: She is ashamed of doing it.
169. We are out of our danger.
Cor: We are out of danger.
170. He is fond to read poetry.
Cor: He is fond of reading poetry.
171. I am fortunate to have a friend like you.
Cor: I am fortunate in having a frierd like you.
172. He gave me fooding and lodging.
Cor: He gave me food and lodging.
173. I do not like him coming late everyday.
Cor: I do not like his coming late everyday.
174. God helps those who helps themselves.
Cor: God helps those who help themselves.
175. I shall go home today night.
Cor: I shall go home tonight.
176. It was me who has done the work.
Cor: It was I who have done the work.
177. People doubt him to be a robber.
Cor: People suspect him to be a robber.
178. What is the time in your watch?
Cor: What is the time by your watch?
179. Would you mind to take a cup of tea?
Cor: Would you mind taking a cup of tea?
180. He succeeds to pass the examination.
Cor: He succeeds in passing the examination.
181. The Arabian Nights are still a great favourite book.
Cor: The Arabian Nights is a still great favourite book.
182. Where you went yesterday?
Cor: Where did you go yesterday.
183. I congratulated him for his success.
Cor: I congratulated him on his success.
184. This is same book which I lost.
Cor: This is the same book as I lost.
185. The boy took his birth in a noble family.
Cor: The boy was born in a noble family.

186. Let us aim to do good.
Cor: Let us aim at doing good.
187. It is high time that you should go home.
Cor: It is high time you should go home.
188. 1 always advised him to tell the truth.
Cor: I always advised him to speak the truth.
189. Everyone of you should do your duty.
Cor: Everyone of you should do his duty.
190. Who are you speaking it?
Cor: Whom are you speaking to?
191. They will either come today or tomorrow.
Cor: They will come either today or tomorrow.
192. You had better to go home.
Cor: You had better go home.
193. He at last came to a final conclusion.
Cor: As last, he came to a conclusion.
194. You should take care of your health.
Cor: You should take care of health.
195. His father died by Cholera.
Cor: His father died of Cholera.
196. Anyone cannot do this work.
Cor: Anyone can do this work.
197. This is a much interesting book.
Cor: This is a very interesting book.
198. I confess that this proposal is a good one.
Cor: I admit that this proposal is a good.
199. Please give me a hot cup of tea.
Cor: Plase give me a cup of hot tea.
200. You left the village with bag and baggage.
Cor: You left the village bag and baggage.

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