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S.S.C English Second Paper Dhaka Board 2016 With Answer

Dhaka Board-2o16
English : Second Paper
Time: 3 hours                                                                                                                                       Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (Marks-60)
1.Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the form of the words. You may need to use one word more than once: 0.5 x 10=5
We live in society. So, we must learn how to live (a) — peace and amity (b) — others. We have to respect others rights and (c) — and liking and (d) — as we expect others to respect us. We have (e) — lot of duties and (f) — in society. Education should aim (g) — making each individual fully aware (h) — these duties and responsibilities. It is true that one has (i) — learn how to earn the (j) —.
Answer: (a) in; (b) with; (c) privilege/privileges; (d) disliking; (e) a (0 responsibilities; (g) at; (h) of; (i) to; (j) bread.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: - 0.5 x10=5
Illiteracy is not (a) — boon to us. It is undoubtedly a (b) —. It hinders all kinds (c) —development of a country. Illiteracy causes great (d) — to us. Since we are not (e) — of the gravity of the problem, we cannot take steps to increase our (f) — rate. As a result, we are (g) — behind. We have to depend (h) — the foreign aids. So, all should come forward (i) — to remove illiteracy. Then, the (j) — of our country will be possible.
Answer: (a) a; (b) curse; (c) of; (d) problems; (e) conscious/aware; (f) literacy; (g) lagging; (h) on/upon; (i) unitedly; (j) development/progress/prosperity.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 1 x5=5
Copying in the examination
The students who


as hateful as copying in the exam.
in the exam deceive themselves.
a social crime
bring any benefit
our education and development

(a) Copying in the examination is a social crime.
(b) It can’t bring any benefit.
(c) It hinders our education and development.
(d) The students who copy in the exam deceive themselves.
(e) Nothing is as hateful as copying in the exam.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs in the box:          0.5 x10=5
Bangladesh is full of natural resources. The prosperity of the country (a) ---- on the proper utilization of the resources. We should not (b) ---  a lazy life. We should all (c) --- up our country. For this reason, we have to (d) --- hard. No nation can prosper without industry, it should be (e) --- that industry is the key to success, if we (f) --- the days away, we (g)---- behind. The nations that (h) ----industrious (i)-- the pinnacle of development. So, we (j) ---- them.
Answer: (a) depends; (b) lead; (c) build; (d) work; (e) remembered; (f) idle; (g) will lag; (h) are; (i) can reach/may reach/have reached; (j) should follow/have to follow/must follow.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text:                                                            5
The police officer said to Mita, “How can I help you?” Mita replied, “While I was coming home alone by a taxi last night, two snatchers rode into my taxi.” “Did they snatch anything from you?” “Yes sir, they took away my cell phone and some money,” said Mita. “Let me record a complaint,” said the police officer.
Answer: The police officer asked Mita how he could help her. Mita replied that while she had been going home alone by a taxi the previous night, two snatchers had ridden into her taxi. The police officer again asked her if they had snatched anything from her. Mita respectfully replied in the affirmative and said that they had taken away her cell phone and some money. The police officer told Mita that he might  record a complaint.
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 1 x10 =10
(a) We should read books to acquire knowledge. (Make complex sentence)
(b) Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (Use passive voice)
(c) The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Make interrogative sentence)
(d) By reading good hooks, we can enrich our mind. (Make compound sentence)
(e) Reading books is a very good habit. (Make exclamatory sentence)
(f) This habit is rarely disliked. (Affirmative)
(g) More and more books should be read. (Use active voice)
(h) No other thing is as interesting as reading books. (Use comparative degree)
(i) When we read good books, we discover new worlds. (Make simple sentence)
(j) Very few friends are as great as a good book. (Make superlative degree)
Answer: Do yourself
7. Complete the sentences:                                        1 x5 = 5
(a) Smoking is a habit which -------.
(b) Many people go on smoking though—.
(c) —, we will suffer a lot.
(d) People can’t give up smoking easily because—.
(e) So, attempts must be taken by us to—.
(a) Smoking is a habit which causes fatal diseases.
(b) Many people go on smoking though it is dangerous.
(c)If we do not give up smoking,  we will suffer a lot.
(d) People can’t give up smoking easily because they become addicted to it.
(e) So, attempts must be taken by us to give up smoking.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis: 0.5 x105
Load-shedding is one of the most common problems of Bangladesh. Lives of our citizens are (a) — (serious)— hampered for load-shedding. Students feel (b) --- (difficult) — in reading during load-shedding. (c) — (Industry) — activities are also hampered. We should use electricity (d) — (honest) — and (e) — (frugal) — and should create (f) — (aware) — among people to solve this (g) — (nation) — problem. Besides, government should take (h) — (effect) — steps to (i) — (grade) — our power stations to mitigate the (j) — (advantages) — of our people.
Answer: (a) seriously; (b) difficulty; (c) Industrial; (d) honestly; (e) frugally; (f) awareness; (g) national/nationwide; (h) effective; (i) upgrade; (j) disadvantages;
9. Make tag questions of the following statements: 1x5=5
(a) Success cannot be achieved without efforts,—?
(b) Everybody knows it, —?
(c) The successful people are very industrious, —?
(d) Everything glorious is gained through hard labour, —?
(e) So, industry is the key to success, —? -
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1 x 5=5
Gold is a bright precious metal. There are many metals cheaper (a)—gold but look like it. They glitter well (b)—fade in course of time. Actually there are many people in our society (c) — are outwardly gentle and nice. But (d) — a period of time, their real identity is revealed. (e)—, all that glitters is not gold.
Answer: (a) than; (b) but; (c) who; (d) after; (e) So/Therefore! Actually/ In fact.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
the lion roared how dare you wake me up ill kill you the mouse cried please let me go i didn’t mean to wake you up
Answer: The lion roared, “How dare you wake me up! I’ll kill you.” The mouse cried, “Please, let me go. I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Part B: Composition (Marks—4O)
12. Suppose, you are Rajin Ahmed/Rezwana Akter. You have completed H.S.C and are looking for a job. You have seen a vacancy advertisement in “The Daily Star” .for the post of an “Office Assistant” of Berger Company Ltd. Now make a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.                                                                                                                                                                              8
13. Suppose, you are Sadman/Saima. You are a student of Polisha High School, Madargonj, Jamalpur. There is no canteen in your school. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school for setting up a canteen in your school campus.                                                                                                        10
14. Suppose, a hawker lives nearby your house. You know a lot about him and his activities. Now, write a paragraph in about 250 words on “The life of a Street Hawker”.                                                                      10
15. A student has many duties and responsibilities. He/ She can play an important role to build up the nation. Now, write a short composition on “Duties of a Student”.                                                                   12

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