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All Class Subject and predicate english 2nd paper

Parts of Sentence
Every sentence has two parts. They are Subject and Predicate
‡h e¨w³, e¯‘ ev cÖvYx‡K D‡Ïk¨ K‡i wKQz ejv nq, †mwUB Subject ev D‡Ïk¨ Ges Subject m¤^‡Ü hv ejv nq Zv predicate ev we‡aq |
The part which names the person or thing spoken about is called Subject and what is spoken about the subject is called Predicate.
What is a Subject?
The part which names the person or thing we are speaking about is called the subject of the sentence.
What is a predicate?
The part which tells something about the subject is called the predicate of the sentence
This news spread everywhere.
Your coat is very fine.
Do it at once. It is an imperative sentence and an imperative sentence subject is left out. ‘you’ is understood.
Thank you. – It is not an imperative sentence because the subject ‘I ‘ is left out So it is an assertive sentence
Lions roar in forests.
Peter stood first in the test.
The train was late by two hours.
Hounds chase the running hare.
The children laughed at the poor man.
The boy with a red turban is very gentle.
The poor old ox has died today.
Early man was a food-gatherer.
The king sent for his general.
The flames spread everywhere.
Ram shot an arrow in the air.
The king died of a broken heart.
Rama was exiled for 14 years.
Cats live on mice.
My father runs a bakery.
The teacher taught us a new lesson.
The horse is a faithful animal.
Children are after all children.
Everyone is to die one day.
Animals and plants depend on each other.
All matter is made up of particles.
The cackling of geese saved Rome.
Sweet are the uses of adversity.
Mary has a little lamb.
The cat chased the rat.
The cow is at the manger.
The milkman is coming.
The singing of the birds delights us.
The early bird catches the worm.
The girl wearing a blue Sari looks beautiful.
The dew drops glitter in the sunshine.
Good health is the key to happiness.
The rich people of this town set up this school.
The wicked boy told me this.
The poor man came to me for help.
The little girl began to dance in joy.
A little learning is a dangerous thing.
A guilty mind is always suspicious.
Cheap goods are dear in the long run.
We should profit by experience.
We can not pump the ocean dry.
Christopher Columbus discovered America.
He nodded and smiled warmly.
I bought some food at the grocery store.
 I had some peas for dinner.
 Vegetables are good for you.
 I bought some chairs.
 I added some pepper to the soup.
 Vegetables and meat are foods.
 I heard some funny noises in the kitchen.
 Jane has brown hair.
 I have some work to do tonight.
You can get a good education at that school.
 Children need a lot of love.
 I invited ten people to my party.
 Brazil exports a lot of coffee.
 They gave me a book for my birthday.
 During the holidays the children enjoyed their freedom.
 I’ve left my keys inside the car.
 She made a witty remark during the meeting.
 Bad news travels fast.
 There was a lot of food on the table.
My luggage is in the car already.
 I need some paper to write a note on.
 The assistant did not give much information.
 Health is perhaps more important than wealth.
Tea is a popular drink in Bangladesh.
We huddled together.
Tom crashed the car.
The newly cleaned mirrors glitter and gleam.
My cat caught a mouse.
The moving truck lumbered on its way.
Little Jack Homer sat in a corner.
He has a good memory.
Nature is the best physician.
Edison invented the phonograph.
The beautiful rainbow soon faded away.
Bad habits grow unconsciously.

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