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Sentence Correction For Hons First Year

(1) He is in temper.- He is in a temper.
(2) He speaks English like English. – He speaks English like the English.
(3) I shall go to Sylhet, Comilla and others. – I shall go to Sylhet, Comilla and other places.
(4) I have read the work of Nazrul. – I have read the works of Nazrul.
(5) Forty miles are a long distance. – Forty miles is a long distance.
(6) He will go by 3 o' clock's train. – He will go 3 o'clock train.
(7) Suffice to say he is wrong. – Suffice it to say he is wrong.
(8) His pen is inferior and less costly than yours.- His pen is inferior to and less costly than yours.
(9) He insisted him to go.- He insisted on his going.
(10) He does not know to do it. – He does not know how to do it.
(11) The police investigated into the matter. – The police investigated the matter.
(12) He applied for free- ship.- He applied for a free- studentship.
(13) Wait here until I do not come. – Wait here until I come.
(14) Everybody likes his childish simplicity.- Everybody likes childlike simplicity.
(15) The economical condition of my brother is bad. – The economic condition is by brother is bad.
(16) I was offered the post and accepted it.- I was offered the post and I accepted it.
(17) Unless do not work hard, you will fail. – Unless you work hard, you will fail.
(20) They drove the enemy. – They drove away the enemy.
(21) The clock struck six hours. -  The clock struck six.
(22) I regret at the loss. – I regret the loss.
(23) He succeeded to do it. He succeeded in doing it.
(24) Do not say anything unless you are not asked for. – Do not say anything unless you are asked.
(25) Look up the word in the dictionary book. – Look up the word in the dictionary.
(26) He came and returned to America. – He came from and returned to America.
(27) There was a common agreement between them. There was a mutual agreement between them.
(28) Dickens is a populous novelist. – Dickens is a popular novelist.
(29) It will likely rain today. – It will likely to rain today.
(30) This does not answer to my purpose. – This does not answer my purpose.
(31) I emphasize on the matter. – I emphasize the matter.
(32) When you are idle, you must suffer. – As you are idle, you must suffer.
(33) I bought the meat from the butcher's shop. – I bought the meat from the butcher's.
(34) As I woke, the thief ran. – As I woke, thief ran away.
(35) The teacher was seated and his students standing. –
(36) This question is alternate to that. – This question is alternative to that.
(37) My father insisted me to go there. – My father insisted me on going there.
(38) I shall inform to your father. – I shall inform your father.
(39) When I am ill, I can not go. – As I am ill, I can not go.
(40) The watch is out of repairs. – The watch is out of repair.
(41) My father persisted me to go there. My father persisted me in going there.
(42) This is equally as good as that. – This is as good as that.
(43) This is more preferable than that. – This is more preferable to that.
(44) Three of the criminals escaped and one caught. – Three of the criminals escaped and one was caught.
(45) He is not weak in Physics but in Mathematics.-  He is weak not in Physics but in Mathematics.
(46) Quote this poem from heart. – Quote this from memory.
(47) I am very much shocked. – I am very shocked.
(48) The sun is as if the light of the earth. – The sun is as it were the light of the earth.
(49) He is more superior than me. – He is superior to me.
(50) He prohibited me to do the work. – He prohibited me from doing the work.
(51) He was angry upon me. – He was angry with me.
(52) He is comparatively better today. He is comparatively well today.
(53) What for is Jessore famous? – What is Jessore famous for?
(54) The teacher as well as his students all left the class room. – The teacher as well as his students left the class room.
(55) There is no place in the bench. – There is no room in the bench.
(56) He is bent to do this. – He is bent upon doing this.
(57) Quinine is remedy of malaria. – Quinine is remedy for malaria.
(58) I am much glad to meet you. – I am very glad to meet you.
(59) He is not so intelligent what we think.- He is not so intelligent as we think.
(60) No one should indulge to smoke.- No one should indulge in smoking.
(61) The murderer was ordered to be hanged by the judge.- The murderer was ordered by the judge to be hanged.
(62) The girl was named as Asma by her father. – The girl was named Asma by her father.
(63) He took insult at my words. – He took offence at my word.
(64) I shall come back after a week.- I shall come back in a weak.
(65) Shamim is the most tallest boy in the class. –Shamim is the tallest boy in the class.
(66) The boy is very weak that he can not walk. – The boy is so weak that he can not walk.
(67) I paid my schooling fees. I paid my school fees.
(68) I shall try as best as I can. – I shall try as best I can.
(69) I gave to the boy a pen. I gave the boy a pen.
(70) He came back in a weak.- He came back after a week
(71) He prefers to sing than to dance. – He prefers singing to dancing.
(72) He aimed to be a doctor. – He aimed at becoming a doctor.
(73) I left the pen to him. I left the pen with him.
(74)We enjoyed the theatre. We enjoyed the play.
(75)The man was cowed down by threat. – The man was cowed by threat.
(76)If he is proved guilty, then I will punish him. – If he is proved guilty, I will punish him.
(77)He will give the examination. – He will appear at the examination.
(78)He is addicted to gamble. – He is addicted to gambling.
(79)He inquired about my state of health. –He inquired about the state of my health.
(80)Though he is rich but he is honest. – Though he is rich, he is honest.
(81)I finished to do it. – I finished doing it.
(82)The peon was appointed and dismissed from the post on the same day.- The peon was appointed to the post and dismissed it.
(83)The female students attended the class. – The girl students attended the class.
(84)He is too strong to carry the load. – He is strong enough to carry the load.
(85)He denied to help me. – He refused to help me.
(86)You must do it before a month. – You must do it within a month.
(87)You should stick on your principle. – You should stick to your principle.
(88)He worked hard because he might pass. – He worked hard so that he might pass.
(89)He is one of my family members.- He is one of the members of my family.
(90)I am too glad to see you. – I am very glad to see you.
(91)The poor boy was exempted pay the fine. – The poor boy was exempted from paying the fine.
(92)The principal accepted his excuse and his request. – The Principal accepted his excuse and granted his request.
(93)I hope will take a month. – I expect it will take a month.
(94)Walk fast lest you miss the train. – Walk fast lest you should miss the train.
(95)He sticks to nothing. – He sticks to nothing.
(96)I like to read poetry. – I like reading poetry.
(97)She is very weak to speak. – She is too weak to speak.
(98)Many were delighted and everyone contented. – Many were delighted and everyone was contented.
(99)I shall mend my pencil.- I shall sharpen my pencil.
(100)He bought a pair of spectacle. -  He bought a pair of spectacles.
(101)Ten men were wounded and one killed. Ten men were wounded and one was killed.
(102)He has obtained full mark in the examination. – He has obtained full marks in the examination.
(103)I doubt that he will help me. – I doubt if he will help me.
(104)The thief robbed my watch. – The thief robbed me of my watch.
(105)He deals with rice. – He deals in rice.
(106)He ate all the meat by and by.- He ate all the meat little by little.
(107)He is correct to say so. – He is correct in saying so.
(108)He works in the custom department. – He works in the customs department.
(109)There is no other way but to surrender. – There is no other way than to surrender.
(110)Happiness consists of contentment. Happiness consists in contentment.
(111)He is capable to do it. – He is capable of doing it.
(112)He could not attend the meeting timely. – He could not attend the meeting in time.
(113)Keep the book on the table. – Put the book on the table.
(114)This is a new discovery to me. – This is a new thing to me.
(115)They held the meeting at the college premise.- They held the meeting at the college premises.
(116)Industry is the key of success. – Industry is the key to success.
(117)I find no reason to go there. I find no reason of going there.
(118)Starvation stared us in face. – Starvation stared us in the face.
(119)He was drowned when bathing. – He drowned while bathing.
(120)The TV licence was renewed again.- The TV licence was renewed.
(121)Tell the account of your journey. –Give me account of your journey.
(122)The sum is difficult to me. – The sum is difficult for me.
(123)Your success is out of question.- You success is out of the question.
(124)You have no excuse to be late.- You have no excuse for being late.
(125)You have the entire monopoly of the trade. – You have a monopoly of the trade.
(126)His joy knew no bound. – His joys knew no bounds.
(127)He became an officer by and by. – He will become an officer in course of time.
(128)His brother was murdered in the battle. – His brother was killed in the battle.
(129)He made a visit to our college. – He paid a visit to our college.
(130)He excels to speak English. – He excels in speaking English.
(131)That is why I didn't do it.- That is the reason why I did not do it.
(132)Three fourth of the work has been done.- Three fourths of the work has been done.
(133)The man was run upon by a truck.- The man was run over by a truck.
(134)The leader went there putting on a Punjabi.- The leader went there wearing a Punjabi.
(135)Will you come to visit me? Of Course. – Will you come to visit me? Certainly.
(136)She was washed in tears. – She was bathed in tears.
(137)You should not leave the class all at a time. – You should not leave the class all in a body.
(138)He is fond to read poetry. He is fond of reading poetry.
(139)He is in entire charge of the whole matter.- He is in charge of the whole matter.
(140)They gave me wrong informations. – He gave me wrong information.
(141)The train is running in time. – The train is running to time.
(142)Cut the line. –Pen through the line.
(143)The man is in the point of death. – The man is on the point.
(144)where were you while I came? – Where had you been when I came?
(145)That is the place from whence she arrived.- The is the place from where he arrived.
(146)We shall refrain to do it. – We shall refrain from doing it.
(147)We congratulated him for his success.- We congratulated him on his success.
(148)Physics are my favourite subject. – Physics is my favourite subject.
(149)Please give me percentage.- Please mark me present.
(150)I tried in vain, but I could not help him.- I tried in vain to help him.
(151)He will come here today afternoon. – He will come here this afternoon.
(152)The speakers lectured about population problem.- The speakers lectured on population problem.
(153)The house is built of bricks. – The house built of brick.
(154)They resorted to quarrel. – They resorted to quarrelling.
(155)I am not on talking term with him.- I am not on speaking term with him.
(156)The student left the hostel with bag and baggage. – The student left the hostel bag and baggage.
(157)We caught him in the neck. – We caught him by the neck.
(158)He assisted me to do it. – He assisted me in doing it.
(159)The man left back a vast property. – The man left behind a vast property.
(160)I request your favour to grant me leave.- I request the favour of your granting me leave.
(161)Give some water into the jug.- pour some water into the jug.
(162)We not only give him food but also shelter.- We gave him not only food but also shelter.
(163)The machineries are out of order. – The machinery is out of order.
(167) I remember to see him. – I remember to have seen him.
(168) He is not only weak in English but also in Bangla.
(167) I am desirous to do it.- I am desirous of doing it.
(170) He picked up a quarrel. – He picked a quarrel.
(171) I feel some better. – I feel somewhat better.
(172) The sceneries of the place are charming.- The scenery of the place is charming.
(173) He comes from a noble family.- He comes of a noble family.
(174) The summers vacation has begun.- Summer vacation has begun.
(175) The report is somewhat true. – The report is partially true.
(176) Either this is true or false. – This is either true or false.
(177) Do not despair to pass. Do not despair of passing.
(178) He copied the answer word by word. – He copied the answer word for word.
(179) The boy continued to play.-
(180) He is a lecturer of a college. – He is a lecturer in a college.
(181) I both helped you and your brother. I helped both you and your brother.
(182) Go home directly. – Go home direct.
(183) He tried with his heart and soul.- He tried heart and soul.
(184) I took a glance to the garden.- I took a glance at the garden.
(185) He was debarred to appear at the examination. – He was debarred from appearing at the examination.
(186) His parents are wondered at his poor result.- His parents wondered at his poor result.
(187) The chairs legs are broken. – The legs of the chair are broken.
(188) I agree to you in this matter.- I agree with you on this matter.
(189) He left the place somewhat five years ago.- He left the place some five years ago.
(190) The girl prefers dance than sing.- The girl prefers dancing to singing.
(191) He neither helped me nor my brother.- He helped neither me nor my brother.
(192) The group is comprised of thirty members. – The group comprised thirty members.
(193) Everybody likes Tagore and Nazrul's poems.- Everybody likes Tagore's and Nazrul's poem.
(194) To cut one's nose to spite one's face.-  To cut off one's nose to spite one's face
(195) The boy absented from the college.- The boy absented himself from the college.
(196) He succeeded in life due to hard labour.- He succeeded in life owing to hard labour.
(197) He exactly does not know. He does not know exactly.
(198) The criminal turned over a new page.- The criminal turned over a new leaf.
(199) I can not agree with your proposal. – I can not agree to your proposal.
(200) He can not help laugh. – He can not help laughing.
(201) Our family is consisted of twelve members. – Our family consisted of twelve members.
(202) Don't try to give dust into my eyes. - Don't try to throw dust into my eyes.
(203) He goes to the library with a view to read there.- He goes to the library with a view to reading there.
(204) You will find the answer in the last two pages.-  You will find the answer in the last page but two.
(205) You should not pride on your health. – You should not pride yourself on your health.
(206) You are no match to him. – You are no match for him.
(207) Mangoes are good to be eaten.- Mangoes are good to eat.
(208) He tried hardly. – He tried hard.
(209) I look forward to receive your letter. – I look forward to receiving your letter.
(210) He submitted the application to the concerned clerk. – He submitted the application to clerk concerned.
(211) I have an account on that bank. – I have an account with that bank.
(212) Football is interesting to be played. – Football is interesting to play.
(213) He feels himself feverish. – He feels feverish.
(214) He distributed the medicine freely.- He distributed the medicine free.

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