Dental College Admission Test 2018-19 English
Dental College Admission
Test 2018-19
01.What is the singular of ‘Appendices’?
(a)Appendix (b) Appendice (c) Appendis (d) Appendic
02. Avgv‡`i †`‡k †W›Uvj K‡j‡R wkÿvi fvlv Bs‡iwR? Choose the correct English translation.
(a) The medium of instructions in Dental College is English
in our country.
(b) English is the method of teaching of Dental
College in our country.
(c) The medium of education in Dental
College of our country is English.
(d) Dental Science is taught in English in our
03. What kind of Noun is ‘Class’?
(a) Common (b) Proper (c)
Collective (d) Material
04. Which one is the synonym of ‘Bargain’?
(a) Counter (b) Rip-off (c)
Negotiate (d) Disagreement
05. Correct adjective of the word ‘Contempt’ is
(a) Contemptation (b)
(c) Contemptable
(d) Contempting
06. ‘Do not hanker----- money’.
(a) to (b)
for (c) on (d) after
07. Which pair of words is synonymous?
(a) adultration, adulthood.
(b) obsolete, absolute.
(c) uncouth, uncivilized.
(d) outset,
setting out.
08. ‘ Avgiv Ajm †jvK‡`i cQ›` Kwi bv’
Choose the correct English translation.
(a) We are not liked the idle people
(b) We did not like idle people
(c) We do not like idle people.
(d) Idle people are not our liking.
09. ‘The rose is a fragrant flower’. ev‡K¨wUi mwVK evsjv Abyev`-
(a) ‡Mvjvc Kgbxq dzj (b) ‡Mvjvc bqb b›`b dzj
(c) ‡Mvjvc myMwÜ dzj (d) ‡Mvjvc
my›`I I AvKl©Yxq dzj
10. ‘KZ…©cÿ Zv‡K wZi¯‹vi Kij’
Choose the correct English translation.
(a) The authorities took him to book.
(b) The authorities took him to task.
(c) The
authorities threatened him.
(d) The authorities gave reminder to him.
11. Which one is the antonym of ‘Cunning’?
(a) Manipulative (b) Artful
(c) Guileless (d) Wily
12. Which one of the following statement is the most appropriate
for ‘Obey your traffic rule?
(a) This is for your rapid transport.
(b) This is the law of the country.
(c) This is the teaching of the ‘Traffic Week.
(d) This is for your own safety.
13. ‘ iweevi n‡Z e„wó nB‡ZwQj |’
Choose the correct English translation,
(a) It has been raining since Sunday.
(b) It rained since Sunday.
(c) It has been raining from Sunday.
(d) It was raining from Sunday.
14. “ `vuZ _vwK‡Z `v‡u‡Zi ghv©`v bvB’?
Choose the correct English translation of this proverb.
(a) Teeth are not valued till they are loose.
(b) Teeth are not taken care till they are gone.
(c) Blessing are not valued till they are
(d) We do not value the healthy teeth.
15. What is the synonym of - ‘Degrading’?
(a) Lowering (b) Corrupting
(c) Damning (d) Minimizing
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