English Medical Admission Test 2018-2019
Medical Admission Test 2018-2019
01.Choose the correct sentence
(a) I have been lived here since five years
(b) I am living here for five years
(c) I
have been living here for five years
(d) I live here for five years
02. ‘Poll took place peacefully — the country’.
(a) across (b)besides (c) into
03. “ Avwg †Zvgvi wbKU we‡kl K…ZγÓ
Which one is the correct English translation?
(a) I am much obliged to you.
(b) I am very much grateful to you.
(c) I am very grateful to you.
(d) I am most obliged to you
04. ‘ GKRb bZzb wkÿv_x©‡K Wv³vi nevi Rb¨ cvuP eQi K‡Vvi cwikÖg Ki‡Z nq’‘ Which one is the correct English translation?
(a) An entrant will have been working hard for five years
to make him a physician.
(b) An entrant will be working hard for five years to
be a physician.
(c) An entrant will have to require to work hard
for five years to become a physician.
(d) Five years hard working for an entrant will make
him a physician.
05. Which one is the correct form of sentence?
(a) Mathematics is a subject of study in any
(b) Mathematics are subject of study in the school
(c) Mathematics are hard in the school level
(d) Mathematics are road to higher education
06. The antonym to ‘well mannered’ is
(a) decorous (সুন্দর)
(b) courteous (বিনীত/ভদ্র)
(c) chivalrous
(সাহসী) (d) sassy (বেহায়া)
07. Choose the correct sentence from below
(a) Man poses but God disposes
(b) Man propose but God dispose
(c) Man propose but God dispropose
(d) Man proposes but God disposes-মানুষ ভাবে
এক হয় আরেক।
08. The antonym of ‘revenge(প্রতিশোধ) is?
(a) reprisal (প্রতিশোধ (b) penalty (শাস্তি)
grace(দয়া) (d) wrath
09. ‘He lives — honest means.’
(a) by
(b)on (c) within (d) for
10. What is the synonym of- ‘exhausted’?
(a)plenty (b)stored
(c) animated (d) drained (আপীত)
11. ‘B”Qv _vK‡j Dcvq nq | ‘ Which one is the correct English translation?
(a) Where there is a will, there is a way
(b) Where there is a will, there is to way
(c) Where there is will, there is way
(d) Where there is to will, there is a way
12. Which of the following sentence is correct?
(a) I forbade him from going
(b) I forbade him to go
(c) I forbade him going
(d) I forbade him not to go
13. ‘Pragmatic’ k‡ãi A_© Kx?
(a)gwiPxKv (b)ev¯Íeagx© (c)N„Y©v (d)‡mŠnv`©c~Y©
14. He was wise enough to accept the other. Here enough is
(a) adjective (b) preposition
(c) conjunction (d) adverb
15. What is the adjective form of the word home?
(a) homelike (b) homeful
(c) homely (d) homage
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