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H.S.C and S.S.C Composition Duties of A Student

The period which we spend in schools and college to receive education is called student life. Student life is the best time of our life. During this period a student is free from cares and anxieties of the world.
The future of a man depends on his student life. It is called the seed time of life. He should prepare himself for the battle of life. Study is the main duty of a student. He should read text books regularly. During his leisure period a student should read newspapers and magazines. He should go to the school regularly. He should listen to his teachers. He should also read newspapers and magazines. He should make proper use of time. He should take part in games and sports to build sound health.
A student must be obedient to his teachers, parents and superiors. He must learn to be polite to his superiors. He must carry out the advice and order of his parents.
Students are the future of the nation. They are the future leader of the country. They should be aware of the social and other problems of the country. They should take part in social service. During long vacation they can start night schools to teach the illiterate people. During flood and cyclone the students can distribute medicine, food and cloth to the affected people.
Student life is the time of learning. It is the time to prepare ourselves for future life. It is the happiest period of our life. The students should keep away from evil company.

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