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H.S.C and S.S.C Composition Your Daily Life

YOUR DAILY LIFE                          
Every man has a daily routine of work. If the daily routine of life is followed strictly, there can be no waste of time. Every work will be finished in time. I have also a routine. I am a student of Class X. I do my daily work according to this routine. My daily life is well regulated.                                                  
I get up early in the morning.
I know
"Early to bed, early to rise
Make a man healthy, wealth and wise."
I brush my teeth and have a wash. Than I say my prayer and go out for a walk in the open 0jair. With a fresh mind I come back and take my breakfast. Then I go to my reading room and  prepare my lessons for two hours. I take bath at 10 a.m. I take my meals and start for the school.
At 11 a.m. I go to school. I am never late in my class. I sit in the first bench and listen to what my teachers say. I am never inattentive in the class and do not indulge in idle talks with my classmates. At tiffin I say my prayer in the mosque and play table tennis and read newspapers and magazines in the common room. The school breaks up at 4 p.m. and I return home.
On returning home I change my dress and take light tiffin. At 5 p.m. I go to the field and play with my friends. Before sunset I come back home. I have a wash and say my evening prayer. Than I go to my reading room and prepare my home tasks. I read till 9. p.m. After dinner I watch television for some time. I never keep late hours at night. I go to bed at 10.30 p.m.
I spend the holidays in revising my lessons. On Friday I visit my friend`s house. I strictly follow the time-table in my daily life. 

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