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Population problem is the burning question of Bangladesh. In fact, it can be termed as number one problem of the country. Population is an asset of a country. But it becomes a problem when the country can not afford to provide the people necessary food and clothing.
Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world. It is a small country with an area of 1,47,570 squre kilometers. But it has a population of 13 crores. Every year more than two million people are being added to our population. The population of our country is increasing at an alarming rate. The present growth rate of population in Bangladesh is 2.36%. It has now come to the position of explosion.
The causes of population growth in Bangladesh are as follows:
Most of the people of our country are ignorant. They are not aware of the problem of over population. So they do not take measures to control the birth rate through family planning.
The high growth rate of our population creates problems in every sphere of our life. It creates problems of food, clothing, accommodation, health, education and employment. The growth of population has a serious effect on our life and economy. We are losing our cultivable land. The sons of a rich farmer become poorer and poorer day by day. It has an adverse effect on our environment.
Population growth can be controlled through family planning measures. No family should have more then two children. Our womenfolk must be made conscious through education. Early marriage and polygamy must be banned. We must cannot the growth of population otherwise our life will be at stake.
The illiterate masses should be made conscious of the problem. The media like radio, television and news papers can play a vital role in this respect. 

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