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H.S.C and S.S.C composition Your Aim in Life

                                                                      OR, YOUR FUTURE PLAN
                                                                     OR, WHAT YOU WANT TO BE
Every man has his aim in life. A man without an aim is like a ship without a rudder. A fixed aim helps a man to shine in life. I am a student. I have also a definite aim in my life. The aim of my life is to become a doctor. I shall prepare myself in that way.
The people of our village are poor. They suffer from many diseases. They do not get help and advise of good doctors. So I have decided to go back to my village and serve them. The service of a good doctor is very important. Most of the people of our country are illiterate. They live in the village. Good doctors are not available in the village. As a result many villagers die a premature death.
When I think of the distress of these poor people, my heart is filled with pity for them. So I have decided to become a doctor and serve my poor and illiterate villagers. Population growth is the burning question of our country. But the illiterate people are not aware of it. I shall also give people the knowledge of health and sanitation and family planning.
Every year we fall victim to natural calamities like flood, cyclone and many diseases. Then the service of a doctor is very important. A doctor is held in respect in the society. It is an honourable profession. Though this profession I want to serve the people of my locality. My sincere service will bring me name and fame.
After passing the H.S.C. Examination I shall get myself admitted into Dhaka Medical College for M.B.B.S. I am working very hard to secure good marks in S.S.C. Examination.
Success in life depends largely upon the right choice of profession. Through this profession I shall be able to serve the distressed people of our country. Let Allah give me strength of fulfill the aim of my life.

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