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Physical exercise means the movement of the limbs of our body. It is good for health.
There are many kinds of physical exercises. Walking, swimming, rowing and gymnastics etc. are some good forms of exercise. Different kinds of games such as football, cricket, hockey etc. are kinds of good exercise. We must take physical exercise regularly.
Physical exercise preserves and improves our health. It makes a man strong active and keeps him free from diseases. Our body is like a machine. It can be kept in good condition by taking physical exercise. There is a close connection between the mind and the body." A sound mind in a sound body" is a proverb. Physical exercise promotes our health and brings peace in our mind. Physical exercise is the key to good health. It is a cure for many diseases. For good health it is not enough to eat only good food. The food must be digested. For this reason some kind of physical exercise is necessary.
The students need exercise much. Physical exercise refreshes their brain. It makes them cheerful.
Those who do not take exercise fall victims to many diseases and become unfit for any work. A man of ill-health can not enjoy life. He is a burden to the family and the society. He loses all interests and happiness of life.

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