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H.S.C and S.S.C Composition Television

Television is one of the wonders of modern science. It is a scientific device to send pictures. It carries our photographic pictures along with voices to the farthest corner of the world.
The idea of television first came into the mind of a German scientist Paul Nepkow .John Beard gave the television to the modern shape.
Television is the most up-to-date means of communication ideas and thoughts. We may hear the historic lectures of the great persons and see them on the screen of the television. It plays an important role at the time of natural calamity. In modern times it is the best medium of advertising goods.
Television serves the purpose of our recreation. After day's work we sit before a television set and enjoy songs, dances, plays and sports and games.
The television has some educative value. It is one of the most powerful mass media. It can educate people to the current topics of the world. We can see how development works are taking place in different parts of the world. It has some disadvantages too. Often young boys and girls prefer enjoying television to reading. They forget everything and concentrate their attention on it.
Television is in fact a blessing of modern science.

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