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H.S.C and S.S.C Composition Value of Time

VALUE OF TIME                                      
Time is most valuable. It is most valuable than money. In fact time is life.
Time moves on rapidly. No one can stop the onward march f time. Once goes away, it never returns. If we do not make the best use of time, our work will never be completed.
Human life is short. But he has a lot of things to do. So he must make a proper use of time. We should do everything in the right time. We should not put off any work for tomorrow. Our work will never be finished if we do not perform it in just time.
There is a proverb, "Time and tide wait for none". We can regain lost money and health but time once gone is gone for ever. Our life is made up of moments. We must make use of our moments. Success in life depends on the right use of time. All the greatmen of the world made proper use of time.
Those who do not understand the value of time, can not succeed in life. If a student does not prepare his lesson in time, he will surely fail in the examination. Only the idle persons while away their time. They lag behind and suffer in the long run. The proper use of time is essential in every sphere of life.
We should not waste even a single moment. The most important time is "NOW". We must not pass away our time in idleness. We can reach the summit of prosperity only by making proper use of time.

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