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H.S.C and S.S.C composition Floods in Bangladesh

Flood is an annual affair in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a low lying country. During the rainy season the rivers of Bangladesh become full to the brim. Sometimes it rains cats and dogs and water overflows the banks of the river and causes flood. As a result the fields and roads go under water.
Flood is mainly caused by heavy rainfall in the rainy season. Bangladesh is full of rivers. Hundreds of rivers have criss-crossed the country. During the rainy season it rains heavily in our country. The rain water from the mountains flows down the rivers. Than the water overflows the banks and the fields and land go under water.
Flood causes heavy damage to our life and property. Roads and houses go under water. So communication becomes disrupted trees are uprooted. It washes away crops. IT inundates our houses and hundreds people become homeless. People suffer for lack of food and pure drinking water. Many lives are lost in floods. Various kinds of diseases such as cholera, and dysentery break out in the flood affected area.
Flood does some good too. It brings silt. It makes the soil fertile and helps grow more crops.
The government should take proper steps to control flood. The silted up mouths and beds of the rivers should be dredged. More dams should be constructed on the banks of the rivers.
Flood is the most dangerous natural calamity in our country. We should take measures to control it at any cost.

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