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J.S.C seen passage Nakshi khanta with bangla meaning and model Question

                                                                  URANUS MODEL QUESTION-1
                                                                      JSC ENGLISH FIRST PAPER
Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2.
                                                                                                                                        [Unit-1; Lesson-2(B)
Nakshi Kantha is a kind of embroidered(Bg‡ev‡ivWviW) quilt(KzBjU). The name was taken from the Bengali word, ‘Naksha’ which means artistic(AviwUmwUK) pattern. It is a kind of traditional(UªvwW‡kvbvj) craft(µvdU) and is said to be indigenous(Bb‡W‡Rbvm-‡`kxq) to Bangladesh and West Bengal in India. The art has been practiced(cÖvKwUmW) in rural Bengal for centuries(‡mbPzwim).The name ‘Nakshi Kantha’ became popular(ccyjvi-RbwcÖq) after the poet Jasimuddin’s poem ‘Nakshi Kanthar Math was published(cvewjmW-cÖKvk Kiv) in 1929. Traditional(UªvwW‡kvbvj-HwZn¨) kanthas are made for family use. Old or new cloth and thread(‡_ªW-myZv) are used to make these quilts. Mymensingh, Jamalpur, Rajshahi, Faridpur, Bogura and Jashore are most famous(‡dgvm-weL¨vZ) for this craft. Now it is produced(cÖwWDmW-Drcv`b Kiv commercially(Kgviwkqvjx-evwbwR¨Kfv‡e). You can find them in many expensive(G´‡cbwmf-e¨qeûj) handicraft(n¨vwÛµvdU) shops in cities. The quilts are now in great(‡MÖU-‡e`g,eo) demand(wWgvÛ) because(weKR-Kvib) of the colourful(Kvjvidzj-iwOb) patterns(c¨vUvb©-bgybv) and designs(wWRvBb-bKkv Kiv) embroidered on them.
bKwkKvu_v n‡”Q Kvc‡oi Ici n¯Íwkí mswkøó m~wPK‡g©I bKkv †Zvjv GK cÖKvi `„wób›`b Kvu_v| bvgwU †bIqv n‡q‡Q evsjv kã bKkv †_‡K hvi A_© n‡”Q wkíK‡g©I ev m~wPwk‡íi wWRvBb| GwU GK ai‡bi HwZn¨MZ n¯Íwkí Ges GwU‡K evsjv‡`‡ki Ges fvi‡Zi cwðge‡½I †`kR m~wPKg© e‡j MY¨ Kiv nq| kZvãxi ci kZvãx cwjøevsjvq GB wkíwUi PPv© n‡q Avm‡Q|1929 mv‡j Kwe RmxgDÏx‡bi bKwk Kvu_vi gvV cÖKvwkZ nIqvi ci bKwkKuv_v bvgwU RbwcÖq n‡q D‡V‡Q|
HwZn¨evnx Kvu_v cvwievwiK e¨env‡ii Rb¨ ˆZwi Kiv nq| Gme Kvu_v ˆZwii Rb¨ cyivZb wKsev bZzb Kvco I myZv e¨en„Z nq| G wk‡íi Rb¨ me‡P‡q †ewk weL¨vZ n‡”Q gqgbwmsL, Rvgvjcyi, ivRkvnx, dwi`cy, e¸ov Ges h‡kvi| GLb GUv evwbwR¨Kfv‡e ˆZwi nq| e‡ov e‡ov kn‡ii A‡bK `vwg `vwg n¯Íwk‡íi †`vKvb¸‡jv‡Z Gme cvIqv hvq| m~wPK‡g©i gva¨‡g G¸‡jvi Ici †Zvjv eYv©X¨ bKkv& I wWRvB‡bi Kvi‡b Gme Kvu_vi Pvwn`v GLb A‡bK †ewk|
Kind- GLv‡b noun wnmv‡e e¨eüZ n‡”Q ZvB Gi A_© cÖKvi ev aib- type,sort
*Avi kind adjective wnmv‡e e¨eüZ n‡j Zvi A_© nZ `qvjy
Embroidered-bKkvK…Z-artfully, designed
Design-bKkv Kiv-drawing
Poet- Kwe-bard, lyricist
Poem –KweZv- verse, rhyme
Old-cyivZb-ancient,worm out, used
Quilt-‡jc- a thick coverlet
artistic-Pviywkí, -beautiful with work of art
rural-MÖvg¨, - rustic, pastoral
traditional-HwZn¨MZ,- customs, conventional, manners
craft-‰bcyY¨,- skill with the hands
indigenous-‡`kxq, - native
thread-m~Zv,- a fine line of yarn
handicraft-n¯Íwkí,- manual craft
demand-`vwe,Pvwn`v, GLv‡b GwU cÖ‡qv‡RvwbqZv A‡_© cÖKvk †c‡q‡Q (need)
now-GLb,by this time
produced-Drcbœ Kiv,
expensive-e¨qeûj, - costly, valuable, precious, high priced
pattern-bKkv-design, sample
famous-weL¨vZ-renowned, well-known
1., Choose the correct answer to each question from the alternatives given and write the
number of the answers in your answer script. 1x7=7
(a) The word ‘craft’ in fine 2 of the text means—. [Syl. B. 2015]
     (i) device (ii) asset (iii) art (iv) property
(b) Theword ’demand’in line 9 of the text means—. [Syl. B. 20151
     (i) price (ii) need (iii) popularity (iv) familiarity
(c) The word ‘expensive’ in line 8 of the text means —. [Syl. B. 2015]
     (i) cheap (ii) costly (iii) economical (iv) low cost
(d) Traditional Kanthas are made for —.
    (i) business purpose (ii) artistic purpose (iii) aesthetic purpose (iv) family purpose
(e) Where can the embroidered quilt be found now?
    (i) in the museum . (ii) in luxurious outlet (iii) in all show rooms (iv) in limited show rooms
(f) flow did the name Nakshi Kantha’become popular?
   (i) After folk tradition (ii) After the field named Nakshi Kantha (iii) After Jasimuddin’s poem (iv) After Jasimuddin’s play
(g) What are the elements needed for the quilt?
    (i) Old cloth and thread (ii) Old or new cloth and thread (iii) New cloth and thread (iv) Needle and thread
 Extra Questions
(1) The word ‘indigenous’ in line 2 of the text means —. [C. B. 2014; R. B. 20141
      (i) indigestion (ii) native (iii) indigestible (iv) indignant
(2) The word ‘traditional’ in line 2 of the text means —. [R. B. 20141 ]
     (1) rule (ii) custom (iii) conventional (iv) convention
(3) The word ‘pattern’ in line 2 of the text meant—. (R. B. 20141
     (i) decoration (ii) design (iii) mark (iv) embellishment
(4) The word ‘artistic’ in line 2 of the text means —.
     (i) arts (ii) fine (iii) nice  (iv) of art
(5) The word ‘produce’ in line 8 of the text means —. 
    (i) give (ii) supply (iii) provide (iv) create
(6) The word ‘thread’ in line 6 of the text means—.  (R. B. 20141
     (i) yarn (ii) threat (iii) yard (iv) field
(7) Nakshi Kanthas are in great demand because they are —
     (i) embroidered (ii) designed and colourfully embroidered (iii) colourful (iv) designed
(8) The word ‘famous in line 7 of the text means
     (i) renowned (ii) notorious (iii) famine (iv) fume
(9) The word ‘old’ in line 6 of the text means—. (Syl. B. 2015)
     (i) aged (ii) former (iii) ancient (iv) used
(10) The word ‘colourful’ in line 9 of the text means —. [Syl. B. 20151
      (i) dull (ii) dark (iii) bright (iv) drab
(11) The word ‘kind’ in line 1 of the text means—. [R. B. 2014)
     (i) sympathetic (ii) sort (iii) sympathy (iv) benevolent
(12) What is a Nakski Kantha?
     (i) A designed coverlet (ii) A designed mat (iii) An embroidered cloth (iv) A printed quilt .
(13) What kind of craft is it?
     (i) A local craft (ii) A conventional craft (iii) A foreign craft (iv) An imported craft
(14) What does the word ‘Indigenous’ mean?
     (i) Alien (ii) Derived (iii) Domestic (iv) Recognized
(15) The word ‘embroidered’ in line 1 of the text means —.
     (i) embellished (ii) patterned (iii) coloured (iv) decoration
(16) The name ‘Nakshl Kantha’ was derived from the word—. [D. B. 2014)
     (i) English (ii) Bengali (iii) Hindi (iv) French
(17) This art has been continuing for—. [D. B. 2014]
     (i) generations (ii) centuries (iii) years (iv) ages
(18) The word ‘Indigenous’ refers to —. [D. B. 20141
     (i) foreign (ii) native (iii) hand-made (iv) all the above
(19) ‘Nakshl Kautba’ becomes popular for its—. [D. B. 2014)
       (i) beauty (ii) high price (iii) advertisement (iv) low price
(20) Nakshi Kantha is a — kantha. [Din. B. 20141
     (i) modern (ii) ultramodern (iii) age old (iv) conventional
(21) ‘Nakshl Kantha’ is related to— [Din. B. 2014]
     (i) urban people (ii) rural people (iii) ethnic people (iv) tribal people
(22) Nowadays, Nakshi Kantha is produced—. (Ctg. B. 2016: Din. B. 2014]
     (i) traditionally (ii) nationally (iii) commercially (iv) normally
(23) ‘Nakshi Kanthar Math’ is written by—. [Ctg. B. 2016;Din. B. 20141
     (i) Kazi Nazrul Islam (ii) Farrukh Ahmed (iii) Jasimuddin (iv) Rabindranath Tagore
(24) Nakshi Kanthas are a kind of—. [C. B. 2014; B. 8. 2014]]
      (i) quilt (ii) song (iii) embroidered quilt (iv) crop
(25) Jasimuddin was a famous —. [C. B. 20141
      (i) poet (ii) scientist (iii) painter (iv) architect
(26) The art of Nakshi Kanthas s most famous In— districts In Bangladesh. [C. B. 2014]
      (i) three (ii) four (iii) five (iv) six
(27) The people of Bangladesh and West Bengal usually prepare ti.anthas for — use. [C. B. 2014]
     (i) national (ii) industrial (iii) family (iv) commercial
(28) — are most famous for the craft. [B. B. 2014]
     (i) Mymensingh, Dhaka (ii) Rajshahi, Rangpur (iii) Mymensingh, Jashore (iv) Bogura. Pabna
(29) What does the word ‘pattern’ mean? [Ctg. B. 2016: B. B. 20141
     (i) Step by step (ii) Series (iii) Artistic design (iv) Handmade work
(30) What are used to make these quilt? [B. 8. 20141
      (i) New cloth (ii) Old cloth (iii) Polymer thread (iv) Any type of cloth and thread
(31) Where has the art been practised? [Ctg. B. 2016; B. B. 20141
      (i) Large cities (ii) Urban area (iii) Rural area (iv) Rich family
(32) How is the quilt produced now?
     (i) Business purpose (ii) Traditionally (iii) Export purpose (iv) All the above
(33) Why are the quilts now in great demand?
     (i) For bright colours (ii) For excellent designs (iii) For colourful patterns and designs (iv) For cheap price
(34) Which is the closest meaning of pattern’?
     (i) Artistic (ii) Paternal (iii) Figure (iv) View
(35) Nakshi Kantha is the of our rural women.
     (i) pride  (ii) rule (iii) balk of their tradition (iv) simple tradition
(36) Nakshi Ka.ntha became popular — 1929.
     (i) after (ii) before (iii) in (iv) with
(37) ‘‘Popular’ means —.
     (i) favourite (ii) disgusting (iii) disliked  (iv) liked
(38) “The quilts are now In great demand.” — What does the statement mean?
    (i) it is used more than ever before (ii) it has become less popular (iii) it is expensive (iv) it is less expensive than before
(39) Making of quilt has been practised in—.
      (i) remote area (ii) rural area (iii) city area (iv) mountain area
(40) The poem
Nakshi Kanthar Math’ was published in —.
      (i) 1629 (ii) 1929 (iii) 1829 (iv) 1919
What is the meaning of the word ‘Tradition?’
     (i) Custom (ii) Trade (iii) Commerce (iv) Civilization
(42) The Bengali word ‘Naksha’ means —.
     (i) design (ii) picture (iii) artistic pattern . (iv) embroidery
(43) ‘Nakshi Kantha’ In English is —.
     (i) embroidered (ii) embroidery (iii) quilt
 (iv) embroidered quilt
(44) Nakshl Kantha Is a — kind of kantha.
    (i) normal (ii) special (iii) ordinary (iv) simple
(45) The word ‘Nakshi Kantha’ comes from the — word.
    (I) Hindi (ii) Burmese (iii) Bengali
(iv) Chinese
(46) It is made old or new cloths. [D. B. 2014]
     (i) used (ii) using (iii) uses (iv) all the above
(47) Famous
   (i) renowned    (ii) notorious   (iii) famine    (iv) fume
(48) Produce
    (i)  give     (ii) supply     (iii) provide     (iv) create
(49) embroidered
      (i) embellished   (ii) patterned   (iii) coloured   (iv) decoration

2. Answer the following questions from your reading of the above text.                            2x4=8
(a) When does ‘Nakshi Kantha become famous? (Ctg. B. 2016; Syl. B. 2015]
Answer: Nakshl Kantha becomes famous after publishing the poem ‘Nakshi Kanthar Math’.
(b) What is Nakshi Kantha? [Ctg. B. 2016; Syl. B 2015; 0. B. 2014; R. B. 2014; Din. B. 2014]
Answer: Nakshi Kantha is a kind of embroidered quilt.
(c) Why are the traditional kanthas made? [D. B. 2014; R. B. 2014]
Answer: The traditional kanthas are made for family use
(d) Which areas are most famous for this craft? (R. B. 2014]
Answer:  Mymenstngh, Jamalpur, Rajshahl, Faridpur. Bogura and Jashore are the most famous areas for this craft.
Extra Questions
(e) How long has the art been practised?
Answer: The art has been practised for centuries.
(f) What kind of craft is it?
Answer: It is a traditional craft of Bengal which has been practised in rural Bengal for centuries.
(g) What does ‘Naksha’ mean?
Answer: The Bengali word ‘Naksha’ means artistic pattern. It is a kind of traditional craft.
(h) When did the name Nakshi Kantha’ become popular?
Answer: The name Nakshi Kantha’ became popular after the poet Jasimuddin’s poem ‘Nakshi Kanthar Math’ had been published in 1929.
(i) Do you like a Nakshi Karttha or an ordinary kantha? Why?
Answer: Yes, I like a Nakshi Kantha because it is embroidered with different designs. It looks so
beautiful and attractive to me.
(j) In cities, where do we get them?
Answer: In cities, we can get them in many expensive handicraft shops.
(k) What materials are required to prepare Nakshi Kanthas?
Answer: Old or new cloth and thread are required to prepare Nakshi Kanthas.
(l) How did it become famous?
Answer: It became famous when the poet Jasimuddin wrote his poem ‘Nakshi Kanthar Math’. It was published in 1929.
(m) Where has the art been practised?
Answer: The art has been practised in rural Bengal.
(n) Why are the quilts now in great demand? [Ctg. B. 2016; Syl. B. 2015; R. B. 2014; Din. B. 2014; C. B. 2014; B. B. 2014]
Answer: The quilts are now In great demand for its colourful patterns and designs embroidered on them.
(o) What are used to make Nakshi Kantha? (Syl. B. 2015; D. B. 2014]
Answer: Old or new cloth and thread are used to make Nakshi Kantha.
(p) Why did the name Nakshi Kantha become popular? ID. B. 2014]
Answer:  The name Nakshi Kantha became popular after the poet Jasimuddin’s. poem ‘Nakshi Kanthar Math’ had been published.
(q) Which districts are most popular for Nakshi Kantha? (Ctg. B. 2016; Syl. B. 2015; D. B. 2014; Din. B. 2014]
Answer: Mymensingh, Jamalpur, Rajshahi. Farldpur, Bogura and Jashore are most popular for Nakshi Kant ha.
(r) Is Nakshi Kantha now produced commercially? If yes, how?
Answer: Yes, it is. Now Nakshl Kantha is available in many expensive handicraft shops in cities. The quilts are now in great demand because of the colourful patterns and designs embroidered on them.
(s) Where was the name taken from?
Answer: The name was taken from the Bengali word ‘Naksha’ meaning artistic pattern.
(t) Is Nakshi Kantha a traditional craft of Bangladesh and India? If yes, how?
Answer: Yes, it is. The art of Nakshi Kantha has been practised in rural areas of Bangladesh and West Bengal in India for centuries.

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