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J.S.C Seen Passage Shamima's misery with model question

Seen Passage
Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2
Shamima's misery started the day she was married.- we‡qi w`b †_‡KB kvgxgvi `y`©kv ïiæ n‡qwQj|Her husband was a greedy person and he used to abuse her verbally and physically. Zvi ¯^vgx wQj GKRb †jvfx e¨w³ Ges †m Zv‡K †gŠwLKfv‡e I kvixwiKfv‡e wbh©vZb KiZ| Within a few months into her marriage she had to leave her husband Kamal Uddin Joardar. we‡qi K‡qK gv‡mi g‡a¨ Zv‡K ¯^vgx Kvgvj DwÏb †Rvqv`©vi‡K Z¨vM Ki‡Z n‡qwQj| Now Shamima vows to work with women, who are ill-fated like her. kvgxgv GLb Zuvi g‡Zv nZfvM¨ bvix‡`i wb‡q KvR Ki‡Z `„p cvªwZÁ| She has 43 female members in her organisation working for her. Zvi msMV‡b 43 Rb bvix m`m¨ Zvi n‡q KvR Ki‡Q| She herself trains the members and then provides them with work. wZwb wb‡RB m`m¨‡`i‡K cÖwkÿY †`b Ges Zvici Zv‡`i‡K KvR †`b| She designs fabrics, makes block-print, brush-paint and hand-embroidered saris. wZwb Kvc‡o bKkv K‡ib, eøK-wcÖ›U, eªvk †cB›U K‡ib  Ges nv‡Z kvwo GgeªqWvwi K‡ib| She also makes three piece dresses for women, and fatuas for men. wZwb †g‡q‡`i Rb¨ w_ª-wcm Ges cyiæl‡`i Rb¨ dZzqvI ˆZwi K‡ib| She sells these products in her shop and supplies them outside. Gme cY¨ wZwb Zvi †`vKv‡b wewµ K‡ib Ges evB‡iI mKieivn K‡ib| Shamima has a dream now, a dream to do something for the helpless people. kvgxgvi GLb GKwU ¯^cœ Av‡Q, Amnvq †jvK‡`i Rb¨ wKQz Kivi ¯^cœ| She wants them to feel useful. wZwb Pvb Zviv †hb wb‡R‡`i‡K cÖ‡qvRbxq g‡b K‡I They can live with self-respect and dignity. –Zviv ghv©`v I AvšÍm¤§v‡bi mv‡_ evm Ki‡Z cv‡i| With this in view, she goes out looking for such people. GD‡Ï‡k¨ wZwb G ai‡bi gvby‡li mÜv‡b †ei nb| Shamima finished her story with a smile. kvgxgv nvwmgy‡L Zvi Mí †kl Ki‡jb| Shamima has no complaints, no regrets, no grudges. kvgxgvi †Kv‡bv Awf‡hvM †bB, †Kv‡bv Aby‡kvPbv †bB, †Kv‡bv Cl©vI ‡bB| Her husband could destroy her outward beauty but not the beauty of her mind. Zvi ¯^vgx Zvi evwn¨K †mŠ›`h©  aŸsm Ki‡Z cviZ wKš‘ g‡bi †mŠ›`h© bq| All she wants to do is to bring a smile on the faces of those women who are unfortunate. †mBme nZfvM¨ bvix‡`i gy‡L GKUz nvwm †dvUv‡Z wZwb mewKQz Ki‡Z Pvb| Shamima wants to become a famous designer- kvgxgv GKRb weL¨vZ wWRvBbvi n‡Z Pvb|
Start-GmUviU-ïiæ Kiv-started-started-begin, commence, initiate, launch, activate, originate
Abuse-A¨vweDR-AZ¨vPvi Kiv-abused-abused-misuse,mistreat,torment,oppress,suppress,repress
Leave-jxf-Z¨vM Kiv-left-left-quit,evacuate,abandon,give up, waive, resign, discard, relinquish
Vow-fvD-kc_ Kiv-vowed-vowed- pledge, promise, swear, take an oath, give your word, declare
Train-‡UªBb-cÖwkÿY †`Iqv-trained-trained- coach, drill, instruct,prepare, teach,
Provide-cÖfvBW-mieivn Kiv-provided-provided- supply, contribute, pervey
Design-wWRvDb-bKkv Kivdesigned-designed- make pattern, draft, fabricate,
Make-‡gBK-‰Zwi Kiv-made-made-build,compose,construct, create,form,mould, produce
Sell-‡mj-wewµ Kiv-sold-sold- barter, deal in, market, retail, trade,
Supply-mvcøvB-mieivn Kiv-supplied-supplied-afford, contribute, endow, give, provide,
Live-wjf-evm Kiv-lived-lived-abide,dwell, inhabit,lodge,reside,settle,survive,subsist,
Destroy-wWmUª‡q-aŸsm Kiv-destroyed-destroyed-annihilate, demolish, devastate,dismantle,
Want-Iqv›U-PvIqv-wanted-wanted-call for, covet, crave, demand, desire, hanker after, long for
Bring-wewis-Avbv-brought-brought-accompany, bear, carry,escort
Become-weKvg-nIqv-became-become-befit, embellish,
Finish-wdwbm-‡kl Kiv-finished-finished-end,terminate,conclude, complete, accomplish
Feel-dxj-Abyfe Kiv-felt-felt-perceive,reckon,sense,think
Designer(n)wWRvBbvi-bKkvKvix-pattern maker                   greedy (adj)- MÖxwW- †jvfx-desirous
Grudge(n)-MÖvR-Blv©envy                                                     ill-fated (adj)-Bj †d‡UW-`yfv‡M¨ KewjZ in the clutch of bad luck
Regret(n)-wiM‡iU-AbyZvc-sorrow, grief, remorse          helpless (adj)-‡njc‡jm-Amnvq
Complaint(n)- Kg‡cøB›U-Awf‡hvM, bvwjm, allegation        Unfortunate (adj)- AvbdiPz‡bU-nZfvMv-ill-fated
View(n)-wfD-gZ, opinion,                                               Outward-(adj)- AvDUIqvW©-evwn¨K- exterior
Dignity(n) –wWMwbwU-ghv©`vhonour                                       Famous- (adj) –‡dgvm-weL¨vZ-noted,prominent,renowned
Dream (n,v)- wWªg-¯úbœ-vision and mission                    verbally-fvie¨vwj-‡gŠwLKfv‡e (adv) Orally
Fabric(n)-‡dewiK-Kvco- cloth                                          physically-(adv)-wdwRK¨vwj-‰`wnKfv‡e bodily
Product (n)-‡cÖvWv±-cb¨-commodity,goods
Organigation (n)-Ai‡MbvB‡Rmb-msMVb
Husband (n)-nvRe¨vÛ-¯^vgx-male partner in wed lock
Misery (n) –wgRvwi-`ysL-sufferings
Person (n)-cvimb-e¨w³
Marriage (n)-g¨vwiR –weevn  wed
Smile (n)-GmgvBj-nvwm
Beauty (n)- weDwU-‡mŠ›`©‡h¨
1. Choose the correct answer to each question from the alternatives given and write the corresponding number of the answers in your answer script.
(a) The word provide’ in line 5 of the text means
        (i) offer (ii) confer (iii) supply (iv) stop
(b) The word ‘greedy’ in line 1 of the text means
        (i) ambitious (ii) desirous (iii) covetous (iv) eager
(C) The word ‘abuse’ in line 2 of the text means
        (i) mistreat (ii) curse (iii) rebuke (iv) chide
(d) Her husband was
        (i) honest (ii) greedy (iii) dishonest (iv) kind
(e) Shamima changed her condition by making and selling — products.
        (i) garment (ii) sari (iii) block-print (iv) popular
(f) Shamima has no now.
        (i) grievance (ii) happiness (iii) disturbance (iv) plot
(g) Shamima wants to do something for the women.
         (i) unlucky (ii) happy (iii) solvent (iv) able
• Extra Questions
(h) The word ‘helpless’ in line 9 of the text means
          (i) distressed (ii) miser (iii) working (iv) active
(i) The word ‘dignity’ in line 10 of the text means
          (i) capability (ii) ability (iii) respect (iv) suitability
(j) The word ‘make1 in line &of the text means —.
           (i) create (ii) prepare (iii) supply (iv) manage
(k) The word’ grudge’ inline 12 of the text means—.
           (i) objection (ii) anger (iii) hatred (iv) complaint
(l) The word ‘self-respect’ in line 10 of the text means —.
           (i) dignity (ii) respectful (iii) confidence (iv) desirous
(m) The word ‘misery’ in line 1 of the text means —.
            (i) happiness (ii) accumulator (iii) suffering (iv) sad
(n) The word ‘famous’ in line 14 of the text means —.
             (i) notorious (ii) renowned (iii) unpopular (iv) unknown
(o) The word ‘organization’ in line 5 of the text means
             (i) ostentation (ii) mitigation w (iii) occasion (iv) institution
(p) The word ‘vow’ in line 4 of the text means —.
              (i) voyage (ii) voluntary (iii) promise (iv) guarantee
(q) The word ‘regret’ in line 12 of the text means —.
               (i) grieve (ii) rejoice (iii) celebrate (iv) regard
(r) The word verbally’ in line 2 of the text means —.
              (i) like a verb (ii) of verb (iii) orally (.iv) adverbial
(s) The word ‘leave’ in line 2 of the text means
               (i) live (ii) stay (iii) abandon (iv) give out
(t) The word ‘ill-fated’ in line4 of the text means —.
               (i) seriously fat (ii) ill-luck (iii) wretched (iv) Unhappy
(u) The word ‘provide’ in line 5 of the text means
                 (i) change (ii) take (iii) get (iv) supply
(v) Shamima worked with women.
                (i) rich (ii) dishonest (iii) helpless (iv) restless
(w) Shamima makes dresses for —.
               (i) the male (ii) the children (iii) male and female (iv) men and children
(x) Shaniima wants to become a — designer.
              (i) renowned (ii) wealthy (iii) efficient (iv) infamous.
(y) The adjective form of the word ‘misery’ is —
              (i) miserly (ii) miserable (iii) miserably (iv) misering
(z) Who are ill-fated?
     (i) Only Shamima (ii) Shamima and the other women in the text (iii) Shamima’s mother (iv) Shamima’s cousins
(z1) Shamima has a dream — do something for the helpless women.
        (i) in (ii) in order to (iii) looking forward to (iv) with a view to
(z2) Shamima has no—.
         (i) expectation (ii) complement (iii) dissatisfaction (iv) hope
(z3) The word ‘ill-fated’ refers to —.
          (i) unfortunate (ii) lucky (iii) fortunate (iv) dignity
(z4) Shamima wants to be a — designer.
          (i) infamous (ii) renowned (iii) poor (iv) wealthy
(z5) Shamima trains —.
         (i) herself (ii) her family (iii) her students (iv) the members of her organization
(z6) Shaniima’s started with her marriage.
          (i) happiness (ii) suffering (iii) prosperity (iv) rejoicing
(z7) Her husband used to — her.
         (i) love (iii appreciate (iii) mistreat (iv) respect
(z8) The number of female members in her organisation — 43.
          (i) are (ii) were (iii) is (iv) has been
(z9) Shamima makes dresses for the —-—.
        (i) male (ii) children (iii) male and female (iv) men and children
(z10) She wants to do something for the women.
         (i) unlucky (ii) happy (iii) solvent (iv) able
(z11) Shamima — to work with the helpless women
          (i) thinks (ii) plans (iii) desires (iv) promises
(z12) Her husband — her dream.
           (i) destroyed (ii) liked (iii) supported (iv) appreciated
(z13) She left her husband to her lot.
           (i) do (ii) face (iii) change (iv) target
(z4) Shamima can be an — for the helpless women.
           (i) understood (ii) example (iii) answer (iv) ideal
(zTh) She wants to make the helpless women —.
            (i) dependent (ii) violent (iii) unemployed (iv) independent
(z16) Shainima’s husband’s — made him abuse her.
            (i) grudge (ii) malice (iii) avarice (iv) despite
(z17) Shamima is a woman of — attitude.
            (i) egoistic (ii) malignant (iii) conceited (iv) benevolent
(z18) The trainees are trained by—.
           (i)Shamima (ii) herself (iii) themselves (iv) them
(z 19) Shamima is a — woman now.
           (i) self-centred (ii) self-conscious (iii) self-reliant (iv) none
(z20) Shamixna’s husband was a — person.
         (i)hard-working (ii) cruel (iii) covetous (iv) indolent
(z21) Shamima wants to be a famous —.
          (i) deviser (ii) plotter (iii) innovator (iv) pattern maker
(z22) Shamima’s misery started —
           (i) from her childhood (ii) after marriage (iii) from the day of her marriage (iv) from infancy
(z23) He used to abuse her—.
            (i) orally (ii) physically and mentally (iii) mentally (iv) orally and physically
(z24) Shamima left her husband —.
            (i)within a few months (ii) within few days (iii) within few weeks (iv) within few years
(z25) Shamima vows to work with — women.
             (i)rich (ii) dishonest (iii) helpless (iv) restless
(z26) Shamima’s organization consists of — members.
(i) 43 males (ii) 43 female (iii) 40 females and males (iv) 70 males and females
(z27) Complaint means —.
           (i) grievance (ii) innovator (iii) objection (iv) criticism
(z28) Shamima sells her products —.
            (i) in her shop (ii) in the local market (iii) in her shop and outside (iv) at home
(z29) Shamima’s husband used to abuse Shamima —.
             (i) orally (ii) mentally (iii) physically and mentally (iv) orally and physically
                                 Answer the following questions from your reading of the above text. 2x4=8
(a) What does Shamima dream now?
Answer: Shamima now dreams to do something for the helpless women.
(b) What are the things that she produces in her organization?
Answer:  In her organisation, she makes three-piece dresses for women and fatuas for men.
(c) Why did Shamima leave her husband?
Answer: Shamima left her husband because her husband used to abuse her both verbally and physically.
(d) What type of man was her husband?
Answer: Her husband was a greedy person.
Extra Questions
(e) What did she do after leaving her husband?
Answer: After leaving her husband, she started to work with other helpless women.
(f) Where does she sell her products?
Answer: She sells her products in her shop and supplies them outside.
(g) How many female members work for Shamirna?
Answer: 43 female members work in her organisation for her.
(h) How did Shamima’s husband treat her?
Answer:Being a greedy person, Shamima’s husband used to abuse her both verbally and physically.
(i) What type of organization does Sharnima run?
Answer: Shamima runs a garments shop of her own where fabrics are designed, and block-print, brush-paint as well as hand-embroidered saris are made for women and fatuas for men and made.
(j) What are the products that she sells in her shop?
Answer: The products that she sells in her shop are designed fabrics, block-print, brush-paint and hand-embroidered saris, three-piece dresses for women and fatuas for men.
(k) Why couldn’t Shamima’s husband destroy her mind?
Answer: Shamima’s husband couldn’t destroy the beauty of Shamima’s mind because all she wants to do is to bring a smile on the face of those women who are unfortunate.
(l) How did the conjugal life of Shamima start?
Answer: The conjugal life of Shamima started miserably from the very beginning of her marriage.
(m) What did Shamima do after leaving her husband?
Answer: After leaving her husband, Shamima established an organisation where she started to work with other helpless women like her.
(n) What is Shamima’s present dream?
Answer: Shamima’s present dream is to do something for the helpless people.
(o) Flow did Sharnirna finish her story?
Answer: Shamima finished he story with a smile and by telling that she wanted to become a famous designer.
(p) How does Sharnima sell her products?
Answer: Shamima sells her products in her shop and, supplies them outside.
(q) How does she help the unfortunate women?
Answer: She helps the unfortunate women by giving training and providing them with work.
(r) What lesson have you got from the story?
Answer: From the story, we get a lesson that the beauty of mind is the most important thing of life.
(s) Is Shamima now a successful woman in society? If yes, how?
Answer: Yes, she is. She herself is not only a self-reliant woman but also she has 43 female members in her organisation who work for her and whom she herself trains.
(t) Who does Shamima work with?
Answer: Shamima works with other ill-fated women.
(u) Why is Shamima working for the helpless women? )
Answer: Shamima is working for the helpless women so that they can live with self-respect and dignity.
(v) What does Shamima want to be?
Answer: Shamima wants to be a famous designer.
(w) Has Shamima any dream now? If yes, what is it?
Answer: Yes, she has. She now dreams to do something for the helpless people. She wants them to feel useful so that they can live with self-respect and dignity.
(x) Who trains the members of her organisation?
Answer: She herself trains the members of her organisation.
(y) How did Shamima’s husband behave with Shamima?
Answer: Shamima’s husband used to behave towards Shamima cruelly.

New word
Fortunate- unfortunate-fortunately- unfortunately


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