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Paragraph Patriotism

Patriotism is love of one’s own country. It is one of the finest and noblest sentiments of the human heart. We can never be too grateful to the land where we are born. We get our food and drink from her. She supplies us with families, friends and acquaintances in order that we may live a civilized social life. Our education and culture also take their direction and form from her history. In short, everything we enjoy in life, everything that makes human existence superior to all other existences we owe to the land of our birth. This is why, she is everywhere likened to the mother and is called motherland or mother country. In fact, the people of every civilized country are passionately devoted to their mother country and consider it an honour and a privilege if they can sacrifice their lives for her sake. The love of country is almost natural to every man, We may not be conscious of it in normal times, but we feel it when the call of the country reaches our ears. The latest and greatest proof of this were furnished in our country during the Pakistani attack in consequence of which our Liberation War took place. A large number of people sacrificed their lives for our country. It is one of the greatest virtues of a human being.

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