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Students’ primary objective should be learning. They should not involve themselves in politics and should concentrate only on their education. But our past heritage provides us with amp evidences of students’ glorious presence and contributions to politics. It was because of the age that they were full of spirit and courage to protest against all social injustice. In our Language Movement and Movement for Independence, students were the most powerful force who fought undauntedly and achieved success by sacrificing their valuable lives. However, in the past they were devoted to their education and moved in politics only when the country needed But the trends of student politics, in the recent days, are quite different. Students have now become the victim of politics as they are mostly exploited by the politicians. The session-jam and uncertainty of employment have also drawn the students towards cadre politics. Nowadays some students have taken arms in their hands and engaged themselves in terrorist activities. The practice of fair politics is gradually missing out from the campus and students are getting frustrated on many counts. Rivalry among different parties is common in the colleges and universities. So the standard of education has become low. Now it is the expectation of many learned persons and parents to stop student politics, because the students of today will lead the nation tomorrow. But if their education is not complete, they would not be able to lead the ountry to peace and prosperity.

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