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English Verb in details

Kinds of Verb
(1) Finite Verb: A verb whose action is limited by number, person and subject is called a Finite Verb.
Mother cooks food everyday.
We learn our lesson regularly.
We visited Cox’s Bazar last year.
The farmers work in the paddy field.
(2) Non-Finite Verb: A verb that is not limited by number, person or subject is called a Non-Finite Verb.                   
I want to cook food today.
My sister wants to learn English.
I saw the farmers working in the paddy field.
I found many people visiting the book fair.
People get pleasure and joy by watching programmes on TV.
Walking in the morning is good for health.
(3) Transitive Verb: The verb which takes an object to complete its sense is called a transitive verb.
We love our motherland from heart.
The children are flying kites in the sky.
The beggar wants some food.
We always seek help of Allah.
They helped the needy man.
We saw the boys playing.
(4) Intransitive Verb: The verb which does not take an object to complete its sense is called an intransitive verb.
The birds are flying.
The blind can not see.
The girls are singing.
The boy is sleeping.
The dump can not speak.
Jute grows well in Bangladesh.
The pen writes well.
(5) Factitive Verb: A Factitive verb is a verb which takes one more object to complete the speech of the sentence.
We made Babul captain.
People elect Mr Babul chairman.
We chose Kamal our leader.
The committee appoint him principal.
We selected Mr Rony editor.
Father named me Munna.
I found the man asleep.
We nominated Mr Minto co-ordinator.
We crowned him 2006
We regarded him king Soloman.
People entitled him Messi.
I think him an honest man.
(6) Quasi Passive verb: The intransitive verb which is active in form but passive in meaning is callede a Quasi Passive verb.
Jute sells cheap.
Stone feels hard.
The mango tastes sweet.
The book reads well.
The rose smells sweet.
The road is repairing.
The book is printing.
The drum is beating.
(7) Reciprocal Verb: The verb which denotes or shows a mutual relation between the subject of a sentence is called a reciprocal verb.
They help one another.
The teachers help one another.
Hasan and Kamal help each other.
The two boys help one another.
(8) Cognate Verb: The intransitive verb which takes a similar noun as an object and is used as an transitive verb is called a cognate verb.
He fought a good fight.
I dreamt a strange dream.
He ran a race.
She sang a sweet song.
I slept a sound sleep.
Father lived a happy life.
The man died a heroic death.
(9) Group verb or Compound verb: An intransitive verb taking a preposition which becomes transitive is called a prepositional verb or group or Compound verb.
Do not laugh at the blind.
The cow lives on grass.
I have gone through the magazine.
We should look after old parents.
Smoking tells upon our health.
Cancer takes off many lives every year.
Aids carries away many lives every year.
(10) Copulative or Linking Verb: The intransitive verb which can not complete the speech of a sentence without the help of compliment is called a copulative or linking verb
I am a student of an ideal college.
Nazrul Islam is our national poet.
The students of our college are very studious.
Iron feels hard.
The rose smells sweet.
They look cheerful and happy.
He seems very happy.
The day will become hotter.
He grew angry with them.
He got thirsty soon.
The oldman looked sad.
The boy fell asleep.
The man seems to be tired.
(11) Causative verb: A verb that denotes the cause of one’s doing an action is called a Causative verb.
Father teaches me.
Mother walks her child.
The boy is flying a kite.
Mother feeds her child.
Mother suckles her child.
(11) Reflexive Verb: A verb that takes same persons both as subject and object is known as reflexive verb. In the sentence of reflexive, reflexive pronoun is also used.
She fans herself.
They enjoyed themselves on the vacation.
He absented himself from the class.
He availed himself of the chance.
He prides himself on his skill as a musician.
(12) Impersonal Verb: There are some verbs which take not a personal subject but an impersonal subject (It, natural phenomena etc.). These are called impersonal verb.
It is dewing
It rains.
It has been raining cats and dogs since morning.
It snows in wi

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