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English Grammar Sentence

A sentence is a combination of words by which we say something about a person or thing.  Rowe and Webb
A combination of words that makes a complete sense is called a sentence. J.C Nesfield.
A group of words which makes a complete sense is called a sentence. Wren and Maetin.
A word or a group of words having a clear meaning in a given context is called a sentence. P.C Das.
A sentence is a group of words giving a complete sense. P.k. D SARKER
A sentence is a group of words by which we can express a complete sense about a person or a thing.
A word or a combination of words which gives a full meaning is called a sentence.
Sentences may be divided into five classes, each of which may be further subdivided into two.
  According to meaning sentences are of five kinds namely:
(1) Assertive/ Statement/ Declarative.
(2) Interrogative
(3) Imperative Sentence
(4) Optative Sentence
(5) Exclamatory Sentence
(1) What is an assertive sentence?
  An assertive sentence is the type of the sentence that describes something.
                           He knows me.
Ordinary an assertive sentence starts with a subject and ends with a full stop.
(2) What is an interrogative sentence?
  An interrogative sentence is the type of sentence that asks a question.
                          Who went there?
Ordinary an interrogative sentence begins with wh question or auxiliary verb and ends with a note of interrogation.
(3) What is an imperative sentence?
  An imperative sentence is the type of sentence that expresses an order or a request.
                         Do the work.
Ordinary an imperative sentence begins with, “Always, Please, Never, Do not, Just, Let or mainly verb and ends with a full stop.
(4) What is an optative sentence?
  An optative sentence is the type of sentence that expresses a prayer or a wish.
                         May Allah help you.
Ordinary an optative sentence starts with may or long and ends with a full stop.
(5) What is an exclamatory sentence?
   An exclamatory sentence is the type of sentence that expresses a sudden emotion.
                         What a pity!
 Ordinary an exclamatory sentence starts with “what or how” and ends with a full stop.

A sentence may be either affirmative or negative.
Sentences may be divided into five classes each of which may be further sub-divided into two.
(1) Affirmative Sentence (2) Negative Sentence
(1) Affirmative Sentence: Sentences which simply affirm something are called Affirmative Sentence.
         I have something to say.
(2) Negative Sentence: Sentences which simply deny something are called Negative Sentence.
          I have nothing to say.

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