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Degree And Honours (non – credit) compulsory English Reading And UnderstandingA freedom fighter is honoured in all lands and in all times because he fights for a noble cause which is the freedom of the motherland.

Degree And Honours (non – credit) compulsory English
Reading And Understanding
A Freedom Fighter
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:
A freedom fighter is honoured in all lands and in all times because he fights for a noble cause which is the freedom of the motherland. Freedom is the birthright of man, but sometimes this right is denied to a nation by foreign rulers. As a result, armed conflict takes place between the freedom-loving people and the occupation forces. Sometimes the war continues for years and if the people are united and determined, then the freedom fighters win and the country achieved independence. The Bengali members of the armed forces, the students and the people from all walks of life took part in the freedom-fight against the Pakistan occupation forces in 1971. They fought for long nine months and defeated the well-trained Pakistani forces.
Bangladesh became a free country. The people who fought against the Pakistani army and the people who took part in the war are called the freedom fighters. Many of the freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for the cause of the motherland. We owe our freedom to these noble freedom fighters. The freedom fighters are the golden sons of Bangladesh and her pride. The people will cherish the memory of the valiant sons till the end of Bangladesh or the world.
A. Write answers to the following questions: 2x3=6
      (i) Why are the freedom fighters honoured in all times?
      (ii) When can the freedom fighters win?
      (iii) Who are the freedom fighters of our country?
B. What is the main idea and what are the supporting ideas in this passage? 4
C. Write down the meaning of the following words in English and make your own sentences with the given words (any five): 1x5-5
    conflict, occupation, determined, achieve, efforts, sacrifice.
D. Write a summary of the passage. 5

(i)Freedom fighters are honoured in all lands and at all times, because they fight for a noble cause which is the freedom of their motherland.
(ii) When the people of the country are united and determined, freedom fighters win and as a result, the country achieves independence.
(iii) The freedom fighters of our country are those who fought against the Pakistani army by taking part in the War of Liberation in 1971.
B. The main idea and the supporting ideas of the passage are as follows
Main idea
Supporting ideas
An armed conflict takes place between the freedom-loving people and the occupation forces if freedom is denied to them.

(i) Freedom fighters are held in ,high esteem in all countries and at all times.
(ii) Many of the freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for the cause of the motherland.
(iii) Freedom fighters are the golden sons of Bangladesh to whom we owe much.
Conflict (serious disagreement): The conflict between the two brothers seems to be serious now.
Occupation (profession): His main occupation is agriculture.
Determined (strong-willed): The man is determined to shine in life.
Glorious (wonderful): They spent a glorious time when they were in college.
Achieve (gain) : In order to achieve knowledge, one must work hard.
Efforts (attempts) : With an effort of will, he resisted the temptation.
Sacrifice (immolate) : A real friend can sacrifice everything for his friend.
D. Freedom is a birthright of man. But when this right is denied to a nation for years, an armed conflict becomes a must to take place. This is what happened in Bangladesh in 1971. The people from all walks of life fought against Pakistani army and took part in the war to free the country. The entire nation is
indebted to those freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives in the Liberation War.

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