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Degree And Honours (non – credit) compulsory English Reading And Understanding Good manners form an important part of our education. Man’s education remains incomplete, if he does not learn good manners.

Degree And Honours (non – credit) compulsory English

Reading And Understanding
                                                                  GOOD MANNERS

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:
Good manners form an important part of our education. Man’s education remains incomplete, if he does not learn good manners. In our behaviour with others, we must show proper respect to them. We should show respect to our superiors and civility to our inferiors and equals. A sense of propriety is necessary for a cultured and disciplined society. Again, good manners cost us nothing. They are very often the result of good sense and good nature.
There is no fixed standard of manners. Manners vary from our country to another. What is regarded as good manners in our country may not be so in other countries. To shake one by the hand is common in Western countries but it is not so in the East. Similarly, smoking before superiors is frowned upon in our country but it is not so in the West. Manners should be learnt in childhood at home. Childhood is the best time when good manners can be best learnt and home is the place where manners can be best imbibed. Though good breeding helps man acquire good manners, the influence of parents and superiors is the most decisive in this respect. The importance of good manners in life is great indeed. Good manners win love and respect for a man and help him in life. Everyone likes a man of good manners and is glad to help him. Really, a man of good manners is a gentleman in the true sense of the term.
A. Write answers to the following questions:
(i) What do you understand by good manners?
(ii) What is the importance of good manners in life?
(iii) How should we behave towards others?
B. What is the main idea and what are the supporting ideas of the passage?
C. Give meanings of the following words in English and make your own sentences with the given words (any five): 1x5=5
inferior, regard, imbibe, breeding, propriety, standard.
D. Write a summary of the passage. 5

A. (a) By good manners, we understand the ‘behaviour pattern’ that is considered to be polite in a particular society or culture. It is indeed an important part of our education.
(b) The importance of good manners in life is great because good manners win love and admiration of all, help one in life and make one a true gentleman.
(c) We should behave towards others with a sense of propriety. We should show respect to our superiors and civility to our inferiors and equals.
B. The main idea and the supporting ideas of the passage are as follows
Main idea
Supporting idea
Good manners are part and parcel of our education without which our education remains incomplete.

(i)We should show respect to our superiors, politeness to our equals and love to younger people.
(ii) Good manners are an essential characteristic of a cultured and disciplined society.
(iii) Good manners vary from country to country.
(iv) Good manners cost nothing but
win love and respect of others.
Inferior (poor in standard/ranking below) : Fahim is inferior to Kabir in respect of knowledge and experience.
Regard (consider) : I regard you as one of the wisest persons in our village.
Imbibe (absorb) : One can hardly shake off the behaviour imbibed in one’s childhood.
Breeding (giving birth) : The dirty dustbins are the breeding place for mosquitoes.
Propriety (courtesy) : He has a sense of propriety and we should honour him for that.
Standard (levels) : He is a man of high moral standards.
Acquire (achieve) : You need to work hard to acquire wealth.
D. Good manners are part and parcel of education. A man must have a sense of propriety in dealing with others. Good manners cost nothing but they are the marks of good sense and good nature. Good manners vary from country to country. Childhood is the best time and home is the best place for acquiring good manners. High birth helps people to learn good manner in family environment. A man of good manners is loved and respected by everybody and everywhere.

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