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H.S.C and S.S.C Composition Computer

The computer is a fairly recent invention. In fact, it is a blessing of science. It has now become an essential part of modern life. It has greatly benefited us and brought about a great change in our life.
It can perform mathematical calculations and process large masses of information at a great speed.
In Bangladesh computers are being used in many industries offices, banks, airports and universities. The doctors are using it to diagnose disease. In the railway station and airport computers are working accurately. In Bangladesh it is widely used in printing sector. Almost all types of painting works are done by computers.
We can send massage in a minute through computer device. We can not think of international trade and commerce without computer. This is an age of globalization. The electronic transfer of information via the internet has made the world smaller.The 24 hours trading network has become possible because of the use of computer. Infact it has lessened our work and brought the world closer.
However the uses of computer are limited in our country. Computers are expensive and our people are not experienced about the uses of computer.
We must use this gift of science at all levels of our work. We must bring all things under computer network to keep pace with the modern world.

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