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H.S.C and S.S.C Composition Discipline

Discipline means obedience to certain rules and regulations. Man is a social being. In the society he can not do whatever he likes. He has to abide by some rules. This is called discipline. Discipline is necessary in every walk of our life. It is the key to success in life.
Discipline is the first law of nature. The whole universe goes on according to some fixed rules. The earth, the stars and planets move in their fixed orbit. The planets move round the sun in a disciplined way. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The seasons of the years come one after another in regular turns. If there was no discipline in nature, the world would have been destroyed.
In the play ground the players must obey some rules. They must obey the referee. If the players do not obey the captain of the team, they will surely lose the game.
Student life is the best period for learning discipline. A school is the proper training center for teaching good discipline. In school and colleges the students must obey the teachers. A student must attend school regularly and obey the rules of the school.
Discipline is very important everywhere in our life. A man without discipline can not prosper in life. The family, the society, the office and the state can not go without discipline. Discipline is needed at home and the state . In the family all the members must obey the head of my family. A nation can not prosper if there is no discipline. The citizens must obey the laws and rules of the state. Other wise chaos and disorder will prevail.
A life without discipline is like a ship without a rudder. We must be disciplined.

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