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H.S.C and S.S.C Composition A JOURNEY BY TRAIN

A journey by train is very interesting and pleasant., I made a journey by train from Dhaka to Chittagong. I traveled with My uncle and brother to Chittagong. I made this journey during the last summer vacation.
It was summer vacation. Our school was closed for fifteen days. We reached kamalapur railway station at 7 a.m. It was very crowded. The station was full of cries of the passengers and hawkers. We bought tickets and got into the train. Suddenly the guard blew the whistle and the train started. It was a mail train. At first the train moved very slowly. Then the train began to run in full speed. 
My seat was by the window. I was peeping through the window. The beautiful scenery outside charmed me. It was passing though the green fields. There were jute, sugarcane, and paddy plants here and there. They were tossing their heads in the breeze. The houses and the trees on both the sides seemed to be running back. I was very excited. Nature's beauty on both sides gave me joy. I saw the farmers working in the field. At Sitakundu our train was passing by the hills. It was a wonder to me.  
Our train reached in Chittagong at 4 p. M. We got down from the train and our happy journey came to an end. This journey was very much interesting to me. I shall never forget the sweet memory of this journey.

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